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從19世紀開始,國際上已有少數幾個國家廢止死刑,進入20世紀,特別是在90年代後,許多國家廢止了死刑,其中廢止死刑最為徹底的是歐洲地區,並且已成為一個無死刑的社會,足可作為尚未廢止死刑國家學習的標竿。由於死刑是殘酷且不人道的刑罰,且無助於刑罰教育的目的,同時對社會的防衛及犯罪被害者痛苦之減輕亦無助益,比死刑殘忍有過之而無不及的身體刑,都已經走入歷史,死刑已沒有存在之必要。鑒於廢止死刑已然是國際日漸形成的共識,加以廢止死刑又是標誌人權國家的象徵,死刑係生命權之剝奪,無生命則無所謂人權可言。基於以上的認識,我國要成為人權國家,絕對不可再逃避死刑廢止此一嚴肅課題。 到目前為止,我國在廢止死刑政策上尚未有明確的期程,而民調顯示民眾反對廢止死刑者仍高居多數,面對這種情勢,廢止死刑仍是一條艱辛的路。因此,本研究認為國際上廢止死刑的潮流,國人實有瞭解的必要,因為他國能廢止死刑,進而成為文明社會的國家,而我們尚不能,其中原因何在,我們不能不知。本研究首先探討廢止死刑之國際觀點與經驗,以瞭解廢止死刑國際公約、政府間及非政府組織推動廢止死刑運動的過程,以及國際主要國家廢止死刑的經驗,俾作我國之借鏡。其次,探究我國廢止死刑之現況,並分別就台灣死刑制度分析、廢止死刑之法理基礎、配套及廢止死刑法制化所面臨之困境論述,並提出推動廢止死刑之相關作為。唯有知己短處、知彼優點之所在,才能對症下藥,找出根本解決之道,台灣才有辦法在法律上廢除死刑。 針對上開相關議題,本研究在結論部分提出包括台灣應廢止死刑以符合國際潮流及我國家領導人應有廢止死刑的政治意志與道德勇氣等五項建議,以作為我國推動廢止死刑政策上之些許參考。
Some few countries have abolished death penalty since the 19th century, and many have done so since the 20th century, especially since the 1990’s. All the European countries have all abolished death penalty, and Europe has become a society without death penalty. Countries that have not abolished it shall learn from Europe. Death penalty, very cruel and inhuman punishment, cannot achieve the purpose of criminal education, nor contribute to social defense and to alleviate the pains of the victims. Furthermore, since body punishment that is much crueler than death penalty has become history for a long time, death penalty shall not exist. The abolishment of death penalty has become a common goal in the international and is the symbol of states of human rights. Death penalty deprives life and there are no human rights without life. Therefore, if Taiwan aims to become a state of human rights, it cannot avoid discussing such a serious issue. So far, Taiwan does not have a specific agenda on the abolishment of death penalty and the survey indicates that most people are against it. There is, therefore, still a long way to go to abolish death penalty. This research considers that it is necessary for our people to understand the international trend of abolishing death penalty and only then can we figure out why we cannot abolish death penalty and become a civilized country. This research first explores the international perspectives and experiences in abolishing death penalty for our reference, including international conventions on the abolishment of death penalty, how intra-governmental and non-governmental organizations advance the abolishment of death penalty and some countries’ experience in abolishing death penalty. It secondly explores the current development of abolishment of death penalty in Taiwan. It analyzes the death penalty institution in Taiwan, legal theories of abolishment death penalty, measures and difficulties encountered in legalizing the abolishment of death penalty, and then proposes strategies. Only understanding our own difficulties and others’ successful experiences can we find out the solution and abolish death penalty. The research proposes five points as the conclusion for our reference in advancing abolishing death penalty, including that we shall abolish death penalty to catch the international trend and our national leader shall possess the will and courage to abolish death penalty.



死刑, 生命權, 人性尊嚴, 刑罰, 人權





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