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本研究探討補充白藜蘆醇 (resveratrol, RES) 對運動後肌肉肝醣及粒線體生合成效率的影響。這次研究招募 9 名規律運動健康男性受試者執行單盲交叉試驗,受試者隨機分配接受白藜蘆醇試驗 (RES) 與安慰組試驗 (placebo),兩次試驗至少間隔 14 天以上。受試者試驗前 3 天口服 480 mg RES 或安慰劑膠囊,實驗當天早上給予 1 份 300 大卡的輕食飲食並搭配 480 mg RES 或安慰劑膠囊,安靜休息 1 小時後,立即進行 60 分鐘 70 % VO2max 強度單次腳踏車運動挑戰。運動後隨即給予增補劑 (480 mg RES 或 placebo) 並進食每公斤體重 2 克碳水化合物餐點。運動後立即進行第 1 次肌肉穿刺,第 3 小時進行第 2 次肌肉穿刺。同時,每間隔 60 分鐘收集氣體樣本;每間隔 30 分鐘進行血液採樣。研究結果顯示: 一、運動恢復期血糖、胰島素、非酯化脂肪酸、甘油、三酸甘油酯;抗氧化指標 TAC、GSH/GSSH 及發炎反應 TNF-α、IL-6 濃度;呼吸交換率未達顯著差異;二、恢復期肌肉肝醣再合成量未達顯著差異;三、骨骼肌對葡萄糖吸收相關基因 TBC1D1、TBC1D4、HK-II、GLUT4;脂肪氧化 CPT-1、UCP-3 基因表現量未達顯著差異;四、粒線體電子傳遞鏈目標基因 cytochrome b 及 cytochrome c;粒線體融合及分裂相關基因 BECLIN-1、DRP-1、FIS1、MFN1、MFN2 及 OPA1;粒腺體生合成訊息傳遞路徑 SIRT1、PGC1-α、ERR-α、NRF1、NRF2 及 TFAM 基因表現量皆未達顯著差異。因此,這次研究結果無法支持白藜蘆醇補充增強運動恢復期抗氧化和清除發炎能力,同時無法支持白藜蘆醇補充能夠提升肌肉肝醣再合成、粒線體質量及粒線體生合成的效率的研究假設。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of oral resveratrol (RES) supplementation on muscle glycogen re-synthesis and mitochondria biogenesis in the exercised human skeletal muscle. Nine healthy male subjects with regular physical exercise were recruited into this a single-blind crossover designed study with RES and placebo trials randomly, separated by a 14 days washout period. All participants consumed RES (480 mg) or placebo capsules 3 days before the exercise challenge. On the day of performing exercise challenge, every subject completed a single bout of exercise at 70% VO2max for 60 min cycling exercise after oral RES or placebo supplementation accompanied by 300 kcal normal diet. Immediately after exercise challenge, all samples were obtained including muscle, exchange gaseous and blood samples. Simultaneously, all subjects finished a high carbohydrate meal (2 g CHO per/kg) accompany with RES/placebo capsules. Second muscle biopsy was performed at 3-h after exercise. During this period, gaseous exchange samples were collected every 60-min and blood sampling was collected every 30-min. The results of this study showed that (1) there was no significance in blood glucose, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids, glycerol, triglycerides, TAC, GSH/GSSH, TNF-α, IL-6, and respiratory exchange rate between the trials; (2) no significant increase of muscle glycogen re-synthesis was found after RES supplementation during recovery; (3) there were no significant difference in transcript factors of glucose-uptake gene expression of TBC1D1, TBC1D4, HK-II, GLUT4 and fat oxidation gene expression of CPT-1, UCP-3 between both trials, (4) no significant changes were found in the gene expressions of mitochondrial electron transport chain target including cytochrome b and cytochrome c; mitochondrial fusion and fission related gene expression of BECLIN-1, DRP-1, FIS1, MFN1, MFN2 and OPA1; mitochondrial biogenesis related gene expression of SIRT1, PGC1-α, ERR-α, NRF1, NRF2 and TFAM between RES/placebo trials. Therefore, we conclude that there is as yet no evidence in the present study to demonstrate oral resveratrol supplementation can improve the capacity of antioxidant, anti-inflammation during recovery periods. Simultaneously, oral resveratrol supplementation can not enhance muscle glycogen re-synthesis, mitochondrial mass and mitochondrial biogenesis in exercised skeletal muscle.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of oral resveratrol (RES) supplementation on muscle glycogen re-synthesis and mitochondria biogenesis in the exercised human skeletal muscle. Nine healthy male subjects with regular physical exercise were recruited into this a single-blind crossover designed study with RES and placebo trials randomly, separated by a 14 days washout period. All participants consumed RES (480 mg) or placebo capsules 3 days before the exercise challenge. On the day of performing exercise challenge, every subject completed a single bout of exercise at 70% VO2max for 60 min cycling exercise after oral RES or placebo supplementation accompanied by 300 kcal normal diet. Immediately after exercise challenge, all samples were obtained including muscle, exchange gaseous and blood samples. Simultaneously, all subjects finished a high carbohydrate meal (2 g CHO per/kg) accompany with RES/placebo capsules. Second muscle biopsy was performed at 3-h after exercise. During this period, gaseous exchange samples were collected every 60-min and blood sampling was collected every 30-min. The results of this study showed that (1) there was no significance in blood glucose, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids, glycerol, triglycerides, TAC, GSH/GSSH, TNF-α, IL-6, and respiratory exchange rate between the trials; (2) no significant increase of muscle glycogen re-synthesis was found after RES supplementation during recovery; (3) there were no significant difference in transcript factors of glucose-uptake gene expression of TBC1D1, TBC1D4, HK-II, GLUT4 and fat oxidation gene expression of CPT-1, UCP-3 between both trials, (4) no significant changes were found in the gene expressions of mitochondrial electron transport chain target including cytochrome b and cytochrome c; mitochondrial fusion and fission related gene expression of BECLIN-1, DRP-1, FIS1, MFN1, MFN2 and OPA1; mitochondrial biogenesis related gene expression of SIRT1, PGC1-α, ERR-α, NRF1, NRF2 and TFAM between RES/placebo trials. Therefore, we conclude that there is as yet no evidence in the present study to demonstrate oral resveratrol supplementation can improve the capacity of antioxidant, anti-inflammation during recovery periods. Simultaneously, oral resveratrol supplementation can not enhance muscle glycogen re-synthesis, mitochondrial mass and mitochondrial biogenesis in exercised skeletal muscle.
增補劑, 肌肉肝醣, 粒線體生合成, ergogenic aids, muscle glycogen, mitochondrial biogenesis