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摘要 本研究旨在探討我國高中高職餐飲管理科及觀光科教師工作滿足、組織承諾與離職傾向之關係,研究採用普查方式,將台灣地區高中高職餐飲管理科及觀光科專業教師為列入調查範圍,含進修學校,以自編調查問卷為主要調查工具,於九十三年九月中旬郵寄發送問卷,有效問卷464份,有效回收率為97%,經統計處理獲得以下結論: 一、目前高中高職餐飲管理科及觀光科教師以已婚者居多;任教環境仍以私立學校居多;主要年齡為30-34歲,教學年資以5年以下為多數;學歷仍以一般大學者為最多。 二、高中高職餐飲管理科及觀光科教師之工作滿足、組織承諾偏向中等以上程度,離職傾向則趨於中等程度。 三、不同背景變項的高中高職餐飲管理科及觀光科教師,在工作滿足、組織承諾與離職傾向的部份構面有顯著差異。 四、教師背景變項中,學校規模、婚姻、年資、學校性質與工作滿足呈顯著正相關;而年齡、學歷、擔任職務與工作滿足各構面皆無顯著相關。 五、教師背景變項中,年齡、婚姻及年資、學歷及學校規模與組織承諾呈顯著正相關;而在擔任職務及學校性質無顯著相關。 六、教師背景變項中,年齡、婚姻、年資、學校規模、學校性質與離職傾向呈顯著負相關,惟學歷及擔任職務無顯著相關。 七、高中高職餐飲管理科及觀光科教師之工作滿足、組織承諾與離職傾向有顯著負相關。 八、高中高職餐飲管理科及觀光科教師之工作滿足、組織承諾可以有效預測教師離職傾向。
Abstract The study aims to explore the correlation of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention among high school/vocational school food and beverage management department / tourism department teachers in Taiwan. The study takes to a general survey method by enlisting Taiwan’s high school / vocational school food and beverage management department / tourism department teachers full-time teachers as the scope of survey, including those teaching at adult schools, and utilizes a survey questionnaire compiled by the authors as the main surveying tool. The questionnaires are sent in mid September 2004, and a total of 464 valid questionnaires have been collected. Following is the results: A. Teachers with varied demographic characteristics are found with variations in terms of their school job satisfaction, organizational commitment and their turnover intention. B. The surveys show the median ratings on the current state of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention being close to the theoretic midpoint of four points would indicate that the findings are lending toward an intermediary tendency. C. Teachers’ marital status, seniority, school nature and school scale are positively correlated to their job satisfaction. D. Teachers’ marital status, age, seniority are negatively correlated to their organizational commitment, and are negatively correlated to their turnover intention. E. Teachers’ marital status, age, seniority, school nature and school scale are positively correlated to their organizational commitment, and are negatively correlated to their turnover intention. F. There is significantly negative relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. G. Among teachers’ age, tenure, school scale, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are found to provide ominous forecasting yield toward their turnover intentions.



工作滿足, 組織承諾, 離職傾向, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention





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