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捷運是建構起現代城市的基礎,承擔起交通運輸的移動功能,也形塑了每個城市的特徵與個性。透過街道和城市建築、交通網絡形成的介面,讓我們認識、探索並遊戲其間,街道樣貌常常代表了不同的城市形象,像是一張商貿名片,傳遞著每一座城市的個性和待人處事的細節。 此研究以台北高架捷運雨景圖像為主要繪畫元素,由繪畫可觸性探討雨景在架上繪畫中的悸動情感。來自童年記憶的轉化,將自我移置的幻想和城市雨景做為同構的空間表現,透過自然景觀重新體悟,嘗試在繪畫形式上呈現具象、半具象的經營。最後透過心理學分析,闡述藝術大師們的心理情狀作品,探究城市雨景多變的視覺語彙與深層意涵。 日常生活中,常有視覺感知的瞬間靈感難以描述。於本創作研究筆者專注於水光的日常世界,嘗試把眼睛對周遭世界的短暫感知轉化為永恆。以油畫手法將雨景在畫布框架中重新編排、描繪,使呈現更精準、生動的圖像內容,來記錄平凡生活中的美麗。
Mass rapid transit (MRT) is a vital transportation system for modern cities; it provides the function of transportation and shapes the characteristics and “personality” of the cities. The interface of streets, architecture, and transportation enables people to understand, explore, and enjoy cities. The features of streets often represent different city images. They are like business cards, expressing the personality of the cities and the details of interactions with residents. This study utilized an image of the elevated Taipei MRT in the rain as a major painting element. Through the tangibility of painting, we explored the emotions of the raining scenes in easel paintings. Childhood memories were transformed, the self was transposed into fantasies, and a spatial representation was coconstructed with the raining scene in the city. By adopting a new realization of a natural scene, we attempted to present concrete and semiconcrete images on the painting. Finally, through a psychological analysis, we described the psychological states of artists as shown in their works. This explored the diverse visual languages and profound meanings of scenes of rain in the city. Instances of visual inspiration are often encountered in daily life, but they can hardly be put into words. In this study, we focused on daily life through water and light and attempted to transform transient sensory of the surrounding world into eternity. We used oil painting techniques to rearrange and depict scenes of rain on framed canvases to present precise and vivid images that record the beauty in ordinary life.



都會雨景, 繪畫可觸性, 架上繪畫, 記憶, 幻想, 自然, metropolitan rain, tangible, easel painting, memory, fantasy, nature





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