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隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,愈來愈多的消費者會仰賴網路口碑來進行購買決策。過去許多文獻從口碑正負性的角度探討其對於消費者購買行為之影響,然而正面口碑抑或負面口碑孰者對消費者較具影響力,到目前尚未有定論,且East (2005)指出消費者在購買不同類型的產品時,對於正面口碑或負面口碑的接受度應該會有所不同。 本研究納入產品類型此一要素,根據Sen and Lerman (2007)的研究,將產品分為享樂性產品與實用性產品兩種類型,並進一步探討當消費者購買不同的產品類型時,其對於正面口碑和負面口碑的接受度為何。除此之外,過往有關品牌承諾的研究只探討高與低的品牌承諾,而Bansal et al. (2004)將組織行為學的三成份承諾:情感型、計算型與規範型,應用至行銷領域。本研究則根據Adaval (2001)以及Jones et al. (2007)的研究,認為當消費者購買不同類型的產品時,高與低情感型品牌承諾的消費者對於正面與負面口碑之接受度有差異。 本研究為三因子實驗設計,自變數包括2(產品類型:享樂性/實用性)×2(口碑正負性:正面/負面)×2(情感型品牌承諾:高/低)。本研究分別以家用型遊樂器及多功能事務機代表享樂性產品及實用性產品,且分別操弄上述兩種產品的情感型品牌承諾與口碑的正負性。 研究結果顯示,當消費者購買享樂性產品時,情感型品牌承諾會增強其對正面口碑的接受度,且情感型品牌承諾會削弱其對享樂性產品負面口碑的接受度。另一方面,情感型品牌承諾會強化消費者對於實用性產品負面口碑的接受度,但是情感型承諾無法調節其對於實用性產品正面口碑的接受度。
With the rapid development of Internet, more and more consumers rely on word-of-mouth (WOM) to make purchase decisions. In the past, a lot of literatures discussed the influence of the valence of WOM, but they had no agreement on whether consumers would accept the positive or negative WOM. East (2005) considered the reason was that past studies did not take the impact of product type into consideration. According to Sen and Lerman (2007), this study subsumed product type (hedonic product or utilitarian product) as a factor and explored its impact on consumers' acceptance of WOM. In addition, research focused on how brand commitment influence consumers' acceptance of WOM did not distinguish its different components. Bansal, Irving, and Taylor (2004) applied the three components of commitment already developed in organizational behavior field, namely affective, calculative, and normative commitment, to marketing field. Based on Adaval (2001) and Jones, Reynolds, Mothersbaugh, and Beatty (2007), this study considered that consumers' affective brand commitment would moderate the impact of the valence of WOM on the acceptance of WOM under different product types. This study used three-factor experiment design: 2(product type: hedonic/ utilitarian)×2(WOM valence: positive/negative)×2(affective commitment: high/low). This study used TV video game device as hedonic product and All-in-One printer as utilitarian product, and manipulated WOM valence and affective brand commitment of these two products respectively. The results showed that affective brand commitment would enhance consumers’ acceptance to positive WOM of hedonic product, whereas it would decrease consumers’ acceptance to negative WOM of hedonic product. On the other hand, affective brand commitment would help enhance consumers' acceptance to negative WOM of utilitarian product, but did not play a moderating role when it is positive WOM under utilitarian product.



網路口碑, 情感型品牌承諾, 享樂性產品, 實用性產品, Electronic word-of-mouth, Affective brand commitment, Hedonic product, Utilitarian product





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