
dc.contributorChang, Tzu-chauen_US
dc.contributorChiau, Wen-Yanen_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Ling-Chuen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣環境教育政策歷經超過30年的推動,對整體的環境教育具有正面效益。期間歷經多次政策演變,在不同階段,其所推動目標與內涵亦不同,具有歷史性的重要意義與作用。 從過去文獻資料當中,發現我國環境教育政策發展,尚未有整體性及系統性的研究。因此,本研究從歷史宏觀的視角,採用文件分析法、訪談法和比較分析法等方法,探討環境教育政策發展脈絡與成果,以及分析環境教育政策與立法執行之影響。 研究結果為因環境教育政策與立法執行的影響,在這30年來產生很大的變化,已是全面性發展,並受到學校、民間團體、社區、企業及民眾等各社群重視,也讓民眾對生存環境開啟新視野和關懷,環境保護也因而有卓越的進步。不僅大幅提升全民環境素養,更重視保護環境的實踐。執行的問題為環境教育逐漸走向形式化、環境教育認證趨向制式化、通過環境教育認證者未能充分發揮所長、經費使用恐未符合用途或妥善運用、溝通協調有待加強、尚未建立環境教育政策成效評估、刪除參訪方法恐淪為室內靜態活動,以及行動力有待再努力。 研究獲致結論為:1. 政府會因應環境變遷及社會需求,與時俱進修訂環境教育政策,作為各級政府施政依據,並引領各社群推動。2. 環境教育政策目標與內涵,呼應全球環境教育思潮,以永續發展為目標,呈現環境教育的時代性。3. 建立完整環境教育執行體系與資源,擴大各社群參與層面和機會,逐漸發揮效應。4. 積極推動學校環境教育,營造生態永續校園,將環境教育列為課程重要議題,對培育環境公民貢獻良多,並致力推廣社會環境教育,已發揮正面的效應。5. 對於民眾環境素養及環境品質的提升絕對有幫助。6. 環境教育法施行對環境教育更具顯著的影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan environmental education policy has been promoted and had a positive impact on environmental education over the past 30 years. During this period, the policy has been changed several times with different purposes of promotions and contents. It has own historic significance and function at different stages. In a literature review section, the researches regarding to the development of environmental education policy in Taiwan was not comprehensive and systematic. Therefore, this study uses document analysis, interviews, and comparative analysis to explore the development of the environmental education policy, and also, the impact of the environmental education policy and implementation of legislation in a macro-historical perspective. Due to the influence of environmental education policy and legislation, the results of the study show that the society has undergone great changes with a comprehensive development over three decades. Environmental education is valued by schools, civil society, communities, enterprises, and the public. It also expands Taiwanese horizons in the living environment and makes great progress on protecting the environment. The policy not only improves citizen’s environmental literacy but also makes people pay more attention to the practice of environmental protection. However, there are problems of implementations, including environmental education becoming a mere formality, certification of environmental education tending to be standardized, no places to bring certified people’s initiatives into full play, improperly used funding, deleting visit, and lack of fully communication, assessment of environmental education policy and execution. This study concludes with some points. First, the government should take the lead in playing an exemplary role by amending the policy of environmental education, as the basis for governance at all levels and all communities, in response to environmental changes and social needs. Second, the goals and the contents of environmental education policy should be aimed at sustainable development to respond to the contemporary global trend. Third, by establishing a deliberate system of environmental education to expand the levels of participation and have influences on the society. Forth, to actively promote the environmental education in schools to create an ecologically sustainable campus and bring it as an important topic in the school curriculum. The promotion of social environmental education contributes to the cultivation of citizen’s environmental literacy with a positive effect. Fifth, Environmental education is definitely helpful to the enhancement of citizen’s environmental literacy and improvement of environmental quality. Sixth, the implementation of Environmental Education Act has a significant impact on environmental education.en_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental Educationen_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental Education Policyen_US
dc.subjectLegislation of Environmental Educationen_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental Education Acten_US
dc.titleA Research on the Effects of Environmental Education Policy and Legislation in Taiwanen_US


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