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Item 資源型態與海外華人社會的形塑(2014/08-2015/07) 陳國川Item 國小社會(八)(康軒文教, 2004-01-01) 陳國川等Item GIS Education in the Senior High Schools of Taiwan: Results of a National Survey of Geography Teachers.(2010-07-08) Chen, Che-Ming; Wang, Yao-HuiItem 地理資訊系統與都市環境災害評估(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 2001-05-01) 張國楨; 彭佳姿The main goal of this paper is to construct a GIS model to evaluate the risk of disasters related to certain kinds of land use types in the urban area. The relationship between land uses and environmental hazards were studied and intergraded into the model. The hazards were categorized into two types, continuous and discrete, The hazardous land uses used in constructing the model include fire, explosion, air pollution, and magnetic field. The potential impact for each type was calculated separately and then integrated into a single hazard index. Taichung City was chose as pilot study area for its long urban hazards history in the past few years. Land use data was collected through field survey and converted into an ArcView GIS database. By using Spatial Analysis Module from ArcView GIS 3.2, the results showed the tight relationship between hazard potential and certain types of land use. The distribution of population and locations of daycare centers were overlaid with the distribution of hazard potential to demonstrate the impact from these hazardous land uses in Taichung City.Item 二十世紀初臺灣漢詩人洪以南之現代文明遊足跡(2010/01/09-10) 洪致文; 鄭涵娟Item 高雄市都市景觀變遷的空間分析(國立臺灣海洋大學人文社會科學院, 2008-06-01) 王文誠高雄為東亞相對可及性最高的港口,歷經多樣的文化衝擊,造就了獨特的商貿、移民、社會與文化。本文為作者直接對高雄港市長期實地考察與訪談,尤其針對1998年以後高雄市由民進黨執政的都市景觀變遷,嘗試就都市、政治地理與社會空間分析角度,對於一個都市景觀整體發展,提出一個概念性的分析架構。就高雄都會空間結構性意象與社會意涵,將理論內化於經驗觀察之中。首先,分析高雄港市及其支持新空間形式,再根據這個分析架構,透過不同的地理尺度,討論高雄市發展之都市意象與城市自明性。試圖解釋高雄城市多元文化衝擊所形塑之社會與空間文化內涵。探討高雄城市空間意義之「空間再現」與「再現空間」,深化對空間梳理,提出政策性意涵。Item 從先秦儒家到朱子的重農思想論臺灣儒者的農本主義(2008/07/07-10) 潘朝陽Item 臺北市錦安里林務局日式宿舍群保存之探討(2)--民眾參與(行政院農業委員會林務局, 2008-12-01) 王嘉琦; 廖學誠Item 日治時代雲林官有原野的土地開發(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 2000-11-01) 陳國川Despite the fact that Yunlin was first developed and settled by the Han-Chinese as early as in the Kangshi-Yungcheng era (i.e., the early eighteen century), there remained a large part of wild areas at the beginning of the Japanese-ruled period (i.e., at the end of the nineteenth century) because of the unfavorable physical environment. These wild areas were very soon claimed by the Japanese colonial government as public wild areas, which were subsequently granted, by way of “sale and grant for expected successful development”, to local authorities, other public institutions, private Japanese corporations, as well as specific local gentries. Three characteristics of the process of land grant and development stands out as follows. (1) extremely uneven distribution of land grantees. Over 95% of the land were granted to Japanese corporations as well as local gentries. For the land granted to Japanese corporations, cane-suger refinery corporations had the lion's share, while the Taiwanese and Japanese co-ownershiped corporations accounted for more than two-thirds of the land granted to local gentries. (2) frequent change of land development licenses. Cases of land development often failed largely because of insufficient capital and labor input, and development licenses were traded subsequently. (3) a distinct development objective from the previous Ching Dynasty period. While in the Ching Dynasty period the development of paddi rice field claimed the top priority, in the Japanese-ruled period cane sugar field prevailed.Item 海岸環境資源經營管理之探討(7)--日本福岡縣海岸(行政院農業委員會林務局, 2013-12-01) 廖學誠