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在變化越來越快速的商業環境中,做為企業前線部門的業務組織要如何設計與分工,一直都是值得深入探討的議題。Robert Simons在其著作中提出的見解認為,一個組織不論經營模式與策略為何,在組織設計上都應以面向客戶做為最關鍵的考量。而IC通路商先天上就是一個必須提供上下游雙向服務的產業,掌握產品核心的上游原廠對於通路商的影響力,甚至有時遠大於下游採購的客戶們。在滿足上游原廠的期待、達成對下游客戶的服務、又必須落實企業本身的策略方針之間,IC通路商究竟要如何盡可能尋求在供應鏈交易上的勢力平衡,並將業務組織設計與其匹配?本研究以業務組織設計變革的個案為主軸,以深入觀察及多方訪談的方式,將過程進行記錄與梳理,並參照同業的模式進行分析。歸納出上游原廠、下游客戶與通路商本身對於通路商業務組織設計分工的影響因素,以及個案業務組織設計變革後的成效。
Nowadays, business environment is rapidly changing and therefore strategy re-formulation and structure re-organization become imperative for a firm to adapt to the environment. A sales department acting as the front-line facing external environment, its design and duty assignment within an organization is always a key issue that is worthwhile for study. Scholars particularly pointed out that satisfying clients is one of the critical factors when designing organizational structure.This study explores the theme of organizational design by using a case of an IC distributor. IC distributors generally provide services to upstream (vendors) and downstream (buyers) players in the production chain of electronic industry. Due to the fact that vendors held core technology of products, they usually exert greater influences than those from buyers. However, for achieving healthy development,IC distributors seek for a balance of influences from among vendors and buyers. Therefore, their organizational design needs to take such strategy as core consideration.This study adopts the methods of case study where multiple interviews are conducted. In sum, this study depicts how upstream vendor, downstream customer, and distributors’ strategy influence the structural role of sales department and its interaction and coordination with other departments within an IC distributor.



組織設計, 組織重整, IC通路商, Organization design, Organizational change, IC distributors





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