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本研究旨在探討高中職學生除體育課之外,其所從事課後運動的情形,並探討個人背景因素(性別、就讀學校、年級、住宿情形、參與運動社團情形,參與課後運動情形)與參與動機及阻礙因素的關係。本研究對象為彰化地區高中職13248位學生,以「彰化地區高中職學生課後運動調查問卷」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。發出問卷數為1200份,回收問卷1086份,回收率90.5%。 根據實際所得資料,分別以描述統計、單因子變異數分析及典型相關等統計方法進行分析,結果發現: 一、彰化地區高中職學生每週參與課後運動三次以上的學生只有28.4%,每週參與課後運動情形在二次的學生有34.2%,顯示彰化地區高中職學生課後運動參與情形不理想。 二、本研究發現:性別、學校類別、參與運動社團、運動參與頻率,皆是造成彰化地區高中職學生在課後運動參與動機及參與阻礙有所差異的主要因素。 三、彰化地區高中職學生課後運動參與動機及阻礙之相關性,當「健康體適能因素」及「心理需求因素」越大時,高中職學生之「個人阻礙」就相對越小,亦即呈負相關之結果;而「逃脫因素」與「社會/人際需求因素」越大時,「人際阻礙」與「結構性阻礙」也相對增加。 根據研究的結果,彰化地區高中職學生課後運動參與阻礙以「個 人阻礙」及「人際阻礙」為主,據此,筆者認為:學校應多舉辦校際 體育競賽活動或體能性活動,來增加學生間的互動,藉以增進運動的 參與。
The purposes of this study were to compare the difference among the behaviors, motivation, and obstruction of the students with different background, and to analyze the correlation between motivation and obstruction. One thousand and eighty six students served as the subject of this study. A self-developed questionnaire was used as the instrument, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, simple correlation and canonical correlation were computed for data analysis. Within the scope of this study, the following conclusions were derived: (1) There were only 28.4% of the students took exercise three times a week,.and only 34.2% of the students took exercise twice a week. This result showed that the situation of taking extracurricular exercise of the senior high and vocational school students in Changhua Area was inadequate. (2) “Gender”, “school category” and “participation frequency” were the main factor that caused the difference between motivation and obstruction of the senior high and vocational school students. (3) It existed some correlations between motivation and obstruction of the students in Changhua Area. The stronger the “health/fitness” and the “mental” factors were, the weaker the “personal obstruction”. While the stronger the “escape” and “social” factors were, the stronger the “interpersonal” and “structural” obstruction. In view of the results, personal obstruction and interpersonal obstruction were the main factors for the Changhua senior high school and vocational school students. Therefore, for increasing the students’ interaction and encouraging their willingness to take exercise, the school authorities should hold interschool sport activities as frequently as possible.



課後運動, 參與動機, 阻礙因素, extracurricular exercise, motivation, obstruction





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