本研究目的為探討中學階段藝術才能優異學生的復原力及其影響因子發展情形,透過分析中學階段藝術才能優異學生不同背景變項間的復原力差異,了解藝術才能優異學生的復原力特色,並進一步分析復原力及其影響因子之相關性及預測力。本研究採用調查研究法,研究對象為111學年度就讀臺北市之中學階段藝術才能優異學生,包含國中藝術才能班136人、高中藝術才能資優班113人及國中藝術才能資優方案19人,問卷回收率為89.04%。研究工具含「Connor-Davidson 復原力量表 (CD-RISC)」(Connor& Davidson, 2003) 及研究者自編量表「復原力影響因子自評問卷」,該量表經預試並獲得良好的信效度分析 (Cronbach’s α = .918)。研究分析方法運用描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析。研究結果說明如下:
The purpose of the study was to examine the resilience and the impact factors of the artistically gifted students in middle schools. Through analyzing the differences between students with different background variables, the study pictured the characteristics of their resilience. Also, the correlation and predictability between resilience and the impact factors had been discussed.The method of the study was survey research. The participants of the study were the artistically gifted students in middle schools of Taipei City during the 111 academic year, including 136 students from the arts-talented class in junior high schools, 113 students from the arts-talented-and-gifted class in senior high schools and 19 students from the arts-talented-and-gifted program in junior high schools. The measurements of the study included the “Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)” (Connor& Davidson, 2003) and the “Resilience Impact Factor Self-Evaluation Questionnaire”, which was edited by the researcher, and had been proved to show reliability and validity through pre-test (Cronbach’s α = .918). The data was analyzed through statistical methods including: descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The mean score of the artistically gifted students inmiddle schools scored in CD-RISC was 61.97, which was similar to the mean score of adults age 25 year-old and below in Taiwan. The mean score of the 5 impact factors of resilience arranged from 2.34 to 2.76, which were all higher than the median number, inferred that the 5 impact factors were all resilience protective factors.2. Students in junior high school appeared to have significant difference in resilience score according to their educational replacement. Between students with different gender, arts specialty, educational stage and study experience in arts-talented (gifted) classes, there were no significant difference in resilience score.3. Among the differences of the resilience impact factors between different background variables of the artistically gifted students in middle schools, dance talented students scored significantly higher than music talented students in peer relationship; senior high school students from arts-talented-and-gifted class scored significantly higher than junior high school students from arts-talented class in peer relationship; junior high school students from arts-talented-and-gifted program scored significantly higher than students from arts-talented class in learning self-efficiency and social resources.4. The correlation between the resilience impact factors and resilience of the artistically gifted students in middle schools was positive. Learning self-efficiency and social resources were highly correlated; family relationship, peer relationship and teacher-student relationship were moderately correlated.5. Four resilience impact factors could predict the resilience score of the artistically gifted students in middle schools. According to the accuracy of the prediction, the four resilience impact factors were as follows: learning self-efficiency, social resources, peer relationship and family relationship.Following the results, the study provided educational and research suggestions. For educational suggestions, teachers should reinforce the learning self-efficiency and social resources resilience impact factors of the artistically gifted students in middle schools, establish cooperative learning environment to enhance peer relationship and allow students to have multiple educational replacement choices. For future research suggestions, researchers could expand research participants, operate longitudinal studies on the correlation between the artistically gifted students’ achievement and their resilience, or applicate different research methods to develop teaching strategies to improve students’ resilience.
The purpose of the study was to examine the resilience and the impact factors of the artistically gifted students in middle schools. Through analyzing the differences between students with different background variables, the study pictured the characteristics of their resilience. Also, the correlation and predictability between resilience and the impact factors had been discussed.The method of the study was survey research. The participants of the study were the artistically gifted students in middle schools of Taipei City during the 111 academic year, including 136 students from the arts-talented class in junior high schools, 113 students from the arts-talented-and-gifted class in senior high schools and 19 students from the arts-talented-and-gifted program in junior high schools. The measurements of the study included the “Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)” (Connor& Davidson, 2003) and the “Resilience Impact Factor Self-Evaluation Questionnaire”, which was edited by the researcher, and had been proved to show reliability and validity through pre-test (Cronbach’s α = .918). The data was analyzed through statistical methods including: descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The mean score of the artistically gifted students inmiddle schools scored in CD-RISC was 61.97, which was similar to the mean score of adults age 25 year-old and below in Taiwan. The mean score of the 5 impact factors of resilience arranged from 2.34 to 2.76, which were all higher than the median number, inferred that the 5 impact factors were all resilience protective factors.2. Students in junior high school appeared to have significant difference in resilience score according to their educational replacement. Between students with different gender, arts specialty, educational stage and study experience in arts-talented (gifted) classes, there were no significant difference in resilience score.3. Among the differences of the resilience impact factors between different background variables of the artistically gifted students in middle schools, dance talented students scored significantly higher than music talented students in peer relationship; senior high school students from arts-talented-and-gifted class scored significantly higher than junior high school students from arts-talented class in peer relationship; junior high school students from arts-talented-and-gifted program scored significantly higher than students from arts-talented class in learning self-efficiency and social resources.4. The correlation between the resilience impact factors and resilience of the artistically gifted students in middle schools was positive. Learning self-efficiency and social resources were highly correlated; family relationship, peer relationship and teacher-student relationship were moderately correlated.5. Four resilience impact factors could predict the resilience score of the artistically gifted students in middle schools. According to the accuracy of the prediction, the four resilience impact factors were as follows: learning self-efficiency, social resources, peer relationship and family relationship.Following the results, the study provided educational and research suggestions. For educational suggestions, teachers should reinforce the learning self-efficiency and social resources resilience impact factors of the artistically gifted students in middle schools, establish cooperative learning environment to enhance peer relationship and allow students to have multiple educational replacement choices. For future research suggestions, researchers could expand research participants, operate longitudinal studies on the correlation between the artistically gifted students’ achievement and their resilience, or applicate different research methods to develop teaching strategies to improve students’ resilience.
中學階段藝術才能優異學生, 情意輔導, 復原力, 藝術才能, Affective counseling, artistically gifted students in middle schools, art-talented education, resilience