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本研究旨在探討幽默技巧融入幼兒繪本教學活動對提升幼兒幽默表現、創造力之成效。本研究採用兩所台北市公立幼兒園中大混齡班學生共計53位幼兒為研究參與者。研究設計採用準實驗設計的不等組前-後測設計,其中27人為實驗組,接受為期四週的幽默技巧融入幼兒繪本教學活動,26人為控制組,進行幽默繪本閱讀活動。研究工具為「行動和動作創造思考測驗」(TCAM)以及研究團隊自編「幼兒幽默表現評量」,研究者將實驗對照組別評量所獲得之前後測資料進行單因子共變數分析及二因子混合設計變異數分析,研究結果為:1.幽默技巧融入幼兒繪本教學活動能提升幼兒幽默表現中的「出糗的情境表現出糗技巧」與「變化技巧重新解釋」,但對於「新奇的概念組合融合技巧」及「誇張技巧誇大的想像」沒有顯著提升效果。2. 幽默技巧融入幼兒繪本教學活動能提升幼兒創造力表現,及創造思考潛能之「流暢性」、「獨創性」與「想像性」。本研究最後根據研究結果,對幼教現場教師、及未來相關研究提出建議,以供後續研究與教學之參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of Humor skills integrated into children's picture book teaching activities on the humorous performance and the creativity of young children. It was planned to use 53 mixed-age class students from kindergartens in Taipei as research participants. The research design were used in the pre- and post-test design. Among them, 27 were experimental groups receiving four-week Humor skills integrated into children's picture book teaching activities, and 26 were control groups are reading humor picture book. The research tools are the Think Creatively in Action and Movement for creative action and action (TCAM), humorous performance assignments prepared by the researchers. The participants were tested before and after the experiment to perform single-factor covariation analysis. The results of this study found:1. The integration of humorous skills into children's picture book teaching activities can improve children's humorous performance. 2. The integration of humorous skills into children's picture book teaching activities can improve the "fusion skills" and "reinterpretationchange skills" in children's humorous performance, but there is no significant improvement in . 3. The integration of humorous skills into children's picture book teaching activities does not significantly improve the "novelty concept combinationsintegration skills" and "exaggeration skills" in children's humorous performance. 24. The integration of humorous skills into children's picture book teaching activities can enhance children's creativity,. 5. The integration of humorous skills into children's picture book teaching activities can improve and children's creative thinking potentials of "fluency", "originality" and "imagination". At the end of this study, based on the results of the study, recommendations are made for practical workers in early childhood education and related research in the future for reference for subsequent research and teaching.



幼兒幽默, 幼兒創造力, 繪本教學, children's humorous performance, children's creativities, Picture-book teaching





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