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Item 3D VR沉浸式藥物濫用防制模組對於高中生預防藥物濫用之學習動機、評量與成效之研究(2020) 王詩文; Wang, Shih-Wen本研究以臺北市高中在學學生為研究對象,以預防非法藥物濫用為主要核心,融入科技學習與資訊教育,運用3D VR沉浸藥物濫用防制模組,增加學生學習動機及學習評量,進而達到藥物濫用防制預防成效。 本研究招募50名高中生,有效樣本共49人,體驗時間40分鐘,於活動開始前進行前測問卷填答,於活動後立即填寫後測問卷。使用SPSS for Windows version 23.0 及偏最小平方法進行分析,採用描述性統計、配對t檢定、單因子獨立變異數分析等分析活動前後之變化差異。 研究結果顯示,3D VR沉浸式藥物濫用防制模組之體驗不會因為性別、年級、家庭因素及是否體驗過VR的經驗,而影響其使用VR來學習藥物濫用防制教育之學習動機,而3D VR沉浸式藥物濫用防制模組之體驗教學,能顯著提升高中生對於預防藥物濫用之學習評量結果;藉由偏最小平方法結構方程模式(PLS-SEM)檢測可得知,臨場感顯著影響學習動機,學習動機顯著影響學習成效,而臨場感透過學習動機來影響學習成效也有顯著相關。 本研究進行3D VR沉浸式藥物濫用防制模組體驗教學後,高中生在學習評量有顯著進步,且可增加學生學習動機,強化學習藥物濫用知識,提升學習成效。未來能將此模式運用於其他成癮物質之預防教育(吸菸、飲酒、嚼食檳榔),或是發展以虛擬實境為基礎之青少年健康行為介入計畫,另也可提供給進行藥物濫用防制介入教育之縣市及學校單位,作為推廣的教材,運用創新科技融入教學,以增加學生學習動機,進而達到預防之成效。Item Prison sentencing increases the risk of unemployment among illegal heroin users in Taiwan(2020-10-12) Lee, Charles T; Huang, Chiu-Mieh; Chang, Li-Chun; Wang, Shih-Wen; Hsu, Hsiao-Pei; Liao, Jung-Yu; Guo, Jong-LongAbstract Background Previous studies have rarely explored the effect of type of sentencing on employment status among illegal heroin users, therefore, we aims to examine the association of the sentencing types and employment outcomes among illegal heroin users in Taiwan. Methods Participants with illegal heroin use were identified through the national prison register system and deferred prosecution system: 2406 with deferred prosecutions, 4741 with observation and rehabilitation, 15 compulsory rehabilitation and 1958 sentenced to prison in calendar 2011. Logistic regression models were built to estimate the effect of sentencing type on unemployment status at 2 years after release. Stratification analysis was conducted to determine the effect of sentencing type based on the offender’s employment status before sentencing. Results Illegal heroin users receiving a prison sentence were more than twice as likely to be unemployed 2 years later than those receiving deferred prosecution. The unemployment rate was also higher for those with observation and rehabilitation and compulsory rehabilitation than deferred prosecution in the 2 years following sentencing. Males, older users, without a job before sentencing, divorced or widowed and higher prior drug use criminal records were also higher risk of unemployment. Subgroup analysis by prior employment status revealed that being sentenced to prison, observation and rehabilitation and compulsory rehabilitation affected the subsequent employment status only for those heroin users with a job before sentencing. The strength of associations showed dose-dependent relationship between different sentencing types (sentenced to prison> compulsory rehabilitation> observation and rehabilitation) and employment outcomes. Conclusions Illegal heroin users who receive a prison sentence have a much higher risk of unemployment than those who receive deferred prosecution after controlling potential confounders, especially those who had a job before sentencing. The implication is the stronger freedom of punishment, the higher risk of unemployment outcomes. Our study support that illegal heroin user is legally regarded as a patient before being regarded as a criminal, so giving priority to quit addition rather than imprisonment.Item 台灣原住民三族之招呼語與命名系統之研究(2018) 王詩雯; Wang, Shih-Wen本研究旨在探討台灣原住民族群的招呼語應用及命名系統。本研究主要包含兩種測驗 : 第一測驗為招呼語應用測驗,可得知原住民族群在不同情況下,針對不同人物所使用的招呼語差異 ,情境效應亦融入在此測驗中; 第二測驗為命名系統測驗,可得知不同族群的原住民的命名模式及姓名是否存在意義上的差別。兩測驗皆探討其背後反映的文化背景。本研究對象包含十二名大學生,其年齡介於十九至二十五歲,依其所屬族群分為阿美族、布農族、賽德克族,以及三位原族民老師其年齡介於五十三至六十一歲,按所屬族群亦劃分為上述三原住民族群。 第一份研究結果顯示,台灣原住民依照對象年齡改變其招呼語之應用。針對不同年齡層對象使用不同的招呼語表達對其尊敬與親密程度。其中,表達親屬關係之招呼語最為廣泛運用。對於台灣原住民而言,舉凡部落裡的族人,其他部落的原住民,乃至非原住民族群,表達親屬關係之招呼語皆可展現原住民對見面對象的尊敬與友好之情。再者,在不同情境下所使用的招呼語存在差異。在公眾場合,原住民選擇使用工作頭銜或部落頭銜表達莊重。此外,第二份研究結果顯示,台灣原住民其命名系統乃繼承族內受尊敬之長輩抑或家中受尊敬之長輩姓名,以傳承其偉大精神以及表達對其的尊重。並且,在三族群當中,姓名亦可反映孩童的長幼順序。長子及長女可繼承家中爺爺或奶奶的姓名,其餘孩童則按出生順序依序繼承其他長輩的姓名。因此,台灣原住民姓名大多數不具含義。然而,在原住民女性姓名中,三族群亦可發現某些女性姓名指涉大自然事物。