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    (教育部技術及職業教育司, 1999-12-01) 屠名正; 張宏光
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    (全亞文化事業有限公司, 2003-09-01) 蔡偉崙; 程金保
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    (2008-11-08) 黃茂榕; 楊啟榮; 邱源成; 李榮宗
    矽晶片表面經過粗化處理後可降低晶片表面的反射率,以增加矽質太陽能電池的發電效率。本研究提出結合自組裝奈米球微影(self-assembed nanosphere lithography, SANL)以及光輔助電化學蝕刻 (photo-assisted electrochemical etching, PAECE)兩項技術,在矽晶片表面製作高深寬比的奈米孔洞陣列結構,用於降低矽晶片的反射效率。實驗結果顯示所完成的奈米級孔洞陣列結構,其蝕刻深度約為6.2 μm,直徑約為90 nm,即孔洞的深寬比可達約68:1。在380 nm-890 nm波長範圍內矽晶片的平均反射率為40.2 %。經過SANSL以及5分鐘的PAECE蝕刻後,平均反射效率可降低為1.73 %。本論文所提出的新型製程技術,除具有低成本優勢外,所完成的奈米級孔洞陣列結構更可實際應用於單晶矽太陽能電池之抗反射結構。
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    (2006-11-30) 楊啟榮; 程金保; 鍾武雄; 吳俊緯; 彭榆鈞; 謝佑聖
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    Photoablation characteristics of novel polyimides synthesized for high-aspect-ratio excimer laser LIGA process
    (IOP, 2004-01-09) Yang, Chii-Rong; Hsieh, Yu-Sheng; Hwang, Guang-Yeu; Lee, Yu-Der
    The photoablation properties of two soluble polyimides DMDB/6FDA and OT/6FDA with thicknesses of over 300 μm, synthesized by the polycondensation of a hexafluoropropyl group contained in a dianhydride with two kinds of diamines, are investigated using a 248 nm krypton fluoride (KrF) laser. The incorporation of the hexafluoropropyl group into the chemical structure gives these two polyimides higher etching rates than Kapton (a commercial polyimide film which is difficult to dissolve). The etching rates of synthesized polyimides are about 0.1–0.5 μm/pulse over a fluence range of 0.25–2.25 J cm-2. The photothermal mechanism for DMDB/6FDA contributes about 19% of etching depth at a laser fluence of 0.82 J cm-2. Moreover, the number of laser pulses seriously affects the taper angle of microstructures, especially at low fluence. Near-vertical side-wall structures can be built at high fluence (~2 J cm-2). Fresnel patterns with a thickness of 300 μm and a linewidth of 10 μm were fabricated, with an attainable aspect ratio of around 30. After photoablation, the complementary metallic microstructures were also fabricated by a sequential electroplating procedure. Then, those two new polyimides could be dissolved easily in most common solvents (such as THF, DMSO, NMP and DMF). These results indicate that these two soluble polyimides are highly suitable for use in the KrF laser LIGA process.
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    (2002-07-31) 楊啟榮
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    (2003-12-31) 楊啟榮
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    (中國視聽教育學會, 2000-02-01) 葉榮木; 張素惠
    With the advancement of information technology, the impact and opportunities to the educational environment followed. It also brought an exploration of the urgency and necessity of the influence of the revolution in instructional technology (IT ). This paper discusses the change of knowledge and views of learning as tlic new teaching procedure guided by modern educational technology and constructivism. In order to upgrade the education quality and create a modern instruction environment, a more effective model is proposed.
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    (2011-07-31) 程金保; 楊啟榮
    電致色變係利用外加電場時,使材料產生著/去色變化,進而影響外來光線的穿透作用。此一特性可以被應用在汽車和建築物之玻璃上,以製作節省能源、可調節光線進入及控制熱負荷之智慧型窗戶。然而,目前製程技術通常為濺鍍法或蒸鍍法等,耗時且設備成本較高。本研究擬利用溶膠凝膠法來製備氧化鎢膠體,除了能控制微孔結構,在製備多成分系統也較簡易,並具有低成本的特點。在成膜製程方面,本作品將結合精密網版印刷技術,先在網版上製作出特殊設計之圖案,利用此一網版將氧化鎢膠體在ITO 玻璃上印出圖案之薄膜。此一製程快速、簡單易操作,以及成本低、製程溫度低、不需要真空環境、容易連續製程及在各種材料上大面積塗佈等優點。封裝成電致色變元件後,使節能窗更具備美觀及藝術欣賞之價值。技術重點包括網印漿料之調配、控制網版印刷機台製程之最佳條件、結合電解質封裝成電致色變元件及其性能分析等。未來將此一電致色變元件應用於玻璃窗,能兼顧採光與隔熱的需求,經由適當的設計,可以降低建築物的空調及照明等電力負荷,達成節能之目的。
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    (2003-07-31) 楊啟榮
    負型SU-8 厚膜光阻利用一般的微影製程,即可製作高深寬比的微結構。目前SU-8光阻主要是應用於LIGA 電鑄製程之模板、熱壓成形之模仁、微光合成形、光波導、微流體應用流道或微機械結構等之材料,然而尚未有直接將SU-8 光阻作為微致動器材料的研究。本計畫目的即是利用SU-8 厚膜光阻微影製程,低成本且快速地開發微光學應用之微反射鏡式光開關元件。全SU-8 厚膜光阻的製程與微結構,其優點為低成本、可降低微反射鏡因組裝所造成的誤差,利用間接驅動方式增加微反射鏡的作動行程,以增進光路切換的適用範圍。製作完成之微反射鏡式光開關,採用靜電式致動器,經局部結構釋放且鍍金屬膜後,成功地以AC 125 伏特電壓驅動;微反射鏡對光波長632 nm 之可光源與光波長1550 nm 之紅外光源皆有反射效能, 其反射效率分別為17.6% 及20.5% 。