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摘要 1927年國民政府完成中國統一之後,見國力衰落、民族體質孱弱,有意提倡體育以振興民族,鍛鍊國民體格來達到民族復興的目的;另一方面,體育界人士大聲呼籲成立中央級的體育行政組織,來統籌全國體育事務。 1932年政府召開第一次全國體育會議,此一創舉為我國體育事業奠定了現代化的基礎,會中並決議成立「教育部體育委員會」。 當時面對日本侵擾,國人反日的民族情緒高升,國內「民族主義」思想瀰漫。本文欲從「民族主義」的觀點來探討它與教育部體育委員會創始期兩者之間的關係。 經過研究,可以發現「教育部體育委員會」的創始過程有以下的意義: 一、推行的事業包含學校體育、社會體育,推行各項事業皆有發揮民族精神,為保家衛國作準備的意圖。 二、推動體育事業過程中,引發的思想論爭,創造了近代中國體育思想的「黃金期」,也指引中國發展出適合國情的民族本位體育。 三、體育組織三級制的概念,以及設立專人負責其職的觀念,影響至今。也為日後中華民國體育行政組織運作的概念埋下根基。 關鍵詞:教育部體育委員會、民族主義、民族本位
Abstract The Principle of nationalism descends central athletics administrative organization of the geneses- The Ministry of Education athletics Committee (1932-1937)- Citizen's government completed in 1927 after China unified, sawing the national strength comedown, the racing constitution frail, having intention to promote the athletics to develop the race, tempering through hardships citizen's physical stature to reach the purpose of the race renew; 0n the other hand, the athletics field the personage appeals the athletics administrative organization of establishing the central class loudly, orchestrate the national athletics business. The government convened the national athletics meeting in 1932 for the first time, this pioneering undertaking taught the business to lay the modem foundation for my national prestige, will win and resolution to establish the Ministry of Education athletics committee". Faced Japan to harass at that time, the race motion of the anti- day of the people was high to raise, the home" Principle of nationalism" thought filled the air. This text wants to inquire into it to initiate with the Ministry of Education athletics committee to expect both from the standpoint of' Principle of nationalism" of relation. Through research, can find the geneses process of' the Ministry of Education athletics committee contain following meaning: 1、The business that promote includes the school athletics social athletics, promoting various businesses to all have the exertive ethos, for protect intention that a country makes the preparation. 2、In the promotion athletics business process, the thought contestation that cause, "prime time" that created the modem Chinese athletics to thought, also guides the race basis athletics that China develops the fit state of the nation. 3、The athletics organizes the concept of x-rated system, and establishes the idea that the specially assigned is responsible for its job, influencing up to now. The concept that also operates in the days to come for R.O.C. athletics administrative organization covered up the groundwork. Keywords: Ministry of Education athletics committee、Principle of nationalism、race basis



民族主義, 教育部體育委員會, 民族主義, Principle of nationalism, Ministry of Education athletics committee, race basis





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