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本研究旨在探究幼兒進行鬆散素材探索活動的型態,並分析其與幼兒創造力之關聯。研究採用探索型混合研究設計。第一階段為質化研究,目的在分析並建立幼兒鬆散素材探索活動型態之觀察指標。研究參與者以立意取樣方式,在臺北市某公立國小附設幼兒園中班班級當中,依據行動和動作創造思考測驗 (Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement,TCAM) 施測結果,選取創造力總分最高、最低及中位數之三位幼兒,分析編碼其活動錄影紀錄。研究結果發現,幼兒進行鬆散素材探索活動型態可歸納成三個類別十二個項目,分別為:試探動作類別,包含:觀察、觸摸、敲擊、定置、滾動等項目;建構動作類別,包含:堆疊、鋪排、拆解、更換等項目;裝扮想像類別,包含:物品假裝、角色扮演、故事想像等項目。第二階段研究參與者為30位中班幼兒,分別為15男、15女。研究工具為TCAM行動和動作創造思考測驗、研究者依據前述幼兒鬆散素材探索活動觀察指標編製之觀察表。蒐集資料後以描述統計、卡方檢定、皮爾森相關分析、多元迴歸分析來探究幼兒進行鬆散素材探索活動的型態及其與幼兒創造力之關聯;此外本研究亦針對幼兒鬆散素材探索活動中所創作作品進行質性的評析。結果發現:1.全部幼兒整體出現動作頻率為,建構動作最多,試探動作其次,裝扮想像最少。2.「敲擊」、「拆解」、「物品假裝」對幼兒想像力有相關及預測力;3.「敲擊」、「更換」、「裝扮想像類別」、「總次數」對幼兒整體創造力有相關及預測力。4.高創造力分數幼兒進行鬆散素材探索活動出現較多「敲擊」動作,並且能直接運用鬆散素材進行裝扮想像類別中的「物品假裝」、「角色扮演」、「故事想像」。本研究最後根據研究結果,對幼教實務工作者及未來相關研究提出建議。
This study was investigating to object how children ues loose parts to explore and to analysis the correlation between loose parts and children’s creativity. The experimental setting was based on exploratory research design, the first step was qualitative research design which designed indicators to object the action type what children uesd with loose parts. The observed members were 30 children in public kindergarten in Taipei City, Age region was 4 to 5 years old. Based on Purposive Sampling,after 30 children took the Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement (TCAM), and then selected the three children with the highest, lowest and median total scores of creativity, and analyzed the code recording of their activities. The results of the study were that the loose parts exploration activities were coding to three types and twelve items: Test Action Category included “object”, which were “touch”, “tap”, “place”,and “roll”; Construction action category included “stack”, which were “row shape”, “dismantle”,and “change material”; Dress Up Imagination Category included “pretend”, which were “role play”and “imaginate story”.The second step was using the indicators of loose parts exploration to view thirty children’s video clips, and classified the action types. Results were analyzed by SPSS Statistics was used for descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. This study also qualitatively analyzes the works created by children in the exploration of loose parts. The results were as follows: 1. The overall frequency of movements on all young children was: Test Action Category were the most, Construction Action category were followed, and Dress Up Imagination Category were the least. 2. They could predict the children’s creativity well on“tap”,“dismantle”,and“pretend”. 3. Theycould predict the children’s creativity well on“tap”,“change material”, “Dress Up Imagination Category”, and “ whole frequency”. 4.Children who had High Creativity score got more “tap” actions in loose parts exploration activities, and they can directly use loose parts to the “pretend”, “role-play”, and “imaginate story” in the Dress Up imagination Category. At the end of the study, based on the research results, suggestions were made for early childhood practitioners and related research in the future.
This study was investigating to object how children ues loose parts to explore and to analysis the correlation between loose parts and children’s creativity. The experimental setting was based on exploratory research design, the first step was qualitative research design which designed indicators to object the action type what children uesd with loose parts. The observed members were 30 children in public kindergarten in Taipei City, Age region was 4 to 5 years old. Based on Purposive Sampling,after 30 children took the Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement (TCAM), and then selected the three children with the highest, lowest and median total scores of creativity, and analyzed the code recording of their activities. The results of the study were that the loose parts exploration activities were coding to three types and twelve items: Test Action Category included “object”, which were “touch”, “tap”, “place”,and “roll”; Construction action category included “stack”, which were “row shape”, “dismantle”,and “change material”; Dress Up Imagination Category included “pretend”, which were “role play”and “imaginate story”.The second step was using the indicators of loose parts exploration to view thirty children’s video clips, and classified the action types. Results were analyzed by SPSS Statistics was used for descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. This study also qualitatively analyzes the works created by children in the exploration of loose parts. The results were as follows: 1. The overall frequency of movements on all young children was: Test Action Category were the most, Construction Action category were followed, and Dress Up Imagination Category were the least. 2. They could predict the children’s creativity well on“tap”,“dismantle”,and“pretend”. 3. Theycould predict the children’s creativity well on“tap”,“change material”, “Dress Up Imagination Category”, and “ whole frequency”. 4.Children who had High Creativity score got more “tap” actions in loose parts exploration activities, and they can directly use loose parts to the “pretend”, “role-play”, and “imaginate story” in the Dress Up imagination Category. At the end of the study, based on the research results, suggestions were made for early childhood practitioners and related research in the future.
幼兒創造力, 鬆散素材, 鬆散素材探索活動, 探索型混合研究, children’s creativity, loose parts, loose parts exploratory activity, exploratory design