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Item 1860—1880年代俄國遠東地區的華人社會(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1998-06-??) 何萍Item 1930年代世界經濟大恐慌對中國經濟之衝擊(1931-1935)(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1994-06-??) 李宇平Item A Pesponse to Professor Eisenstadt's Remarks Regarding "Eisenstadt's Analysis of the Relations Between Modernization and Tradition in China"(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1985-06-??) Thomas A. MetzgerItem A Study of Japan's Anti-Yuan Policy, 1915-1916(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1981-05-??) 林明德; Ming-te LinItem A Study of the Production of the Huang-Yü Chüan-Lan T'u(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1973-01-??) 彭小甫; Rita Hsiao-Fu PengItem Currency Reform in Late Ch'ing China, 1887-1912(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1983-06-??) Cho Tsun-hungItem Eisenstadt's Analysis of the Relations Between Modernization and Tradition in China(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1984-06-??) Thomas A. MetzerItem H. H. K'ung and His Monetary Policy for Resistance against Japanese Invasion (1933-1938)(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1987-06-??) 卓遵宏Item Ideology and Practice in the Far Eastern Policy of the United States: 1945(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1988-06-??) Herbert J. ClancyItem Ideology of Pragmatism? The Emergence of the Chinese Communist Party's Diplomacy with the United States, 1942-1946(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1989-06-??) 徐乃力Item Max Weber's Analysis of the Confucian Tradition: A Critique(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1983-06-??) Thomas A. MetzgerItem Problems of the National Government and a Critique of Its Achievements during the Golden Decade(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1985-06-??) 李國祁; Lee Kuo-ChiItem Some Concluding Observations in Response to Prof. Metzger(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1985-06-??) S.N. EisenstadtItem Some Observations on Th. Metzger's "Eisenstadt's Analysis of the Relations Between Modernization and Tradition in China"(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1985-06-??) S.N. EisenstadtItem Structure and Process in the Development of Political Thought in Late Ch'ing China: 1842-1911(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1975-03-??) 王爾敏; Erh-min WangItem The Conflict Between The Conflict Between Liu Ao&Liu Ming-Chu'an and the Sino-Fench War in Taiwan(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1973-01-??) 黃小平; Huang Hsiao-PingItem The Early Stage of the Modernization Process in China: Its Promotive and Obstructive Forces(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1985-06-??) 張朋園; Chang P'eng-YuanItem The K'ang-Hsi Emperor's Absorption in Western Mathematics and Astronomy and His Extensive Applications of Scientific Knowledge(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1975-03-??) 彭小甫; Rita Hsiao-fu PengItem The Sino-American Diplomacy over the Building of the Canton-Hankow Railway, 1897-1905(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1986-06-??) 李恩涵Item Thte MoHo Gold Mines, 1885-1910(國立台灣師範大學歷史硏究所, 1984-06-??) Shiow-jyu, Lu