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身為海島型氣候下的我們所形成的記憶片段必然有數段是深受雨水所浸染而成的,舉凡是狂風暴雨、詩意煙雨或是朦朧細雨皆是組成我們這一生記憶中的元素之一,而這些被雨水洗滌景象的記憶片段亦深深牽動著筆者的情思與感觸,也因此,本研究將以雨水相關的記憶為主,思索各種和雨滴交織的記憶畫面所包含的意象、象徵、情感與意義,進而思量人類與自然的關係。 筆者以自身記憶為探究的出發點,並自各種學說與經典名作中探討形成與影響記憶的各種因素以及記憶可呈現的樣貌類型,進而再針對記憶中雨天的景象對筆者含有的意涵、情感和象徵性一一剖析,在這過程中,移情作用起了很大的作用,它使筆者從中重新體悟到自然的雨水為帶來的各種意義與情感,並進而摸索到回味的意象。筆者自近觀的視點、照相寫實主義構圖的方式與透鏡原理作用的概念去細細處理各種創作思維與學理基礎中摸索到的方向,並嘗試自各種近觀的視角、雨水因透鏡原理形成的景色與筆者自身記憶畫面等景象相互交織融合以揣摩最接近心中的那場充滿情思的雨的景象,再藉由筆者所熟悉的媒材,運用壓克力的流動性與油彩便於堆疊的特性,於畫布上實踐這項探究。 探究記憶便是在深入了解自我,也因此這項研究除了重現筆者記憶中的雨水之外,更是段發掘自我的旅程,重新認識那個被自然所感動的自我。
Being a citizen who lived in the insular climate, our memory must have lots of scenery involved by rain, such as the violent storm or the hazy drizzle is all one of the elements of our memory. Based on the feelings and thoughts which are triggered by rain, this research is to explore the imageries, meanings, symbols and feelings which are conceived in the researcher’s memory of the rain, and hope to convey the intimateship between human and nature. This study sets out from the researcher’s personal memory, and is analyzed about how it formed, which can affect it, how to express it and what kind of meanings and imageries are conceived in the researcher’s memory of the rain through the academic theories and artworks in chapter two. During this process, empathy makes a great work on helping researcher to see things in a different angle and feel the feelings and meanings that raindrop has bring—a sense of reminiscence. In chapter three, the researcher tries to manage this feeling of reminiscence by using the close-up view, photorealism’s composition and lens imaging concept to regain the scene of rain that has always hung in researcher’s heart. In chapter four are the artworks that the researcher has paint, based on the concept that previous chapter has found out, by using several mediums like acrylic and oil color paint on canvas, and after all these works have done, the researcher makes the conclusion of this research in chapter five. Explore one’s memory is also a way to understand one’s inside, hence this research is not only to regain the scene of researcher’s memory, but also to rediscover researcher’s self, the one who always be touched by natural beauty.



記憶, 雨滴, 移情作用, 近觀, 透鏡成像, Memory, Raindrop, Empathy, Close-up View, Lens Imaging





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