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本研究旨在了解台南市國民中學學生網路使用行為與所具備的網路素養情形,並探討不同個人變項及不同網路使用行為在網路素養方面的差異情形,最後並探討不同網路素養層面間的相關。 本研究採用問卷調查法來收集所需要的資料,問卷包含學生的個人基本資料、網路使用行為情形與網路素養所含的網路技能、資訊評估、網路安全、網路法律和網路倫理等五個面向。以台南市62所公立國民中學學生七到九年級為研究對象,採分層叢集取樣的方式,發出問卷1296份,共得有效問卷1104份,問卷有效率93%,問卷所得資料以SPSS for Microsoft Windows 統計軟體12.0版進行t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法,分析其結果如下: 一、每周上網頻繁度以偶爾上網情形最多,每周平均上網時數為 4~10小時;最常上網的時段則以假日居多;最常使用網路地點則 以家裡為主;經常在網路上進行活動仍以線上遊戲佔多數。 二、台南市國中學生的網路素養呈現中上程度,其中以網路安全層面 最高,資訊評估層面最低。 三、女生的網路素養整體表現較男生正向積極。 四、家裡有網路設備之國中生其網路素養表現優於家裡無網路設備 者。 五、九年級學生在網路技能層面表現優於七、八年級。 六、網齡越長則其網路素養表現越佳 七、父母會管教及參與網路行為的學生其網路素養表現較佳。 八、每週有時和偶爾上網者其資訊評估表現優於經常、從不者。 九、最常在放假日和放學後到晚上10點前上網者其網路技能表現優於 在學校時間者。 十、最常在學校和家裡上網者其網路法律、網路倫理、網路素養整體 表現優於在網咖者。 十一、網路素養五個面向彼此均達顯著正相關 最後本研究依據研究結果,對教育主管機關、國中教師、家長與後續研究者提出建議。
This study aims to investigate the relationship between Internet behavior and Internet literacy of junior high school students in Tainan City. In addition, this study examines the differences in Internet literacy due to the variables of the students' background and Internet behavior. Finally, this study also explores the correlation among different aspects of Internet literacy. This study used a questionnaire for data collection. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: students’ background information, Internet behavior, and Internet literacy (including Internet skills, information evaluation, Internet safety, Internet law, and Internet ethics). The subjects were students (from 7th to 9th grades) from 62 public junior high schools in Tainan City. By stratified cluster sampling, a total of 1296 students were sampled and valid questionnaires amounted to 1104 copies. The valid response rate was 93%. Then, the collected data were analyzed through statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation in SPSS 12.0 for Microsoft Windows. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. Most students’ weekly frequency of surfing the Internet was “sometimes” and the average time was 4 ~ 10 hours per week. As for the surfing time and place, the students surfed the Internet mostly on holidays and mostly at home. Besides,for the students, playing online games was still a major online activity. 2. On the whole, the junior high school students' Internet literacy was above the average level. Internet safety ranked the highest, and information evaluation ranked the lowest. 3. As a whole, girls had more positive attitudes than boys in Internet literacy. 4. The students who had computer and Internet facilities at home had better Internet literacy than those who didn’t. 5. The 9th graders had better Internet skills than the 7th or 8th grade students. 6. The more experience (Internet-using history) the students had, the better Internet literacy they had. 7. The students whose parents limited, concerned, and discussed the Internet activities with them would have better Internet literacy. 8. The students’ different weekly frequencies of surfing the Internet had significant effects on their information evaluation. The students who sometimes or seldom surfed the net had better performance than those who usually or never surfed the net. 9. The students who surfed the net mostly on holidays and after school (before 10:00 p.m.) had better performance in Internet skills than those who surfed the net mostly at school. 10. The students who surfed the net mostly at home and at school had better performance in Internet law, Internet ethics, and overall better Internet literacy than those who surfed the net in Internet cafes. 11.There were significant positive correlations among the five aspects of Internet literacy.\ Finally, according to the results of the study, some suggestions for administrators of education, junior high school teachers, parents, and future researchers are offered



網路素養, 網路使用行為, Internet Behavior, Internet Literacy





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