

本研究以創設幼兒園之考量為前提,訪談家長為其子女選擇幼兒園所依循的考量觀點,瞭解家長對幼兒接受學前教育之信念與期望,以作為設園規劃與提供相關教育之參考。研究場域位在新竹縣希伯崙鄉濱海地區的農漁村落,屬資源不利的偏遠地區。研究對象是15位在此居住或工作之學齡前幼兒的家長,一般家長涵括幼兒就讀公、私立幼稚園或鄉立托兒所的家長,以及家有身障兒的低收入戶、離婚之單親外籍母親,隔代教養的祖母。研究方法是以質性研究的半結構式深度訪談,取得研究資料,分析整理後歸納出研究結論。 研究結果發現,一般家長在選擇幼兒園的考量上,普遍存有「私立,就是好」的觀念,因教學內容與種類較公幼多元。公、私幼家長因個人教育程度、家庭收入等因素,學經地位懸殊大,影響幼兒園性質的選擇,及其學習內容的信念與期望,對幼兒學習才藝與美語及其學習吸收能力的看法分歧。但幾乎所有家長都希望孩子在幼兒園學習注音符號,以利幼小銜接,是送孩子入園的主因。在希望培育幼兒五育均衡發展的教養觀下,對品德培養與人際期望,高於對學業與教育成就的期望。家長也重視老師的人格特質,認為好學校是因裡面有好老師,而以聽聞親友推薦方式獲取資訊。研究也發現,希伯崙鄉地區的幼兒園未能多元運用自然與人力資源於教學上,也有欠缺合格師資、幼教師學歷與專業知能不足等問題,有待相關教育單位提昇此偏遠地區之幼兒教育的專業程度。此外,有身障兒之外籍配偶的弱勢家庭,不懂得搜尋社會資源與協助管道,影響子女的教育資本供給,在艱辛教養的多重壓力下需情緒輔導、社會網絡支持,扶助其子女教育與福利資源之需。低教育程度的外籍母親與隔代教養的祖母有輔佐幼兒學習的困難,需學校老師協助課輔與提供合宜之親職教育,以協助其發揮親職功能。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the beliefs and expectations of early childhood education of parents from the Hebron town area in Hsin-Chu. This study is aimed at establishing the evaluation of a kindergarten. In order to gather the information on parents’ beliefs and expectations about early childhood pre-school education, I did some interviews with some parents about how they chose a kindergarten for their children. This will help us to set up a reference for planning a kindergarten and providing relevant education. The area in which the study held is a farming and fishing town of the Hebron coastal region in Hsin-Chu. It is a remote area with inadequate resources. The studying targets are 15 parents who live or work in this area. Their children are of pre-school age. These parents include those with children who study in public or private kindergartens or child-care centers. There are also parents who have handicapped children and those who are from low-income families. There are also single parent families with foreign spouses, or parents whose children are cared for by their grandparents. The methodology of the study is a semi-structural in-depth interview, and after obtaining enough study data it is analyzed and arranged to induce a conclusion. The conclusion of the study reveals that generally most of the parents like to choose private and expensive kindergartens for their young children. They believe that ‘whatever is private and expensive is the best’ because they consider that private kindergartens have a more interesting and deeper educational curriculum than those found in public kindergartens. The parents of private and public kindergartens differ a lot in level of education, family income, and economic status. These differences would affect how they choose the types of kindergartens, affect their beliefs and expectations on learning themes and affect their beliefs on their children’s education in English and various abilities. However, almost all parents expect their children to learn ‘Chinese phonetic symbols’ in kindergarten, in order to have a smooth link between kindergarten education and primary education. This is the main reason for sending their children to kindergarten. Under the concept of developing the young children’s education in a balanced state, it is highly expected to educate their moral and interaction skills rather than to educate their academic achievements. Parents pay much attention on teachers’ personalities. They consider if the school is good, there must be good teachers. They usually get the information from their friends or relatives. The studies also reveal that many kindergartens couldn’t make proper use of different natural and manpower resources with regards to teaching effectiveness. Some kindergartens lacked qualified teachers and early childhood education qualifications, while others had inadequate professional skills. Those problems still need the attention of the educational government to make adjustments. Besides, the family, which has a foreign spouse or a handicapped child, does not know how to search for social support and facilities. This affects the provisions of education facilities for the children. They don’t have sufficient support for their education and social facilities. In such difficulties and great pressure, they need counseling and the support of a social network. Those families with foreign mothers or grandparents have difficulties in educating young children. They need some parental education in order to help them be capable of educating their children.



幼兒教育, 信念, 期望, early childhood education, belief, expectation





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