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Item Dealing with culture: The methodology for a comparative study in the United States and Taiwan(2002-11-20) Chang, Wei-WenItem Considering the limitation of etic approaches in cross-cultural study(Wiley-Blackwell, 2003-11-24) Chang, Wei-WenItem A cross-cultural case study of a multinational training program in the United States and Taiwan(SAGE Publications, 2004-05-01) Chang, Wei-WenThe purpose of this study was to understand the influence of national culture on international training program development. Implementation of the selected training program was analyzed by a qualitative case study to examine how training practitioners in the United States and in Taiwan pursue standardized learning outcomes in different cultural contexts. Findings indicate that in multinational program development, leaving room in course design increases the cultural adaptability of a multinational program. Regarding teaching strategies, the teaching techniques in the selected training program provide instructors with the flexibility to integrate the context of local culture into the curriculum. By applying the course contents to their own actual lives, learners have opportunities to incorporate the context of their life experience into the learning process.Item HRD in non-governmental organization: Searching for a theoretical framework(2004-11-25) Chang, Wei-WenItem Workplace learning for international humanitarian assistance Corps—Some research issues(2005-06-05) Chang, Wei-WenItem 以資源基礎觀點探討台灣非營利組織國際援助策略(2005-09-24) 張媁雯; 王碧娥跳躍式的科技文明使世界的距離縮短,也讓國與國之間的往來益趨頻繁。積極參 與各項國際事務,更為拓展國際資源、建立國際關係、發展友好外交、互相支援 回饋之重要途徑。台灣因為特殊的政治背景,在許多國際參與上有其限制與困境 ;如:2004年之南亞海嘯,在國際援助上台灣雖積極參與,最終卻仍無法突破政 治藩籬而有所遺憾。透過非營利組織經由國際援助的途徑,是跨越政治限制鴻溝 、參與國際事務的方式之一。所以在國際援助的策略運作上,有何關鍵成功因素 以完成策略使命目標?為本研究探討之焦點。本研究以資源基礎說之策略管理理 論為架構,探討伊甸社會福利基金會在國際援助策略上之運作方式。本研究採質 性研究法,資料收集以文獻探討、個案訪談方式進行。本文希望根據文獻探討比 較,並由訪談個案組織之領導者,以瞭解其國際援助策略之規劃與運作;進而分 析其核心能力,並對台灣非營利組織國際援助策略提出相關之建議。Item 台灣國際醫療與援助人員之教育訓練(2005-10-13) 張媁雯Item Expatriate experience and cultural competence of international humanitarian workers(2005-11-03) Chang, Wei-WenAs global interaction and cultural diversity becomes prominent, cultural competence has received more attention. To understand non-profit organizations' (NPOs) international workers' learning process in terms of cultural competence, this study enlisted 10 Taiwanese international humanitarian workers, and explored how their expatriate experiences of local service influenced their cultural competence. The finding of this study identified three levels of influence, namely the peripheral, cognitive, and reflective levels. Based on these findings, this study suggested the practice of designing related developmental activities in accordance with the three levels and more future research focusing on the individuals' resistance during the process of acquiring cultural competence.Item Expatriate training in international non-governmental organizations—A model for research(SAGE Publications, 2005-12-01) Chang, Wei-WenIn light of the massive tsunami relief efforts that were still being carried out by humanitarian organizations around the world when this article went to press, this article points out a lack of human resources development research in international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) and proposes a conceptual model for future empirical research. This article reviews the three related research areas of NGO history, volunteer training, and expatriate development; discusses the possibility of integrating the theory from these three areas; and finally builds a model for further empirical studies for expatriate training