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背景:因應全球化浪潮,2030雙語政策成為我國近年來在教育方面的重點推展項目,目前各級學校所推行的雙語教學以體育科為主要的發展科目。目的:學校的體育課是能帶給學生身體活動量的場域,學生在課堂裡的學習動機也會影響體育課的學習成效,因此本研究旨在探討以雙語進行體育教學對於學生身體活動量及學習動機之影響。方法:採為期五週的雙語體育教學介入,共計10節課,以同一位教師之兩個班級,分為雙語體育教學組24位學生及一般體育教學組27位學生。研究工具使用三軸加速規 (GT3X+accelerometers) 、ARCS學習動機量表、訪談及觀課日誌。結果:1. 雙語體育教學下,學生的中高強度身體活動量呈漸進上升的趨勢;學習動機的四大構面以引起注意、切身相關的後測平均值高於前測平均值而建立信心、獲得滿足的後測平均值低於前測平均值。2. 在中高強度身體活動量方面,雙語體育教學組與一般體育教學組呈顯著差異,原因來自學生專注度提升、同儕互動頻率增高。3. 在學習動機方面,兩個班級並未達到顯著差異,原因為學生主要受到技能強弱以及運動項目影響,語言並非關鍵要素。建議:未來有意願實施雙語教學的體育教師,能透過多元的鷹架輔助策略、設計符應學生英語程度的雙語課程來促進學生在體育課的中高強度身體活動和學習動機表現。另外,未來研究也可以針對學生之間在雙語教學下的互動變化、情形和頻率以深入探討同儕互動對雙語體育教學學習成效的影響。
Background: In response to the trend of globalization, 2030 bilingual education policy has become a key policy in Taiwan. Currently, schools at all levels are implementing bilingual instruction, especially physical education has become a major subject. Purpose: P.E. classes in school are places that can bring physical activities to students. Students’ learning motivation will also affect their learning outcomes. Therefore, the study aims to discuss the impact of bilingual physical education (BPE) instructions on student’s physical activities and learning motivation. Method: The present study will be conducted for five-week in total of 10 periods. Two classes taught by the same teacher are divided into experimental group and control group. Research tools are accelerometer, ARCS learning motivation questionnaire, semi-structured interview and observation sheets. Result: 1.In BPE classes, students’ MVPA shows a gradually growing trend. As for the learning motivation, also brings up changes. 2. In terms of MVPA, there is a significant difference between the experimental group and control group. 3.Regarding to learning motivation, there is no significance difference between in two groups. Suggest: P.E teachers who have been interesting in implementing bilingual instruction can enhance student’s MVPA and learning motivation by providing diverse scaffolding strategies, appropriate bilingual class for student’s English proficiency. Additionally, further research can focus on changes, circumstances and frequency of student’s interaction.



雙語體育, 身體活動量, 學習動機, 加速規, bilingual physical education, physical activity, learning motivation, accelerometers





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