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摘要 本研究目的為建構客艙組員職能,提供航空公司於未來招募客艙組員時,能更有 效率的選用適才、適任者。根據客艙組員應具備之職能,分析評估現行航空產業的訓 練規畫,得否滿足線上實務所需,維持組員工作職能,並將教育訓練透過產學合作, 降低企業招募和訓練的成本,確保航空業人力選、訓、用效能,更增進服務品質及飛 航安全之保障。 本研究採個案研究法,以半結構訪談為主,客艙組員工作手冊、實際 事例、文獻為輔等資料蒐集分析;以同儕檢核、成員檢核、三角檢核為信實度。參與 研究者有航空公司人資主管、資深機長、資深座艙長及航空公司持卡會員共8名,藉此 研究了解客艙組員應具備之職能。研究結果如下:1.客艙組員職能於企業徵才時列入檢 核要項,以及透過教育訓練維持與強化。2.依據客艙組員工作範疇及特性,應納入專門 職類考證對象。3.學界參酌證照考選科目範圍,規畫相關科系課程,建構產學合作的人 力資源平台。最後按研究結果提出實務建議,供主管機關、企業、學界未來修法與經 營之參考。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to construct the competency of cabin crew, In order to improve the quality in personal recruitment in the future. Using competency-bassed approach to evaluate the aviation industry training program which is meets the actual needs. Thus, the crew competenies that can be maintained and enhanced over time. The industry-universityinstitute cooperation can decrease the costs of the recruitment and training, ensure that the aviation industry has a effective way to select of the right person who fits their job. At last, can also improve the quality of service and safety. The case study throughsemi-structured interviewing, auxiliary literature, cabin crew handbook, document collecting, news report and practical to build up research data. The trustworthiness included triangulation check, peer check, and member check. There were 8 participants include airline human resoursce directors, captains, chief pursers and airline car members, take this to understand the competency that cabin crew should have.The results are as follows: (1) The competencies of the cabin crew should be included in the inspection and audits when recruiting employee, maintain or strengthen competency in education and training. (2) According to the characteristics of the crew’s field, see what should be included in the specific categories of license examination. (3) To offer the reference for academics, planing for related training courses, with construction of human resources to bulid up partnerships between industry and academia. Finally, according to the results of the study put forward practical recommendations, provide the competent authorities, airlines, academia for further improvement.



客艙安全, 人力資源管理, 個案研究法, cabin safety, human resource management, the case studies





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