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主觀幸福感(Subjective well-being)是各國衡量公民生活品質和生活滿意度的重要指標。過往國家對於經濟發展之衡量,多數關注於經濟成長水準,或絕對的物質生活水平,缺乏精神生活面的衡量。目前探究政府信任、社會聯繫、公民政治參與主觀幸福感之研究仍付之闕如。因此,本研究旨在探討我國民眾之政府信任程度及社會聯繫狀態對於主觀幸福感之影響,並探討公民政治參與之中介作用。本研究資料來自103年到105年之「國民幸福指數調查暨主觀幸福感研究」資料庫,三年共包括9470位研究樣本。本研究之依變項為「主觀幸福感」,自變項為「政府信任」及「社會聯繫」,中介變項為「公民政治參與」。自變項與依變項皆為潛在變項,中介變項為觀察變項。在統計分析部分,採用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modele)進行結構模式分析,以探討「政府信任」及「社會聯繫」與「主觀幸福感」之間的關係,最後探討「公民政治參與」之中介作用,並進行性別及教育程度分組之多群體分析。研究結果發現,政府信任和社會聯繫與主觀幸福感具有正向關係,而公民政治參與對於政府信任和社會聯繫與主觀幸福感之關係具有部分中介效果。在多群組分析方面,各路徑係數沒有性別差異。在教育程度中,政府信任與公民政治參與之負向關係,以及社會聯繫與公民政治參與之正向關係,皆在大專以上者關係更為緊密。本研究結果可以作為促進民眾主觀幸福感之政策和實務參考依據。
Subjective well-being is an important indicator to measure the quality of life and satisfaction of citizens in different countries. In the past, most countries focused on economic growth or absolute material living standards, but lacked the measurement of spiritual life. There is a lack of research on government trust, social contacts, and subjective well-being of citizens' political participation. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to investigate the association of government trust and social contacts with subjective well-being of our citizens and to examine the mediating role of civic political participation. The data for this study were obtained from the " The National Well-being Indicators" database from 2014 to 2014, which included a total of 9470 participants. The dependent variable in this study was subjective well-being, the independent variables were government trust and social contacts, and the mediating variable was civic political participation. The independent and dependent variables are potential variables, and the mediating variable is an observed variable. In the statistical analysis, Structural Equation Modele (SEM) was used to investigate the relationship between"government trust" and social contacts and subjective well-being. The results showed that government trust and social contacts were positively related to subjective well-being, while civic political participation partially mediated the relationship between government trust and social contacts and subjective well-being. In the multi-group analysis, there were no gender differences in the coefficients of the paths. The negative relationship between government trust and civic political participation and the positive relationship between social contacts and civic political participation were both stronger among those with college level and above. The results of this study can be used as a policy and practical reference to promote people's subjective well-being.



政府信任, 社會聯繫, 公民參與, 主觀幸福感, Government Trust, Social Contact, Civic Engagement, Subjective Well-being





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