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內部行銷(internal marketing)的議題在企業與政府間蓬勃發展,旅館業的行銷策略由顧客導向逐漸轉為員工導向。而內部行銷策略被定義為一種對待員工如同顧客,並滿足員工和工作相關需求的策略。過去研究中提到組織公民行為在旅館管理研究領域中較缺乏。故本研究的研究目標為探究臺灣旅館之內部行銷策略種類,並了解其內部行銷策略對員工的工作滿意度、組織承諾與組織公民行為三者的影響。此外,也將從人口統計變項的角度來審視臺灣旅館之內部行銷策略,對員工的工作滿意度、組織承諾與組織公民行為的整體是否會產生影響。本研究採用問卷調查法,先透過文獻分析建構出適合旅館產業性質之問卷,包含內部行銷策略、工作滿意度、組織承諾、組織公民行為及人口統計變項之題項,共五大構面,再透過專家評估及預試來檢核問卷之信效度。正式問卷以線上問卷進行發放,以臺灣旅館的員工進行調查共計回收 406 份有效問卷,根據收集之數據,使用敘述性統計、差異分析、相關分析、測量模式分析、結構模式分析及中介效果分析等統計方法進行資料剖析。研究結果主要發現為:(1)內部行銷策略中的授權、薪酬、工作環境對旅館員工的工作滿意度有顯著正向影響、(2)內部行銷策略中的薪酬、工作環境對旅館員工組織承諾有顯著正向影響、(3)內部行銷策略中的授權、與主管關係對旅館員工的組織公民行為有顯著正向影響、(4)旅館員工的工作滿意度對其組織承諾及組織公民行為有顯著正向影響、(5)旅館員工的工作滿意度對內部行銷策略與組織承諾之間的關係具有中介效果、(6)旅館員工的工作滿意度對內部行銷策略與組織公民行為之間的關係具有中介效果、(7)旅館員工的組織承諾與組織公民行為之間有顯著相關。研究結果除了補足文獻所述之研究缺口外,也將對臺灣旅館的內部行銷策略提出實行根據,以達到「有快樂的員工,才有滿足的顧客」的企業趨勢。
This study attempts to explore the impact of internal marketing strategies on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of hotel employees. A questionnaire survey approach was adopted, and a purposive sampling method was used to recruit Taiwanese hotel employees as respondents. The questionnaire contained five sections, including scales measuring internal marketing strategies (including fourdimensions: empowerment, pay, relationship with managers, and work environment ), job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics. The measures were developed based on a thorough review of the literature and were further refined based on the opinions of five academic and industry experts and the results of the pilot test. A total of 406 valid responses were collected fromTaiwanese hotel employees in the main survey.The results indicate that: (1) empowerment, pay, and work environment had a significant impact on respondents’ level of job satisfaction; (2) pay and work environment had a significant effect on respondents’ organizational commitment; (3) empowerment and relationship with managers had a significant influence on respondents’ organizational citizenship behavior; (4) job satisfaction of hotel employees exerted a significant impact on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior; (5) the relationship between internal marketing strategies and organizational commitment was mediated by job satisfaction of hotel employees; (6) the relationship between internal marketing strategies and organizational citizenship behavior was mediated by job satisfaction; (7) there is a significant correlation between respondents’ organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. The results extend the knowledge of internal marketing and provide important managerial insights into the effective adoption of internal marketing strategies in the hotel industry.
This study attempts to explore the impact of internal marketing strategies on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of hotel employees. A questionnaire survey approach was adopted, and a purposive sampling method was used to recruit Taiwanese hotel employees as respondents. The questionnaire contained five sections, including scales measuring internal marketing strategies (including fourdimensions: empowerment, pay, relationship with managers, and work environment ), job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics. The measures were developed based on a thorough review of the literature and were further refined based on the opinions of five academic and industry experts and the results of the pilot test. A total of 406 valid responses were collected fromTaiwanese hotel employees in the main survey.The results indicate that: (1) empowerment, pay, and work environment had a significant impact on respondents’ level of job satisfaction; (2) pay and work environment had a significant effect on respondents’ organizational commitment; (3) empowerment and relationship with managers had a significant influence on respondents’ organizational citizenship behavior; (4) job satisfaction of hotel employees exerted a significant impact on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior; (5) the relationship between internal marketing strategies and organizational commitment was mediated by job satisfaction of hotel employees; (6) the relationship between internal marketing strategies and organizational citizenship behavior was mediated by job satisfaction; (7) there is a significant correlation between respondents’ organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. The results extend the knowledge of internal marketing and provide important managerial insights into the effective adoption of internal marketing strategies in the hotel industry.
臺灣旅館, 內部行銷策略, 工作滿意度, 組織承諾, 組織公民行為, Taiwanese hotel, Internal marketing strategies, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Organizational citizenship behavior