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幼兒早期的語言環境是幼兒語言發展的關鍵,對於聽力損失幼兒(以下簡稱聽損幼兒)而言,由於語音接受或辨識的困難,因此需要更加豐富的語言輸入環境,幫助他們學會語言。本研究目的在探究二歲及三歲聽損幼兒之語言環境與其語言能力之關係。共21位聽損幼兒家庭參與本研究。語言環境分為四方面,分別為:聽覺環境、成人說話字數、成人幼兒對話輪替數量、詞彙環境。前三者運用一套語音自動分析之研究工具,即「語言環境分析系統」(Language ENvironment Analysis System,本文簡稱LENA),蒐錄一整日當中,聽損幼兒周圍所有的聲音,分析聽覺環境的組成(細分為有意義話語、遠距及重疊話語、電視和電子音、噪音、靜默之時間比例),並自動計算成人說話字數和成人幼兒對話輪替數量。詞彙環境則運用LENA分析結果,選出聽損幼兒與他人對話輪替數量最高的連續時段,共15分鐘,以兒童語料交換系統(Child Language Data Exchange System,簡稱CHILDES)轉錄及分析。此外,並以華語嬰幼兒溝通發展量表(臺灣版)之幼兒版,及修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗測量結果,評估聽損幼兒的語言能力。 本研究先調查聽損幼兒的語言環境及其語言能力,再探討兩者之關係。在語言環境方面,聽覺環境中,有意義話語、遠距及重疊話語、電視和電子音、噪音和靜默的時間比例差異大。同樣的,在成人說話字數、成人幼兒對話輪替數量、詞彙環境,也出現變異大的情形。聽損幼兒語言能力方面,語言能力百分等級之平均值勝過50%的同齡聽常幼兒,顯示其語言發展跟上同儕。最後,聽損幼兒語言環境和其語言能力關係方面,成人說話字數和成人幼兒對話輪替數量,皆與幼兒語言能力有關。文末提出研究相關之討論及建議。
Language environment is key to language development in young children. Children with hearing loss (HL) require more language input to help them acquire language because they have difficulties receiving or identifying sound. This study analyzed the relationship between language environments and language abilities in children aged 2–3 years with HL. In total, 21 children with HL and their families participated in this study. The language environments were analyzed from 4 aspects: audio environment, adult word count (AWC), conversation turn count (CTC), and vocabulary environment. The Language Environment Analysis (LENA) system was used to record all daily sounds surroundings and calculate the time percentage of 5 items each for audio environment, AWC, and CTC. The 5 items of audio environment included meaningful speech, distant and overlapping speech, television and electronic sounds, noise, and silence and background noise. The vocabulary environment was assessed using the Child Language Data Exchange System to transcribe and analyze 15-minute recordings with the highest conversation turn count as measured in the LENA system. Moreover, the language abilities of children with HL were assessed using the Mandarin Chinese Communicative Development Inventory-Taiwan or the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Revised. After investigating the language environments and language abilities of children with HL, this study analyzed the relationship between language environments and language abilities. The audio environment analysis revealed that disparities in time percentage are large for meaningful speech as well as distant and overlapping speech, television and electronic sounds, noise, and silence. The large disparities for language environments were also apparent in AWC, CTC, and vocabulary environment. The language ability analysis of children with HL revealed that their average of percentage rank was more than 50, indicating that language development in children with HL catches up with that in hearing children. The analysis of the relationship between language environments and language abilities of HL children revealed that AWC as well as CTC are related to language ability in children with HL. Discussion and suggestions for future research were provided.



聽損幼兒, 語言環境, 語言能力, LENA, children with hearing loss, language environments, language ability, LENA





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