Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31271
151 results
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Item The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Socio-cultural Adjustment with the Mediating Effect of Acculturative Stress(2012-11-10) Lin, Y.; Chen, A. S.; Cheng, H. W.Item A Theoretical Framework of the Relationship between Role of HR Department and Organizational Commitment of HR: A Review of Literature.(2010-05-26) Wu, R. C.; Lin, Y. C.Item The Competence Gap of Human Resource Development Professionals in Taiwan High-tech Companies: the ADDIE Training System Approach(2010-02-28) Lin, Y. C.; Chen, A. S.; Fan, K. T.Item Does Intelligence Help People Survive in a Foreign Jungle? The Effects of Cultural and Emotional Intelligence on Cross-cultural Adjustment(ELSEVIER, 2012-07-01) Lin, Y.; Chen, A. S.; Song, Y. J.The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of cultural intelligence (CQ) and emotional intelligence (EI) on an individual's adjustment in a different cultural environment. A paper-based survey, with a return rate of 42.1%, was completed by 295 international college students who studied for a degree or were interested in learning Chinese as a second language in Taiwan. The data were analyzed using hierarchical regression to test the effect of CQ on cross-cultural adjustment, and the moderating effect of EI on the relationship between CQ and cross-cultural adjustment. The results showed that CQ had a positive effect on cross-cultural adjustment after controlling for gender, age, previous overseas experience, English ability, and host-country language ability. In addition, we found that EI positively moderated the relationship between CQ and cross-cultural adjustment. The present study demonstrates the importance and utility of CQ and EI in understanding the links relating to cross-cultural adjustment. The results of this study contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of cross-cultural research, and it provides practical implications for individuals seeking to improve their cross-cultural effectiveness.Item A Theoretical Framework of the Relationship between HR Effectiveness and Role of HR Department: A Review of Literature.(2010-05-01) Chang, R. H.; Lin, Y. C.Item 孤獨感與主管支持對文化智商與海外工作適應關係之影響(中華民國人力資源發展學會, 2013-03-01) 陳心懿; 林怡君; 蔡逸婷本研究透過台灣中部地區之307位菲律賓外籍勞工樣本,進行文化智商、孤獨感及主管支持三元交互效果對海外工作適應之驗證。結果發現主管支持正向調節文化智商與海外工作適應之關係;文化智商、孤獨感、主管支持之三因子交互作用對於海外工作適應的結果亦為顯著,其中以高孤獨感—高主管支持者效果最為顯著。因此,當個體在海外產生孤寂感受之際,若主管能適時提供情緒性鼓勵與實質性協助,將促進個人對於海外任務的心理調適程度,此研究結果可做為企業提升員工海外調適情況之參考依據。Item 行為型文化智商、衝突處理型態與跨文化適應之關係(香港公開大學李兆基商業管理學院, 2011-05-01) 陳心懿; 林怡君; 許昱涵本篇研究目的在於探討國際學生面臨不同文化情境時,本身所具備的行為型 文化智商對於其跨文化適應產生之影響,與其所採用的人際衝突處理型態對 行為型文化智商對跨文化適應間之關係產生的作用。本研究問卷發放 214 份,回收 173 份,有效問卷 145 份,回收率為 67.8%。研究結果顯示行為型 文化智商對跨文化適應具有顯著正向關係,衝突處理型態對行為型文化智商 與跨文化適應具有調節效果。最後提出本研究結論與建議,供學術界和實務 界當作參考。