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本研究旨在探討新北市國中身心障礙資源班教師入班協助或訓練知能與執行現況,並討論不同變項之資源班教師差異情形。本研究採用問卷調查法及焦點團體訪談,以新北市國中身心障礙資源班教師為研究對象,參與研究對象共154人。所得資料以平均數、標準差、單因子變異數、質性分析呈現;研究結果如下:一、資源班教師在入班協助或訓練普遍具備相當知能程度。二、資源班教師在入班協助或訓練知能上,因「不同資源班教學年資」、「不同個案管理數」、「不同學校規模」而有顯著差異。三、資源班教師在入班協助或訓練部分項目執行程度略低於知能程度,尤其在: 「科技輔具使用訓練」、「家庭訪視」、「協同或示範教學」。四、資源班教師在入班協助或訓練執行上,因「不同教師資格」、「不同資源班教學年資」、「不同個案管理數」、「不同學校規模」而有顯著差異。五、資源班教師實施入班協助或訓練時,成功的要素有:「多元收集個案資訊」、「評估適合的項目與計畫」、「團隊合作」、「計畫性的褪除協助」。根據本研究結果,分別對教育行政機關、資源班教師與未來的研究提出建議,提供後續之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the proficiency and execution on the involvement in regular classes teaching or training of junior high school resource room teachers in New Taipei City, and compared the differences among resource room teachers with different background variables. The questionnaire survey and focus group were adopted as the manners of conducting this study. This study included 154 participants, who were resource room teachers in New Taipei City. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA. The results of the study were as follows:1. The resource room teachers had high proficiency in the involvement in regular classes teaching or training.2. In respect of the proficiency in the involvement in regular classes teaching or training, the resource room teachers with different teaching tenure as a resource room teacher, with different numbers of cases, and came from different school sizes had significant differences .3. The resource room teachers had lower execution on the involvement inregular classes teaching or training, especially in“the usage of technology aids,"“the practice of home visit"and“the execution on co-teaching.”4. As for the execution on the involvement in regular classes teaching or training, the resource room teachers with different teacher qualification, with different teaching tenure as a resource room teacher, with different numbers of cases, and came from different school sizes had significant differences.5. When the resource room teachers implemented the involvement in regular classes teaching or training, the successful factors were“diversified collection of case information, ""evaluate suitable items and plans, ""team work, "and"reduce assistance gradually ".Based on the results of the study, some suggestions, on the whole, were applied to education administration authority, resource room teachers and future studies.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the proficiency and execution on the involvement in regular classes teaching or training of junior high school resource room teachers in New Taipei City, and compared the differences among resource room teachers with different background variables. The questionnaire survey and focus group were adopted as the manners of conducting this study. This study included 154 participants, who were resource room teachers in New Taipei City. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA. The results of the study were as follows:1. The resource room teachers had high proficiency in the involvement in regular classes teaching or training.2. In respect of the proficiency in the involvement in regular classes teaching or training, the resource room teachers with different teaching tenure as a resource room teacher, with different numbers of cases, and came from different school sizes had significant differences .3. The resource room teachers had lower execution on the involvement inregular classes teaching or training, especially in“the usage of technology aids,"“the practice of home visit"and“the execution on co-teaching.”4. As for the execution on the involvement in regular classes teaching or training, the resource room teachers with different teacher qualification, with different teaching tenure as a resource room teacher, with different numbers of cases, and came from different school sizes had significant differences.5. When the resource room teachers implemented the involvement in regular classes teaching or training, the successful factors were“diversified collection of case information, ""evaluate suitable items and plans, ""team work, "and"reduce assistance gradually ".Based on the results of the study, some suggestions, on the whole, were applied to education administration authority, resource room teachers and future studies.
身心障礙學生, 資源教室, 資源班教師, 入班協助或訓練, 學校適應, students with disabilities, resource room, resource room teachers, involvement in regular classes teaching or training, school adjustment