消費動機、知覺價值與滿意度對再購意願之研究─以BabyBoss City職業體驗任意城為例

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2007年底在臺北市開幕的『BabyBoss City 職業體驗任意城』,營運短短三個月,就超過十萬人次湧入,這種新型態的商業模式多少反應出父母「望子成龍、望女成鳳」的心理。本研究目的在於瞭解BabyBoss City消費者之特性與現況,並分析不同消費者特性在消費動機、知覺價值與滿意度上的影響與相關情形,運用調查法,以BabyBoss City 20歲以上的消費者為研究對象,共收集453份有效問卷。研究工具包括有消費動機量表、知覺價值量表、滿意度量表與消費特性問卷,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關與一般多元迴歸分析進行資料處理與分析。本研究的結果與結論為:BabyBoss City以女性、年齡層介於31-40歲之間、具有大專以上學歷、居住在臺北市周邊縣市的消費者居多;不同消費者特性在消費動機、知覺價值與滿意度上,部分構面具有顯著差異;知覺價值、滿意度與再購意願具有高度的相關;「家庭月平均收入」、「多元學習」、「聲譽」、「貨幣價格」與「滿意度」等5個變項,分別對再購意願有顯著的解釋力。本研究建議BabyBoss City應推廣網路訂票,以利控制遊客承載量、重視消費者口碑傳播的效力、鞏固既有的女性市場、積極開發高收入的消費族群,並希望經營者多重視休閒活動的寓教於樂功能。
More than 100,000 people visited BabyBoss City within three months after its opening in the end of 2007 in Taipei. The phenomenon of this new business model reflected parents nowadays have great ambitious for the future of their children. The purpose of this thesis is to comprehensively analyze the characteristics and circumstances of what consumers, also analysis the correlation of consumers’ distinct practice for consumer motivation, perceived value, and satisfaction. The participants were 453 BabyBoss City consumers and the instruments included demographics, consumer motivation inventory, perceived value inventory, and satisfaction scale. Based on the descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, oneway ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis, the following conclusions were found: the main consumers of BabyBoss City were aged between 31 to 40 years old with higher than college education level, and most of them live around counties beside Taipei City. Besides, there were differences among consumers’ demographics on the consumer motivation, perceived value, and satisfaction. Also, there were highly correlated relationship among the perceived value, satisfaction, and repurchases intention. The average monthly household income, multiple learning, reputation, prices, and satisfaction to repurchases intention were significant indicators for the repurchases intention. In summary, this study recommends that BabyBoss City should promote Internet booking system for the better control of visitors, the effect of public praise, solid female market share, and to develop high income consumers. In addition, it hope managers would take the leisure education function seriously.



消費動機, 知覺價值, BabyBoss City兒童職業體驗城, consumer motivations, perceived value, BabyBoss City





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