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Item 運動與快樂(臺灣身體文化學會, 2010-12-01) 于文正; 宋曜廷本文分析作為一種情緒類型的快樂,以及快樂的種類,並透過教育部重編國語辭典,分析快樂相關字、詞與成語中的快樂現象,發現近代西方心理學自提倡正向心理學研究之後,在實證研究上對於快樂是從主觀幸福感演變到真實的快樂,雖然在快樂的相關理論上更進一步,不過對照佛學修行所追求的真樂境界,真實的快樂理論並無法涵蓋甚受儒釋道哲學影響的華人心理。近年來,透過對僧侶的腦波研究,則確認快樂有比心理學理論更為複雜的樣貌,在運動與快樂的關係上,本文經由自編多元快樂量表針對565位不同年齡的受測者進行施測,在項目分析時發現,從事激烈的運動與整個量表相關過低,以致於無法通過一般項目分析的標準;但從事動態的休閒活動卻與整體量表相關達一定水準,對照該量表所得到的因素,可以初步瞭解運動對人的酬賞,與人們生命中的快樂經驗並不相同,本文稱運動所帶來的愉悅經驗為運動快感。Item Use of hierarchical hyper concept map in web-based courses(2001-11-15) Sung, Y. T.; Chiou, S. K.; Chang, K. E.Item 青少年之關係攻擊行為與同儕接納度及同儕能見度之關聯(2013/10/19-20) 楊雅雯; 程景琳Item 數位教學資源平台與精進教學:教師部落格卷宗之運用(臺北市教師研習中心, 2007-12-01) 宋曜廷; 張國恩; 蘇漢哲; 侯惠澤Item Maternal psychological control and Taiwanese adolescents' relational aggression: The mediating role of social evaluative anxiety.(2013/4/18-20) Cheng, C. L.; Liao, H. W.Item Counselling licensure in Taiwan.�(The Asian Professional Counselling Association, 2013-01-01) Chang, S.-H.; Bhat, C. B.Counsellor credentialing is one mechanism by which high standards of professionalism and ethics are upheld by counsellors, thereby protecting consumers of counselling services. Licensure is the most stringent form of counsellor credentialing, as it is a governmentally sanctioned credentialing and backed by law, regulating the title and practice of counselling. Licensure for counsellors in Taiwan is a relatively recent phenomenon introduced in 2001, while in the USA it has existed since the 1970s in some states. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the requirements for counselling licensure in Taiwan and to compare these with licensure requirements in the State of Ohio in the USA where counselling licensure has been evolving since 1983. Suggestions to strengthen and refine counselling licensure in Taiwan are presented and discussed.Item 華語文教師數位教學能力指標之發展與應用(高等教育出版公司, 2012-05-01) 張淑萍; 侯惠澤; 賴盈如; 張國恩; 宋曜廷; 巫康菱語言學家D. Graddol於2004年在《科學》(Science)期刊上預測,中文在50年後,將成為世界最多人使用的母語。根據教育部國際文教處(2010)統計資料顯示,目前國內已有21所大學校院設立11個華語文研究所/碩博士學位學程,以及16個華語文教學相關學系,99學年度在學學生人數約為2,400人;顯見華語文教與學的機會逐日遞增。目前,人類已經邁入數位化的網路時代,師生之間交流的模式快速變遷,華語文的教學方法也面臨重大轉變之發展,而數位學習可提供更多元語文學習管道,滿足華語文學習族群(Chang, 2007; Xie, 2007),教師數位教學知能及技能的養成乃成為關注的議題。Item The effects of peer victimization on academic performance among Taiwanese adolescents: Mediated by social link and psychological maladjustment.(2014/5/22-25) Cheng, C. L.; Chen, Y. C.; Chen, H. Y.; Wee, P. I.Item Teachers' reflection and learning in digital teaching portfolios: An empirical evaluation(2004-04-16) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.; Chang, T. H.Item Second Life在企業推動數位學習之可行性評估(中華民國空中教育學會, 2008-12-01) 張淑萍; 張國恩; 宋曜廷