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在眾多的二胡作品中,有許多作品會使用民間音樂素材來創作,使作品能夠保有傳統的風格。二胡協奏曲《燕子》是蘇文慶唯一創作的二胡樂曲,他擷取哈薩克民歌《燕子》的動機作為樂曲的核心,發展創作而成。這首樂曲至今尚未有人研究,而且是筆者大學時期演奏過,是一首旋律優美的樂曲,因此,引起筆者產生研究此曲之興趣。 本文之文獻分為三個面向來探討,分別為:作曲家及其作品相關創作背景之文獻、新疆哈薩克族音樂相關之文獻、《燕子》二胡協奏曲相關影音資料之回顧。由於此曲直接相關的資料較少,因此,筆者透過親身訪談來獲得第一手資料,從中整理出作曲家的音樂學習與創作歷程,再將此曲進行樂曲分析、樂曲詮釋之探討,並提出個人對此曲詮釋上之見解,以完成研究。 研究結果顯示,蘇文慶二胡協奏曲《燕子》於1998年受臺北市立國樂團委託創作,在創作的當下,他正好移居至美國與妻子分隔兩地,故將對妻子的思念轉化成這首樂曲。由於此曲是運用哈薩克民歌大家耳熟能詳的音樂素材,並充分發揮二胡演奏歌唱性旋律之優勢,因此,樂曲格外令人熟悉與感動。相較現代以技巧為主的作品,這首樂曲更能夠引起大眾的共鳴。筆者期盼作曲家在創作二胡樂曲時,除了追求炫技手法外,同時也要能兼顧樂器自身的特質充分發揮,才能創作出更多膾炙人口的樂曲。
In many of the Erhu compositions, components originating from regional folk music have been frequently adopted in order to maintain the traditional and authentic style. “The Swallow” is a signature Erhu concerto composed by Mr. Su, Wen-cheng, and it is his only-one Erhu concerto. He developed this concerto with his inspiration from the melody of the Kazakhstan folk song “The Swallow”. Because of its exquisite melody, the writer has appreciated this composition very much since he first played it while undergraduate years. As of this composition was completed, it hasn’t been academically studied or analyzed yet. Based on the factors mentioned above, I was motivated to embark on the research of this composition. This thesis can be studied from three different facets, including primary sources of the composer’s background and the literature review of the intentions of his compositions, secondary sources of Kazakhstan folk music researches, and the relevant visual and audio reviews. Due to the lack of secondary sources of this composition, the writer took the initiative to interview the composer in order to obtain firsthand materials and further summarize the journey of the composer’s music education and composing experiences. This thesis also provides the analysis of the forms, the discussions on elaboration of this concerto, and the writer’s personal understanding towards the elaboration of this composition. The research outcomes have shown that Su, Wen-Ching’s Erhu concerto, The Swallow, was a commissioned work requested by Taipei City Chinese Orchestra in 1998. When the concerto was being composed, Mr. Su and his wife were separated because of his wife’s migration to the USA. He transformed his feelings of missing into this concerto and transplanted the components of Kazakhstan music in order to fully elaborate Erhu’s melodic nature. Accordingly, this concerto sounds relatively moving and familiar. Compared to the contemporary Erhu compositions that only focus on skills, this composition is more capable of arousing echoes from the audience. The writer hopes that composers can produce more of the widely-appreciated works by drawing more attentions on elaborating the nature and quality of the instrument instead of excessively pursuing virtuoso purposes.



蘇文慶, 燕子, 哈薩克民歌, Su, Wen-Ching, The Swallow, Kazakhstan folk song





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