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本研究旨在探討高職普通班教師在任教高職集中式特教班課程時,對於接受到教學支持的滿意度以及在任教期間期望獲得的教學支持需求,並探討兩者之間的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,使用自編「高職普通班教師參與高職特教班課程之教學支持滿意度及需求調查問卷」來蒐集相關資料,依照各區班級數比例共抽取170位普通班教師寄發問卷,回收有效問卷共163份。利用SPSS套裝軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析等方式進行問卷資料的分析,研究發現結論如下: 一、高職普通班教師在任教高職特教班時獲得的教學支持滿意度為中等以上。 二、高職普通班教師在任教高職特教班時獲得的教學支持滿意度會受教師不同教學年資的因素影響。 三、高職普通班教師在任教高職特教班期望獲得的教學支持需求為中等以上。 四、高職普通班教師對於任教高職特教班時期望獲得的教學支持需求會受到教師特殊教育背景以及身障生教學經驗等因素影響。 五、高職普通班教師對於在任教高職特教班時獲得的教學支持滿意度和期望獲得的教學支持需求呈現低度正相關。 最後依據本研究結果提出相關建議,提供給教育行政機關、特殊教育教師及未來研究作為參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the satisfactions and needs of regular teacher’s teaching support in special-education classes of the vocational school, and the relationship between each other. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 163respondents and data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation analysis. The major conclusions were as follows : 1.The satisfactions of regular teacher’s teaching support in special-education classes of the vocational school was above average. 2.The Satisfaction of regular teacher’s teaching support in special-education classes of the vocational school will be affected by different teaching seniority. 3.The needs of regular teacher’s teaching support in special-education classes of the vocational school was above average. 4.The expected gain of regular teacher’s teaching support in special-education classes of the vocational school will be affected by teacher’s special-education training and teaching experience of disability students. 5.It was low-positive correlation between satisfaction and needs of regular teacher’s teaching support in special-education classes of the vocational school. According to the results of the study, suggestions for educational administration agencies, special education teachers, and future research.



普通班教師, 高職特教班, 教學支持滿意度, 教學支持需求, regular teacher, special-education classes of the vocational school, the satisfactions of teaching support, he needs of teaching support





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