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摘 要 本研究之目的在於瞭解國中生居住消費知識、態度、與行為的目前水準,並設計「國中居住消費主題教學活動」以進行實驗教學,研究其對國中生居住消費知識、態度、與行為改變的成效,做為日後推廣消費者教育之教學參考。主題教學之內容為以「居住消費」及「消費者的權利義務」為架構來編擬,共六週總計十二節課之教學活動。 本研究採準實驗研究法,以桃園縣某高中國中部二年級四個班級學生(共109人)為對象,其中實驗組兩班(共55人)進行「國中居住消費主題教學活動」教學,對照組兩班(共54人)則未實施此教學課程。教學評量以自編之「國中生居住消費知識態度與行為問卷」,於教學前後一週及教學結束後一個月進行前測、後測及後後測,以瞭解國中生居住消費知識、態度、與行為之目前水準、教學立即成效以及教學維持效果。所得資料以平均數、標準差、百分比、卡方考驗、t-考驗及共變數分析處理。主要結果如下: 一、 國中生居住消費知識、態度、與行為之目前水準為: (一) 整體居住消費知識偏低。 (二) 整體居住消費態度已偏向積極。以八大權利義務分析:對於追求正確資訊、消費者教育、基本需求及服務、求償的權利及義務之態度偏向積極。而對追求表達意見、選擇、健康環境的權利及義務之態度雖有積極傾向,但仍有加強的必要。 (三) 整體居住消費行為仍待加強。以八大權利義務分析:追求正確資訊的權利及義務的行為已出現,但追求健康環境、選擇、基本需求及服務、求償、安全、表達意見、消費者教育的權利及義務的行為,仍有待加強。 二、 「國中居住消費主題教學活動」對國中生居住消費知識提昇、消費態度改變與消費行為改變的成效 (一) 消費知識提昇:主題教學活動介入後對受試學生的居住消費知識提昇有顯著的立即效果,及非常顯著的維持效果。 (二) 消費態度改變:居住消費主題教學活動介入後對受試學生的居住消費態度的增進未有顯著立即效果,但態度增進的維持效果非常顯著。以八大權利義務分析:追求安全、正確資訊、表達意見、消費者教育的權利及其義務之態度,呈現非常顯著的維持效果,且追求選擇的權利及其義務之態度呈現顯著的維持效果。 (三) 消費行為改變:居住消費主題教學活動介入後對受試學生的居住消費行為改變無顯著的成效;但對實驗組學生立即及維持的居住消費行為,造成顯著的正向改變。 三、 個人變項對國中生居住消費知識、態度、與行為改變的影響 (一) 性別: 居住消費主題教學介入對居住消費知識、態度與行為的成效,部份內容因實驗組學生之性別而呈現差異。 (二) 家庭社經地位 居住消費主題教學介入對居住消費知識、態度與行為改變之成效,部份內容因實驗組學生之家庭社經地位不同而有所差異。
The purpose of this study was to understand the level of housing consuming knowledge, attitude and behavior of junior high school students, and develop the housing consuming thematic teaching. It also investigated the effects of improving housing consuming knowledge, changing attitude and behavior by housing consuming thematic teaching. The method of this study was quasi-experimental design. The second-grade students in four classes of the junior high school in Taoyuan County participated this study. The subjects of experimental group (n=54) were treated with the ninety-minute session teaching program, “The Housing Consuming Thematic Teaching of Junior High School ”, once per week in six weeks , while the control group (n=55) was not treated with the educational intervention. The effect of the program was evaluated by analyzing the questionnaires, which were tested one week before (pretest) , one week later (posttest) and one month later (follow-up test) than the educational intervention. The results indicated that : (1)The consumer housing knowledge of the junior high students were fairly good. The attitude and behavior of the students had positive tendency. They all still could be improved. (2)Through the educational intervention, there were effects on promoting the housing consuming knowledge and changing the attitude and behavior of the students. (3)While concerning about the gender and the social economics status, there were some significant differences in the changes of consumer housing knowledge, attitude and behavior after educational intervention.



國中生, 主題教學, 教育介入, 居住消費知識, 居住消費態度, 居住消費行為, junior high school students, thematic teaching, educational intervention, housing consuming knowledge, consumer housing attitude, housing consuming behavior





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