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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2006-10-??) 楊婷雅; Ting-Ya Yang
    本研究旨在探討文化紀錄片工作者之資訊行為,以十一位文化紀錄片工作者為研究對象,研究目的包括:探討文化紀錄片工作者之工作任務;分析文化紀錄片工作者 之資訊需求;歸納文化紀錄片工作者之資訊型態與資訊來源;分析文化紀錄片工作者之資訊使用;最後並歸納文化紀錄片工作者之資訊行為互動模式。本研究採用質 性研究方法,首先運用文獻分析法,分析資訊行為相關理論,人文與藝術領域使用者資訊行為相關研究,以及本土人文與藝術領域使用者資訊行為研究,以求深入瞭 解現存相關理論與研究,建立本研究之研究方向與研究價值。接著,採用半結構式深度訪談法,訪問十一位文化紀錄片工作者,並將訪談內容製成聽寫稿,運用內容 分析法進行編碼與資料分析,探討文化紀錄片工作者之工作任務、資訊需求、資訊型態與資訊來源、資訊使用等面向,並歸納出其資訊行為歷程,可分為:探索、形 成、行動、完成等四階段;以及文化紀錄片工作者所面臨之資訊困境與矛盾。最後研究結果歸納為以下八點:(一)文化紀錄片工作者之工作任務會影響其資訊行 為;(二)文化紀錄片工作者之資訊需求乃持續變動之綜合心理狀態;(三)文化紀錄片工作者之資訊型態與資訊來源多樣化;(四)資訊使用以實際接觸與感受為 主;(五)網際網路已成為蒐集資訊與人際溝通的重要工具;(六)文化紀錄片工作者經常隨意式搜尋資訊。但與瀏覽行為不同者,在於隨意式蒐集資訊並不受限於 時、地;(七)文化紀錄片工作者之資訊行為呈現個別差異;(八)建構、溝通、傳遞與回饋,是架構出真實世界、文化紀錄片工作者與紀錄片觀眾間資訊流通、互 動模式的四要素,本文最後並嘗試建立此一資訊互動模式。
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2007-10-??) 高世樺; 林頌堅; Shih-Hua Kao
    部落格已經成為諸多新科技中最具有影響力的媒體之一,並對於使用者的資訊尋求行為造成影響。本研究整理部落格的相關概念及功能,並以二十位部落格使用者的 訪談結果對部落格上的資訊尋求行為特徵進行描述。研究結果顯示,使用者在部落格的開始動機、連結方式、辨別標準、監看與提取方式等等都展現了十分豐富的行 為特徵,研究並發現:(1)情感聯繫是受訪者經常提及的使用目標,並且這種動機也影響了各種行為特徵;(2) 使用者會依照自我的需求以及所處的情境發展出合適的使用方式,這些新使用方式可能不同於發明者與推廣者所設想的最便於使用的功能;(3) 部落格上的個人經驗是使用者進行資訊尋求的主要原因之一。(4) 豐富而精緻的圖像經常能夠吸引使用者進入部落格。
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    The Study of Interdisciplinary Information Seeking in Bio-acoustics
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2001-04-??) Ling-Hwey Jeng
    The organization of scientific knowledge and the tools of information retrieval have traditionally been discipline-based, an approach which is effective for a homogenous user-base. However, profound changes in the presentation of scientific thought notably an increase in collaboration and a blurring of the literary boundaries between disciplines call for corresponding changes in the electronic information retrieval systems designed to serve the complex information needs of interdisciplinary scientists. This paper describes a syudy to address this challenge, through studying the current information-seeking behavior of the members of a representative interdisciplinary science organization, the International Bio-acousitics Council (IBAC), to identify the problems they encounter in using discipline-based information systems.
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2004-10-??) 林珊如; Shan-Ju L. Chang
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2006-10-??) 高雅慧; 賴鼎銘; Ya-Hui Kao; Ting-Ming Lai
    本研究旨在探討大學工友在何種情境下會意識到需要資訊,這些常被視為資訊貧乏的人,實際的資訊世界又是如何?收入較低的大學工友能從有用的資訊來源中獲得 幫助嗎?研究採取質性研究方法,以世新大學員額編制內外十五位工友為研究對象,以深入訪談法及小型問卷蒐集研究資料,探究大學工友在日常生活中面臨的問 題、需要利用的資訊、獲取資訊的方式、資訊尋求行為的特性、影響其資訊使用的因素等。研究結果顯示,本研究的大學工友在日常生活中面臨包括生活、工作、社 會環境等面向的問題,工友在生理、情感方面的資訊需求大於認知方面的資訊需求。工友平均年齡超過50歲,年齡越大,越注重身體健康,養生資訊是常見的聊天 話題,所以比較重視健康、養生藥膳等實用、生活化的資訊。此外,工友獲取資訊的方式偏好大眾傳播媒體與人際管道,影響其資訊使用的因素可從個人因素、訊息 因素、資訊來源因素、環境因素方面了解。本文擬從上述層面,勾勒出大學工友資訊生活的面貌。
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    Conceptualizing Context and Its Relationship to the Information Behavior in Disseertation Research Process
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2000-10-??) Shan-Ju L.Chang; Yu-Ya Lee
    Context has been addressed as an influential factor of human information behavior. However, there is no consensus on what constitutes a context, or what the relationship between context and information behavior is. In this paper we explore the notions of context and describe the relationship between context and information behavior based on empirical findings, and reviews of current· literature. Our finding suggests that context is stratified and dynamic.A context is consisted of several situations, and each situation is defined by a set of related contextual factors. In this way, we propose a new approach to represent the context and situation. At different levels of context, multiple relationships between context and information behavior are identified, including the association relationship, the interaction relationship, and the one-directional relationship. These findings substantiate the concept of situation in Dervin's Sense-making approach, the concept of information horizon proposed by Sonnenwald, and Ingwersen's cognitive model of IR interaction. The multiple relationships between context and information behavior imply that information behavior is related to, but not equal to the process of problem solving. In contrast, information behavior can be viewed as a response of certain situation in the context.
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    College Students' Uses and Perceptions of World Wide Web in an Information-Seeking Environment
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2005-04-??) 羅綸新; Lawrence L.S. Lwo
    From the standpoint of learning and academic research, World Wide Web provides teachers and students with easily accessible pools of rich and abundant information. However, the extent of the new technology in affecting students’ learning and cognition is still unknown and worthy of exploring. This study tries to investigate how undergraduate and graduate students view their information acquisition and how they perceive the quality of the information in terms of the open resource model, where information from diverse sources is retrieved through the use of the Web. A series of interviews with semi open –ended questions were conducted with twelve students who were selected as subjects form two universities. After the interviews, all data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. The results were presented in seven main themes and six issues. As the result of the investigation showed, it was clear that college students care more about completing their assignments quickly and easily than the quality of the source where they obtain their information on the Internet.