童話故事--童顏 童年記憶圖像之創作研究

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本創作研究旨在表現生活感悟、回憶與夢想三者之組構。作品以童話故事為發想,挪用童話中白雪公主的形象,做為夢想的符號表徵,畫面結合童顏與童年記憶中家園植物之圖像,進行集中、概括、組合,構築真實與想像並置的情境空間。將藝術理念透過客體傳達愛、夢想與關懷。 筆者採自傳式的繪畫方式,以主觀的情感,將主體與客體意象交融,使物像經由心靈形式的打扮,表現主觀心靈之創造。 第一章「緒論」說明了個人研究動機、目的、方法、範圍及名詞釋義。 第二章「創作研究之理論基礎」是將影響筆者的美學理論做分析、闡述與歸納。其理論亦呼應在個人作品中。經由閱讀美學,內化成自我能量,使作品經由物象背後的真實與自我心性調和,產生一種接近心靈之真實。 第三章「創作理念與實踐」涵蓋了個人對人文、社會現象及自然之關懷,創作時融合親情與母愛的情感,在實踐上將象徵主義、超現實主義、後現代之「挪用」理念,此三種藝術觀結合,呈現筆者之思想、精神與生活脈絡。 第四章「創作內容、形式、媒材與技法」,此章介紹創作的內容與形式、創作過程、媒材類別、技法表現等概念。 第五章「作品解析」,作品內容以童顏、白雪公主及植物做為主要的繪畫元素。對於每幅畫作的創作理念、形式,分別說明。筆者以直覺的語言、感性的思維追尋美的理念。畫中展露自我心靈狀態的痕跡,直探深層之心象世界。 第六章「結論」筆者以直白的表述,敞開心扉,剖析自我繪畫之心路歷程,並期許自己在藝術創作上不斷努力!永不停止!
The study aims of the artistic are to identify the correction among life apprehensibility, memories, and visions. I initiate from the famous fairy tale “Snow white” as the characterization from dreams and visions, and further constitute with plants and familiarities from my childhood memories. The contemplation then contributes to a scenario that stands between imagination and reality. The ideology of love, vision and concern is then delivered through the painting themes. I elaborately detail its artistic creation through autobiographical drawing, which comprises delicate blend of deliberation and painting themes. The first chapter, “Introduction,” describes the research motive, purpose, method, structure and the interpretation of terms. Chapter Two, “The theoretical basis for creative research” tries to analyze, elaborate and make an induction from the aesthetic theories which influence me. Those theories are also echoed in the individual work. Through the aesthetics, I form liveliness in mind, and the truth behind the images in the works and self-concentric reconciliation get closer to my spiritual reality. The third chapter, “Creation theory and practice,” covers the humanistic care, social phenomena and the care for the nature. Affections and motherly love prevail in my paintings. In practice, symbolism, surrealism, and post-modernism are borrowed to these works. Three kinds of theories integrate with the art creations in presenting the ideological, spiritual and life context. The fourth chapter is about “Creative contents, forms, process, media and techniques.” This chapter is devoted to the contents and forms of the works, the creative process, media, concepts and techniques of creation. The fifth chapter is “Analyzing the works.” Childhood memory, Snow White and plants are the main elements for the paintings. I illustrate the creative concepts of each piece of work, the creating process and artistic forms. Through a realistic approach, the symbolic allegory and surreal situations, the art works convey the heart of my inner world. The sixth chapter, “Conclusions and prospects,” analyzes the spiritual experience in painting straightforwardly and affirms my efforts in the artistic creating! Never Stop!



童話故事, 象徵主義, 後現代, 超現實主義, Fairy tale, Symbolism, Post-modern, Surrealism





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