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Item 對不同文化的適應力(2009) 王莉; Varalee Chinerawat隨著全球化進程的加劇,跨文化適應性已成為了跨國公司取勝的關鍵因素。為了研究跨文化適應性的成因和影響,筆者在研究過程中發現工作滿意度與文化適應性有著極大的關聯,即如果員工/管理人員越能適應另一種的文化,那麼他們也就越能感覺到滿足。這兩個因素都可以用來說明跨文化適應性的相關問題。一項調查表明泰國與台灣的跨文化適應性及跨文化工作滿意度有著極大的區別。雙因素理論在不斷的深入,而人口變量也可以用來很好地解釋跨文化適應性。數量經濟三因素模型是由實和Chinerawat通過對323名參與者( 285名泰國人及38名台灣人)的調查而完成的,這些參與者均來自於在泰國設立的三種不同規模的台灣公司(8000名員工,200名員工,與100名員工)。實踐調查表明影響跨國文化適應性的三大關鍵因素分別為:動力因素,保健因素以及人口統計因素,這些因素可以說明跨文化適應性以及跨文化工作滿意度之間的原因和影響。 實踐研究表明影響跨國文化適應性的三大關鍵因素:動力因素,衛生因素以及人口統計因素對第一號模型及第二號模型的的影響率高達95.3%和96.4%(係數),實踐研究還表明影響跨國文化適應性的三大關鍵因素:動力因素,衛生因素以及人口統計因素對第三號模型及第四號模型的影響率則高達95.3-96.1%(係數)。Item The Relationship between the Human Resource Practices of the Civil Service and Turnover Intentions among the Middle Range Civil Servants in Malawi(2009) 歐拉; Esther Winsome Austen Ng’ong’olaThe Government of Malawi is one of the biggest employers for the educated Malawians employing more than sixty percent of the total workforce. It is also the biggest employer for young people who just graduate from the university, as employees either without any experience at all or with very limited experience. Companies and other non-governmental institutions do not really employee such inexperienced workforce in masses; as a result these young graduates have very limited choice of employer. In view of this, these inexperienced graduates depend on the government for employment despite the fact that it does not pay “well” as compared to other non-government employers. Additionally, the civil service has been deemed by several Breton-Wood Institutions and others as having poor or unattractive working conditions just like other governments in the least developed countries. Due to these problems, there have been mass exoduses from the civil service exemplified by the medical personnel in the health sector as well as in education. This is very evident among the middle range or entry levels who also happen to be these new graduates from the University yet they are the hub of the professional/technical and administrative categories. This means that the more turnover the civil service has today, the greater the risk of having a poor civil service in the near future. This has not gone well with the government as an employer because recruitment, selection and hiring are very costly and time consuming. In trying to curb the many problems faced by the civil service, the Breton-Woods Institutions initiated what have been called the Civil Service Reform Programmes for more than 10 years (since 1994/5). One of the targets in the Civil Service Reform Programmes was (and still is) to improve the working conditions of the civil servants in order to reduce turnover and enhance retention. This study examined the relationship between some Human Resource practices (salary, job enrichment/autonomy and job stability strategies) as the precursor variables and turnover intentions as an outcome variable. It also explains the relationship between of job satisfaction and employee commitment with both turnover and the HR practices. Backward regression method was used to find the relationships. It still remains obvious that intentions to exit the civil service remain high but employees can hardly quit mainly due to other external labour market forces and also the job security they enjoy in the service. Satisfaction and commitment remain shaky- levels are relatively low though not too low.Item 人力資源效性和工作滿意度對於組織績效的影響之探討(2009) 林明毅; Marcus LinAs the global corporate environment intensifies and complicates, the survival of business relies on how critical the competencies and competitive advantages a company possesses. Since most companies tend to have similar infrastructures, equipment and technologies, which leaves only one factor vital to determining the success or failure of a company, human resources. Modern HRM should be constantly monitored and measured for its impacts on the people and the organization because it can serve as a driver in increasing the value of intellectual capital and helping enterprises boost organizational performance. Peter Drucker, perhaps the top management philosopher of our time, spoke of about the issue of measurement in several of his writings and emphasized how vital it was to measure HR effectiveness as measurement is the weakest area in management today (Fitz-enz, 1995). Job satisfaction, on the other hand, as Robbins (1998) pointed out, is important to the employees and the company because it can serve as an indicator that helps to identify problems from the aspects such as communications, working conditions and interactions, etc. And by dealing with the problems once they arise, it can improve the level of job satisfaction of the employees and therefore contribute the positive effects to the outcome of the company. This research study investigates the influence of HR effectiveness and job satisfaction on organizational performance and the results show that (1) HR effectiveness has significantly positive influence on organizational performance; (2) job satisfaction has partially significant positive influence on organizational performance; (3) HR effectiveness has significantly positive influence on job satisfaction.Item 內外部動機對台灣非營利組織工作滿意度影響之分析(2008) 陳怡君; Yichun ChenThis study aims to understand how motivation influences job satisfaction in religious and nonreligious nonprofit organizations. There are two nonprofits, the assembly of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, a religious nonprofit, and Taipei Mental Rehabilitation Association, a non-religious nonprofit, participating in this study. A questionnaire on job satisfaction and motivation was designed and distributed to employees working in these two nonprofit organizations. Dimension of job satisfaction was composed of seven aspects of job satisfaction, including pay, supervision, fringe benefits, operating conditions, coworkers, nature of work, and communication while intrinsic and extrinsic motivation made up the dimension of motivation. As a result, non-monetary motivation, inclusive of enjoyment and challenge in intrinsic motivation and outward in extrinsic motivation, contributes more to the overall facets of job satisfaction in both religious and non-religious nonprofit organizations. However, pecuniary motivation, the compensation, also has a negative effect on job satisfaction of pay and fringe benefits. In addition, only in the aspect of job satisfaction of pay and nature of work does the type of nonprofits, namely the religious or non-religious type, make a difference. The main implication of this study may be that the homogeneous characteristic among different types of nonprofits in Taiwan is very high. Besides, nonprofit organizations need to continually provide incentives for employees to keep high non-monetary motivation so as to raise job satisfaction which is one of the most important factors for organizational context that improves competitiveness and efficiency.Item 文化智商與工作滿意度的關係:外派人員政治技巧當作調節變項(2016) 許元瑄; Hsu, Yuan-ShiuanGlobalization encourages individuals across the nation to find a job outside the country. It offers a big opportunity for people in enterprises to interact with foreign workers. Expatriates require cultural intelligence (CQ) to work in a cross-cultural organization, and also need political skills to support them in building networks and acquiring assistance, so that they can adjust very well to their life overseas. The aim of this paper was to explore the impact of CQ on job satisfaction among expatriates. This study also sought to explore the moderating effect of political skill on the relationship between CQ and job satisfaction. The target population of the study is expatriates working in Taiwan. The expatriates should have worked in Taiwan for at least three months as white-collar workers (e.g. teacher, lawyer, engineer, managers, etc.). Data were collected from 302 expatriates in Taiwan by using paper-based questionnaires and online questionnaires. The results indicated that cultural intelligence is positively associated with job satisfaction. However, this study also showed that expatriates with higher levels of political skill and cultural intelligence had the lowest levels of job satisfaction. On the contrary, expatriates with higher levels of cultural intelligence but lower levels of political skill tended to have the highest levels of job satisfaction. Keywords: Cultural intelligence, political skill, jobsatisfaction