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圖書館推廣活動的宣傳成功與否,牽涉到許多的因素,其中海報媒體功能的有效展現,便是鮮明的指標之一。推廣活動的海報設計表現方法依活動類型而具有多樣的面貌,而海報標題、內文的資訊量與用詞,是推廣活動海報設計中相當重要的因素,值得我們關心與注意。本研究以問卷為主要研究工具,輔以訪談和實地觀察來分析讀者對於推廣活動海報中資訊量與用詞的感受與其參與活動的影響,亦同時探討讀者喜好的推廣海報型式及推廣活動的類型。期望研究結果可以對現有推廣海報設計概況有所了解,並提供海報設計者在設計實務上的參考與協助。 本研究主要結論包括:1. 推廣活動海報的標題相當重要,詼諧而輕鬆且具有設計感的標題最能夠獲得讀者的青睞。2. 海報的擺放位置,剛好路看到也是讀者觀看海報的重要動機之一。3. 多數讀者在觀看推廣海報後會去閱讀海報的內文,而其觀看海報的平均時間則多在5秒內結束;4. 最能吸引讀者參加推廣活的的因素該活動是免費性質的,其次是讀者藉由參與該推廣活動能夠提升自我價值。5. 推廣活動海報的資訊量高低對學術性活動及名人講座這兩種不同類型活動的影響是不一致的;當讀者對於名人講座的資訊有更多瞭解時,其參加的意向便會提高,而由於多數讀者對學術性活動皆不感興趣,無論其相關資訊提供的多寡都無法引起其參加意向。6. 不論是學術搜尋活動或名人講座活動,推廣活動海報的非正式標題及內文的用詞都較能給予讀者有變化、有趣的、現代的與活潑的印象,其參加意向也比較高。
The college library is regarded as the heart of the college; however, it presents an image of being dull, serious, and not easy to approach. Most college library patrons do not come to the library for lack of the motivation for doing a research. Only when they need to find something in the library or the library creates indispensable information needs for patrons will they come to use the library. This study was designed to explore factors and behaviors of library patrons when viewing library publicity posters. The study results revealed the following findings: (1) Most students were not interested in library outreach programs; (2) Students showed more interest in library extension service involving non-academic activities; (3) For those who participated in library outreach events, their motivations were primarily for self-enriching purposes; (4) Students visiting the library more frequently are more likely to participate the library outreach programs; (5) The factor of wording of a poster design could increase students’ intentions to participate library outreach programs, regardless of program type; (6) The amount of information covered in a poster made a significant difference in non-academic events rather than on academic ones.



意向, 技專校院, 資訊量, 標題, Intention, Technical Colleges and Universities, Information Load, catch phrase





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