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本研究主要在探討脊髓損傷者,在接觸適應體育之輪椅桌球運動後,對其生涯自我概念及復原力,是否有助益;並調查目前國內參與比賽之脊髓損傷輪椅桌球選手的概況。本研究方式採問卷調查法與測驗法,以結構式問卷進行資料蒐集。另施測生涯自我概念量表與復原力量表。研究對象30位,男性26位,女性4位;其中以男性居多,主要年齡層大於40歲,學歷以高中職較多,受傷時年齡層在21-30歲居多,受傷部位以胸椎為多,球齡以4年以上者居多,每週花在練習打球的時間為4小時內,鼓勵者以「共同參與輪椅桌球運動的的球友」為最多數。 研究結果發現:不同球齡、體位分級者的生涯自我概念表現有明顯差異。不同球齡在復原力表現上有明顯差異。 本研究結果可以提供脊髓損傷福利團體和相關研究者做為參考,我們應鼓勵脊髓損傷者參與適應體育活動,減少脊髓損傷自殘的機率。
The purpose of this thesis is to (1) investigate the benefit of an adaptive physical education (i.e. wheelchair table tennis)on the career self-concept and resilience in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients; and (2) conduct a survey for the SCI population who participated in the wheelchair table tennis in Taiwan. Two structured questionnaires are used to collect data in this project including, Career Self-concept Questionnaire and Resilience Questionnaire. There are 30 SCI subjects in this study including 26 male and 4 female. The age of most subjects are over 40 years old with the education degree of high school. The majority of the subjects got injured at thoracic level when they were 21-30 years. Most of the subjects have joined wheelchair table tennis over four years and spent less than 4 hours per weeks. The most encouragement came from another SCI players during the games. This study indicates the development of career self-concept is significantly influenced by the time of participation in wheelchair table tennis and physical classification. In addition, the time of participating wheelchair table tennis also has significant contribution to the resilience. The results of this study provides a valuable reference for the SCI related associations and researchers. We should encourage more SCI patients to participate adaptive physical education to reduce the possibility of suicide.



脊髓損傷, 輪椅桌球, 生涯自我概念, 復原力, spinal cord injury, wheelchair table tennis, career self-concept, resilience





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