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數位時代技術發展的特色在於不斷地快速進步,對於新媒介的熱衷追求,加上科技開啟與以往不同的感知,使得新媒體藝術自數位時代興起以來,成為一種正在生成的藝術形式。本研究旨在探討新媒體藝術的特質如何影響其展覽成效,特別針對台灣相關藝術展覽進行個案研究,包括展覽主題與作品選件情形、相關獎項的投件與得獎情形、專業與群眾對於新媒體藝術得獎作品的評價及觀感,進而分析比較出作品特質如何影響其展覽推行成效。 本研究採個案研究法進行調查分析,以台北數位藝術節為個案研究對象,同時運用文獻分析法、深度訪談法及問卷調查法進行歷年台北數位藝術節展覽概況與台北數位藝術獎推行概況,及數位藝術獎得獎作品評價觀感,分析整理藝術專業人士對於台北數位藝術節與台北數位藝術獎之評論看法,及一般大眾對於台北數位藝術獎與林茲電子藝術獎得獎作品評價。 研究結果發現新媒體藝術其媒材創造重於應用,特別是作品反應數位時代內涵的必要性。而於數位藝術獎而言,徵件項目演變反應當代科技文化的發展,不分類徵件後可能延伸新的問題,相關獎項可再朝國際化發展,目前台灣相關獎項投件情形以動態影像類作品居多,互動裝置類作品投件質量較匱乏。上述引申至數位藝術節需作為一個新概念引介的平台,主題具當代性與前瞻性,展覽觀念或過程重於作品本身意義解讀,及宜深化論述議題,並藉此以期作為日後台北數位藝術節執行規劃與相關藝術節規劃執行研究的參考。
In the digital era, the development of technical progresses rapidly. Enthusiastically pursuit of the new medium and unsealing of different perception by new technology arouse appearances of new media art. By the case study of Digital Art Festival Taipei, this thesis discusses characteristics and exhibition effects of new media art in Taiwan, such as exhibition topics, artworks selected situation, awards participation situation, professionals and masses’ opinions on new media art awarded artworks, in order to conduct exhibitions effects of new media art in Taiwan. With the case study of Digital Art Festival Taipei, on-line questionnaires of public's opinion on works of Ars Electronica Prix and Taipei Digital Art Awards artworks, and deep interview of professionals of new media art field in the situation of Digital Art Festival Taipei and Taipei Digital Art Awards, the thesis discusses professionals' opinions and people’s comprehensions of artworks to analyze and compare how characteristics of new media art influence effects of related exhibitions. The thesis finds mainly three conclusions. First, creations of the medium are much important then applying the medium; especially works are need to be reflected spirits of digital era. Second, with regards of Digital Art Awards, types of digital art awards which could be more international in the future response developments of contemporary technical culture. Presently in Taiwan, the most participants focus on the type of moving images and participants of the type of interactive art decrease year by year. Awards without type classification might cause more new problems. Third, with regards of Digital Art Festival, the festival should play the roles of the platform introducing new concepts with contemporary and prospective and discusses topics deeper. The transits of exhibition concepts or process are important than interpreting of artworks’ signification. By above-mentioned, the thesis finds conclusions in order to be referenced by Digital Art Festival Taipei and future relative research.



台北數位藝術節, 台北數位藝術獎, 林茲電子藝術獎, 新媒體藝術, 電子藝術, 互動藝術, 動態影像, 網路藝術, Digital Art Festival Taipei, Digital Art Awards Taipei, Ars Electronica Prix, New Media Art, Electronic Art, Interactive Art, Moving Images, Internet Art





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