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飽和土壤水力傳導度是許多水文模式中不可或缺的參數之一,因為它與入滲、土壤水移動、逕流路徑及化學傳輸等密切相關。福山試驗林為國科會長期生態研究試區,六龜試驗林則為農委會森林生態系經營示範區,兩者均與森林水文特性密切相關,但至今這二處試驗林的水力傳導度資料仍尚未完備,對水文模式的應用與生物地質化學循環的研究均甚不便,因此,本研究目的在於應用Guelph滲透計,有系統地調查福山一號及扇平四號集水區水力導度之特性。結果顯示,福山一號集水區平均水力傳導度為10.5X10-4 cm/s,且山頂與山谷水力傳導度顯著不同;扇平四號集水區平均水力傳導度為29.7X10-4 cm/s,山頂、山腹與山谷水力傳導度則無差異。此外,福山一號與扇平四號集水區無論是在山頂、山腹或山谷,其水力傳導度均呈顯著差異,與土壤性質、地形及降雨特性有關。
Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity is a necessary parameter for many hydrologic models, because it is closely related to infiltration, soil water movement, flow pathway, and chemical transportation. The Fushan Experimental Forest is a site for long-term ecological research supported by the National Science Council, while the Liukuei Experimental Forest is a demonstration site for forest ecosystem management financed by the Council of Agriculture, Taiwan. Both sites' ecosystems are obviously affected by forest hydrologic characteristics, such as saturated soil hydraulic conductivity. However, these fundamental data in both sites were insufficient that were inconvenient for hydrological modeling and biogeochemical studies. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to investigate saturated soil hydraulic conductivity systematically using the Guelph permeameter in the Fushan watershed No.1 and Sanping watershed No.4. Results showed that average hydraulic conductivity was 10.5X10-4 cm/s in the Fushan watershed No.1, and was 29.7X10-4 cm/s in the Sanping watershed No.4. Based on statistic analysis, hydraulic conductivity data were significantly different between ridge and valley areas in the Fushan watershed No.1. On the contrary, these data among ridge, hillslope, and valley areas were strongly similar in the Sanping watershed No.4. Comparing Fushan and Sanping watersheds, both hydraulic conductivity data demonstrated significantly difference among ridge, hillslope, and valley areas each other. This obvious difference may be due to soil property, topography, and rainfall characteristics.
Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity is a necessary parameter for many hydrologic models, because it is closely related to infiltration, soil water movement, flow pathway, and chemical transportation. The Fushan Experimental Forest is a site for long-term ecological research supported by the National Science Council, while the Liukuei Experimental Forest is a demonstration site for forest ecosystem management financed by the Council of Agriculture, Taiwan. Both sites' ecosystems are obviously affected by forest hydrologic characteristics, such as saturated soil hydraulic conductivity. However, these fundamental data in both sites were insufficient that were inconvenient for hydrological modeling and biogeochemical studies. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to investigate saturated soil hydraulic conductivity systematically using the Guelph permeameter in the Fushan watershed No.1 and Sanping watershed No.4. Results showed that average hydraulic conductivity was 10.5X10-4 cm/s in the Fushan watershed No.1, and was 29.7X10-4 cm/s in the Sanping watershed No.4. Based on statistic analysis, hydraulic conductivity data were significantly different between ridge and valley areas in the Fushan watershed No.1. On the contrary, these data among ridge, hillslope, and valley areas were strongly similar in the Sanping watershed No.4. Comparing Fushan and Sanping watersheds, both hydraulic conductivity data demonstrated significantly difference among ridge, hillslope, and valley areas each other. This obvious difference may be due to soil property, topography, and rainfall characteristics.