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國內公共圖書館推動Bookstart,醫療單位僅扮演輔助角色,如今已有兒科醫療人員為健全嬰幼兒身心發展、實踐預防醫學,依循美國兒科醫師建立之展臂閱讀(Reach Out and Read, ROR)模式,利用健兒門診、定期打預防針的機會鼓勵大人陪孩子玩閱讀遊戲。在此發展背景與契機之中,公共圖書館館員與兒科醫療人員,該如何攜手推展嬰幼兒閱讀? 本研究分析、比較國內公共圖書館館員與兒科醫療人員,推動嬰幼兒閱讀的模式,並試圖找出結合館員與醫療人員的嬰幼兒閱讀推動模式。本研究以半結構訪談法蒐集國內Bookstart與ROR推動模式之資料,共訪談15位公共圖書館館員與9位兒科醫療人員,繼以構成社會服務方案四要素:輸入、運作、輸出、成效,作為分析訪談內容之架構。 研究分析結果發現:(一)國內Bookstart與ROR模式各有特色與優勢。(二)兩種模式形塑出推動嬰幼兒閱讀的核心要素。(三)均缺乏推動歷程紀錄系統。(四)公共圖書館館員與兒科醫療人員因不同的服務使命,而產生不同服務成效。基於上述研究結果,提出對公共圖書館與兒科醫療單位之建議,包括:限量物質資源應優先提供給最缺乏的嬰幼兒家庭、推動者應建置推動歷程紀錄系統、兒科醫療單位與公共圖書館應整合各自的專業資源,攜手推展嬰幼兒閱讀以健全嬰幼兒身心發展。
Public libraries in Taiwan have implemented the Bookstart program with the goal of improving reading among infants and young children, and health care facilities play a crucial supporting role in this task. Specifically, to strengthen the physical and mental development of infants and young children and practice preventive health care, pediatric health care personnel have followed the Reach Out and Read (ROR) model established by pediatricians in the United States and utilized well-baby clinic visits or scheduled vaccinations to encourage adults to engage in reading games with infants and young children. Against this background and these opportunities for development, the question of how staff in public libraries and the pediatric health care system should work together to promote reading habits among children remains to be answered. The present study analyzed and compared the models employed by public libraries and pediatric health care personnel to promote reading habits in infants and young children with the goal of finding an implementation model that is effective for both parties. Semistructured interviews were conducted to compile data on implementation models for Bookstart and ROR programs in Taiwan. A total of 15 librarians and 9 pediatric health care personnel were interviewed. The framework of the interview analysis was based on the four factors of social service plans: inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes. The results revealed the following: (1) Bookstart and ROR models adopted in Taiwan have their own traits and advantages; (2) Bookstart and ROR comprise the core of promoting reading habits among children in Taiwan; (3) Bookstart and ROR lack an effective documentation system for the course of implementation; and (4) public librarians and pediatric health care personnel achieve different service outcomes due to their differing service missions. Based on these findings, numerous suggestions are proposed for public libraries and pediatric health care facilities, including giving priority to underprivileged families with children when distributing limited resources, ensuring an effective documentation system for the implementation course, and integrating the professional resources of pediatric health care facilities and public libraries. Through these actions, infants and young children’s reading programs can be jointly implemented to help strengthen the physical and mental development of infants and young children.



嬰幼兒閱讀, 公共圖書館, 閱讀起步走, 小兒科醫生, 展臂閱讀, infant and young children’s reading, public library, Bookstart, pediatrician, Reach Out and Read





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