in INGOs.Item 國際性派外人培訓模式-以Black & Mendenhall 跨文化訓練模式探討(2005-12-02) 李有堂; 張媁雯Item 「2006 職訓課程發展計畫—工業控制職類」調查報告書(行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局台南職業訓練中心, 2006-01-01) 蔡錫濤; 張媁雯等Item 2006 職訓課程發展計畫—工業控制職類調查研究(2006-11-09) 蔡錫濤; 張媁雯; 謝文斌; 楊榮仁Item 兩岸匯率對接後國際競爭力影響(2007-03-26) 施正屏Item Cultural competence of international humanitarian workers(SAGE Publications, 2007-05-01) Chang, Wei-WenAs global interaction and cultural diversity become prominent, cultural competence has received more attention. To understand nonprofit organizations’ (NPO’s) international workers’ learning process in terms of cultural competence, this study used a cultural competence attainment model as a theoretical framework, enlisted 10 Taiwanese international humanitarian workers, and explored how their expatriate experiences of local service influenced their cultural competence. This study identified three levels of influence, namely, the peripheral, cognitive, and reflective levels. Based on these findings, this study suggests the practice of designing related developmental activities in accordance with the three levels and more future research focusing on the process of acquiring cultural competence.Item The Cultural Change of Taiwan and China affecting United States Trade Performance after the end of Cold War(2007-05-18) Cheng-Ping Shih新制度學派指出文化價值與制度變遷是影響組織經濟成就的關鍵因素,本文以新制度學派為架構,Hofstede 文化構面為理論基礎,透過計量模型的建立,成功的以量化分析法衡量WTO 貿易自由化對美國進出口貿易所造成的影響;價值獨立變數可透過Hofstede 的文化構面和施正屏博士所建立的計量模型來評估美國自1990 年到2004 年與兩岸拓展經貿關係之貿易成就。實證結果顯示文化構面指標,包括:權力距離、個人主義、規避不確定性的程度等變數均是影響美國對外貿易成就的重要因素。本文並以區域虛擬變數檢定美國對兩岸經貿與亞太地區其他國家之貿易表現的差異。Item Culture Change on United States Trade Performance relating to Taiwan and China(2007-06-05) Cheng-Ping Shih新制度學派指出文化價值與制度變遷是影響組織經濟成就的關鍵因素,本文以新制度學派為架構,Hofstede文化構面為理論基礎,透過計量模型的建立,成功的以量化分析法衡量貿易自由化對美國進出口貿易所造成的影響;價值獨立變數可以透過Hofstede 的文化構面和施正屏博士所建立的計量模型來評估美國自1990年到2004年與兩岸拓展經貿關係之貿易成就。實證結果顯示文化構面指標,包括:權力距離、個人主義、規避不確定性的程度等變數均是影響美國對外貿易的重要因素。本文並以區域虛擬變數檢定兩岸經貿與亞太地區其他國家之貿易表現的差異。Item 影響網路化訓練受訓者滿意度之因素研究(2007-06-06) 高瑪麗; 賴志樫網路化訓練仍處於成長發展時期,因此,許多研究著重在網路化訓練的設計、實施階段,此外,許多學者聚焦於數位化學習並且強調學生的學習經驗或滿意度,缺乏對業界網路化訓練的深入研究,這是促使此文產生的原因。了解影響網路化訓練受訓者滿意度因素是很重要的,如企業能預先將這些因素納入考量,在評鑑成效之後需進行的修改就會相對減少,成本也會因而降低,此外,本研究透過問卷方式比較員工與主管對於影響因素觀點之異同,主管在推行、設計、實施網路化訓練或者激勵員工參與上扮演著重要的角色,然而,員工是此訓練系統的最終使用者,如果此二者間之觀點有著落差,將會引起許多的問題,故盼透過本文促進業界對網路化訓練的認識,而根據研究結果,主管與員工兩者對於影響受訓者滿意度之因素上,其觀點差異主要展現在使用網際網路的頻率、授課者是否給予適時回應、授課者回應討論版問題之速度以及授課方式等四個因素。Item Measuring the Impact of American Citizens Studying Abroad, Institutional Reform and American Values on United States Trade Performance(2007-06-06) Cheng-Ping Shih新制度學派指出文化價值與制度變遷是影響組織經濟成就的關鍵因素,本文以新制度學派為架構,Hofstede文化構面為理論基礎,透過計量模型的建立,成功的以量化分析法衡量貿易自由化對美國進出口貿易所造成的影響;價值獨立變數可以透過Hofstede 的文化構面和施正屏博士所建立的計量模型來評估美國自1990年到2004年與全球六大區域、三十個主要貿易國間成就。實證結果顯示留學生多寡顯著影響美國進出口貿易。文化構面指標,包括:權力距離、個人主義、規避不確定性程度等變數均是影響美國對外貿易的重要因素,本文並以區域虛擬變數檢定區域貿易表現的差異。Item The negative can be positive for cultural competence(Taylor & Francis, 2007-06-08) Chang, Wei-WenThe trend of globalization has provoked a wide discussion with regard to cultural competence. In studies regarding cultural competence, researchers have often focused on the positive aspect in order to acquire insights and implications for other practitioners. However, intercultural dynamics involve multiple individuals with diverse backgrounds, for whom these positive aspects convey only a part of their cultural competence. Whereas, in the literature, individuals' negative feelings are often treated as problems that need to be solved and cured, the purpose of this article is to elaborate on the need to include individuals' reactions and emotional feelings in research regarding cultural competence.Item 全球化下中國經濟增長風險與城鄉發展路徑選擇(2007-06-23) 施正屏