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在網路全球化的影響下,視覺圖像被媒體廣泛地運用,傳播的速度與品質也大幅提升,是否也影響了正處於青少年期的國中生圖形創造表現能力?本研究針對居住地區不同、性別不同、人格特質認同程度不同、參與視覺活動意願高低不同等因素,探討其對於圖形創造力的發展與表現之影響,並深入探討其中影響差異的因素。 本研究的取樣對象是國中生,以大台北地區的臺北縣兩所不同行政區的國中生圖形創造力及其相關影響因素為研究主軸。藉由「陶倫斯創造思考測驗--圖形版(甲式)」、「克拉克繪圖能力測驗」及「影響國中生創造力相關因素問卷」等研究工具進行探究。有效問卷各60份,經由統計分析後,所得結果歸納如下: 一、在國中生的圖形創造力發展上,影響最顯著的因素為「居住地區」;「性別」、「人格特質認同程度」兩因素則無顯著影響。 二、在國中生的圖形創造力發展上,「視覺媒體」因素的影響方面,經分析結果為:「喜歡參與線上遊戲程度」、「喜歡塗鴉或畫畫的程度」、「喜歡參觀畫展的程度」有顯著的影響;而「一天花不同時間在網路上」、「喜歡看漫畫的程度」、「喜歡看電影或電視的程度」則無顯著影響。 三、國中生的圖形創造力發展上,社會環境因素的影響方面,經分析結果為:「常去美術館、博物館、科技館或圖書館……等社教場所的程度」、「美術館、博物館、科技館或圖書館……等社教場所離住家遠近程度」、「居住地區有博物館或美術館等大型展示中心的程度」有顯著的影響;而「因居住地區常會舉辦藝文相關活動或比賽的程度」則無顯著影響。 四、國中生繪圖能力優劣,與其圖形創造力高低,無顯著相關性。
Under the influence that the network globalizes now, the vision image is extensive and is used by the media, the speed of spreading and improvement by a wide margin of quality, which maybe influence drawing creativity of junior school student. Factors as level of accepting the degree, participating in the vision activity, teenager in different areas and sex, we study which will influence the development of drawing creativity and find out the deep factor influencing difference among them. This research object is to take junior school student of the large area of Taipei as the core, will do a deep studying with the figure creativity of the junior school student in two different administrative areas in the north county, study tool for ' Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking Streamlined Scoring Guide, Figural A. It test ', ' Clarks Drawing Abilities Test ' and ' not last junior school student creativity factor questionnaire not relevant ', counting each has 60 to retrieve the questionnaire effectively, after statistical analysis, this research obtains the result and sums up as follows: 1.In drawing creativity of junior school student, the most apparent of influence is 'residence'.' Sex ' and ' admit personality specialty by degree with ' are less apparent to influence. 2.The analysis result of media's factor of the vision is in studying: ' like not participating in being on-line game the different in degree ', ' like not scribbling or degree not paint the different ', ' like by degree of visiting exhibition of paintings with ' apparent influence difference; ' different without being taken for time in network in on the one day ', ' like degree of watching caricature not to be the different ', ' like by degree of watching movie& TV with ' more apparent to influence. 3.The analysis result of the social environmental factor is in studying: ' often go to the art museum, museum, science and technology museum or library etc. The degree of waiting for the socialist education movement place is different ', ' art museum, museum, science and technology museum or library etc. Wait for Socialist education movement to be place distance degree different from household ', ' residence have museum or art museum large-scale degree ofexhibition centre with ' have apparent influence differences; ' because last activity or the degrees of competition not relevant residence the regular meeting with ' more apparent to influence. 4.Junior high school student's drawing ability degree is less related to their figure creativity.



創造力, 圖形創造力, 國中生, 繪圖能力





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