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偏遠地區學生學習不彰為台灣教育長久以來的問題,吾人須知提升學子的學習成效並非僅是相關部門的責任,乃是學校、家庭,甚至為整個社區的責任。於是J. Epstein提出學校、家庭與社區夥伴關係的參與架構,發展更完善的夥伴關係方案,提升學生學習成效。本研究利用調查研究法,以全國偏遠地區公立國民中學的導師、家長與學生為研究母群體進行抽樣,分析我國偏遠地區學校在夥伴關係運作情形。本問卷共有三種,分別為導師版、家長版與學生版,總計抽取30所學校,導師回收率為57.67%,家長回收率為59.44%,學生為70.26%。問卷處理採SPSS for Windows17.0版統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 綜合文獻探討及調查研究結果之發現,獲致以下結論: 一、家庭與學校皆認為學校在夥伴關係的運作方面成效較高,而家庭成員在夥伴關係的作為較為消極 二、學校、家庭較著重溝通、在家學習與親職職責,對於做決定、志工以及與社區合作較少著墨 三、家庭與學校之間的溝通管道較為單一、傳統化 四、教師背景不會影響夥伴關係的運行,教師態度卻是決定的關鍵 五、學生本身條件無關乎夥伴關係的運行,但是家庭環境與家長背景變項影響夥伴關係的參與 依據本研究所獲結論,針對學校、教育機關及未來研究者提出相關建議,以供參考。
The purpose of this questionnaire survey study research is to examine the perceptions and operations of teachers, parents, and students towards current school family and community partnerships in junior high school located in remote districts. Such perceptions are compiled by means of surveys based on Dr. Joyce Epstein's framework of the Six Dimensions of Parental Involvement. Then, the questionnaires are delivered to school faculties in 30 junior high schools. Eentually, the returned rate of questionnaire about teachers is 57.67%; the returned rate about parents is 59.44%, and the returned rate about students is 70.26%. The results of this result of this study are as the fallowing: 1. Family and school members indicate that the performances of school members are better than family members. 2. “Parenting”, “communication”, and “Learning at home” are the most involvement styles for school members and parents. “Volunteering”, “decision-making”, and “collaborating with the community” are found to be the least involvement styles. 3. The communicating tubes are indicated to tranditons and unitary. 4. Teachers’ attitudes are reported to be the crucial factors associatied with school, family and community partnerships. 5. Parents’ basic statuses ar reported to be the crucial factors associated with school, family and community partnerships. The conclusions of the study are proposed will be the reference for the faculties in junior high schools, the administrative managers and the future researchers.



學校, 家庭與社區夥伴關係, 偏遠地區, school family and community partnership, remote districts





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