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Item 100學年度第一學期公民核心能力課程改進計畫B類-人權探索與公民行動計畫(2011-01-31) 林安邦Item 2004 年第一屆暑期師培生人權教育營執行結案報告(2004-01-01) 林佳範Item 2006-2007年台灣人權報告(台灣人權促進會, 2008-01-01) 林佳範Item 2009臺灣有品教育品德紮根學術高峰論壇(2)(中國訓育學會訓育研究季刊雜誌社, 2010-03-01) 張永欽; 趙雅玲; 童中儀; 張雪梅; 林月雲Item 2011各國性別平等教育之比較與發展國際學術研討會(2011-12-31) 林安邦Item Academic and co curricular involvement(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004-07-01) Huang, Y. R.; Chang, S. M.This study poses two questions that grow out of the student involvement theory: First, what is the relationship between different forms of involvement? Second, what are the optimal amounts and combinations of different forms of involvement for students' cognitive and affective growth? Involvement in academic work and involvement in student clubs and organizations are used to explore these two questions. The participants are 627 third-year college students in Taiwan. The results show that the correlation between academic and cocurricular involvement is positive and linear. Also, to maximize cognitive and affective growth, students should be involved in both academic and cocurricular activities as much as possible.Item Advances in missing data methods and implications for educational research.(2006-01-01) Peng, C.-Y. J., Harwell, M., Liou, S. M., & Ehman, L. H.Item Beyond Redness and Expertise: Party Experience and Career Path of Political Elites in China(2009-10-06) Hsin-hao Huang and Chien‐Wen KouItem A Caring Society(2014) Chi-Ming(Angela) Lee; 李琪明Item Changes and Challenges for Moral Education in Taiwan(2004) Lee, Chi-Ming; 李琪明Item A comparative investigation of emerging adults’ moral thinking and communication competencies in Taiwan, the USA, and the UK(2022) Angela Chi-MingLee; DavidI. Walker; Yen-Hsin Chen; Stephen J. Thoma; Sean Mc Cusker; 李琪明Item The construction of Taiwan’s educational indicator systems(2007) Maw-FaChien; (Angela) Chi-Ming Lee; Yu-Ping Cheng; 李琪明Item Coping with Changes: How the Aboriginal Nursing Freshmen Make It within the First Year of School Life.(2007-06-01) Ruo-Lan Liu; Lee-Ing Tsao; Nai-Hung ChenItem Developing and Testing a Scale of Moral Thinking and Communication (MTC) Functioning(2018) LEE, Chi-Ming Angela; THOMA, StephenJ.; 李琪明Item The Development of Evaluation Indicators of School Supporting System for the 3C Science Curriculum.(2009-05-01) Lin, G. J., Chang, H. P., Lin, Y. J., & Liou, S. M.Item Electoral Reform and the Change of Political Blocs(2009-02-08) Min-hua Huang and Hsin-hao HuangItem An exploratory investigation on the leisure participation and leisure constraints among students at Normal University/ Teachers College in Taiwan(國立臺灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系, 1997-06-01) 顏妙桂本研究主要探討臺灣地區師範院校學生休閒活動參與及其相關阻礙因素,其資料的蒐集乃是透過問卷調查方式進行。問卷內容以休閒活動類型、休閒活動阻礙因素為主,並包括性別、就學地區、科系別、家庭經濟等因素,以進一步探討其間在休閒活動參與、休閒活動阻礙因素的差異性。 樣本選取抽樣方式乃依臺灣地區師範院校學生之班級比例採用 SPSS-X統計軟體,運用次數分析、變異數分析、因素分析、和t-test以為資料之分析方法。 本研究主要發現如下:(1)學生參與休閒活動有普遍低落的現象;(2)大部份學生表示缺乏參與休閒活動的機會;(3)學生們較喜歡參與的休閒活動類型依序為:社交性(如聚餐、聊天等)、大眾傳播性(如看電視、錄影帶、雜誌等)、音樂性(如聽音樂、彈奏樂器等)、運動性(桌球、羽毛球、慢跑等)、戶外活動性(如露營、野餐、旅行等)、學藝性(如繪畫、書法、手工藝等)、遊樂性(如電動玩具、撞球、紙牌等)、青年文化性(如disco、溜冰、MTV、卡拉OK等)、宗教性(如禪坐、宗教活動等);(4)學生們認為阻礙與休閒活動的因素依序為:結構性(如時間、金錢等)、人際間(如家人或朋友的看法等)、個體性(如個性、自我意識、技能等);(5)性別因素在休閒活動參與及相關阻礙因素皆有差異性的現象。Item Female principals’ moral motivation and the moral atmosphere of schools(Netherland, Rotterdam: Sense, 2013) Chi-Ming (Angela) LEE; H. Heinrichs, F.Oser, T. Lovat (Eds.); 李琪明Item ICCS 2009認知測驗與我國相關中學學生公民教育學習成就評量之比較(國立臺灣師範大學, 2012-06-01) 鄧毓浩; 黃美筠; 董秀蘭; 林佳範