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Item Issues and Solutions in Taiwan-Vietnam International Cooperation of Technological and Vocational Education(2005) 張惠雯; Hui-Wen ChangIn the beginning of 21 century, Taiwan eventually joined WTO in 2002 and became a member of it after endeavor of 12 years. It influences significantly not only in economy, politics, but also in education. Higher education, introduce of foreign academic system accelerates the internationalization and globalization of colleges and universities. However, it also makes many of our TVE schools operate more difficultly, because they have problem of lacking of students originally, but now they even have to compete with foreign schools. In order to resolve the impact, change our position from “educational importing country” to “educational exporting country is a good way. The study focuses on exploration of top critical issues in Taiwan-Vietnam international cooperation of technological and vocational education with Modified Delphi technique designed by the researcher first and is assisted with interview with educational officers in Ministry of Education in Taiwan and in Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam later to seek for the solutions.Item A Study on the Roles and Competencies of Human Resource Professionals The Consequence of Human Resource Outsourcing(2005) 潘美佐; Kris PanMany companies in Taiwan, both multinational and local, outsource their HR activities to different levels according to different needs, such as saving cost or receiving professional aid. While the employers are planning greater emphasis on business acumen and outsourcing many administrative functions, HR professionals are forced to demonstrate new skills and competencies, and compete for new, sometimes unfamiliar roles. The main purpose of this study is to explore the issues of HR outsourcing, including the functions being outsourced, reason for outsourcing, roles and competencies of human resource professionals under the impact of HR outsourcing. When an organization makes a decision on whether or not, or what parts of HR, to outsource, it must consider what benefits or values outsourcing can offer. Outsourcing decisions should be based on an evaluation of needs and capabilities of the specific company, as well as the availability of outside resources. The decision to outsource all or a portion of HR function is another significant choice to make. Subsequently, like all other strategies, implementation is just as critical as making the decision. As HR functions are being outsourced, their roles are becoming even more strategic. As many fear that the future of HR professionals is becoming increasingly ambiguous, largely due to downsizing and outsourcing, it is essential to redefine the values of HR professionals by fully understand the new roles and competencies that may result as a consequence of HR outsourcing.Item A Study of Relationship of Learner Characteristics and Learning Satisfaction in Blended Learning Environment(2005) 田旻平; IMin-Ping TienThe study was aimed to investigate the learning satisfaction in blended learning environment. The population of this study was pilots in our country. Two airlines, one wing of the air force, and the flight institute were sampled. Individual background and learning style were the independent variables and learning satisfaction was the dependent variable in this study. The instruments included Kolb’s learning style inventory and blended learning satisfaction questionnaire. Except for Kolb’s learning style inventory, blended learning satisfaction questionnaire was designed by the researcher through referring to literature review and other questionnaires. 195 out 300 questionnaires were valid. Statistical methods as descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation were carried out to implement data analysis. Furthermore, the study surveyed participants’ opinions and suggestion for blended learning. The results were shown below. 1. Participants’ learning styles were diverse and average. There were in priority convergers, accommodators, assimilators, and divergers. 2. Participants were prone to agree to satisfy with blended learning. 3. Regarding to job, age, and flying experience, there was significant difference in learning style. 4. Respondents graduated from junior college have higher scores on teaching methodology than those who graduated from university. 5. There was no significant in learning satisfaction regarding of learning styles 6. Teaching methodology had significant correlation with overall rating. 7. The major of respondents are willing to take blended learning again; nevertheless, the improvement on software and hardware, development of related talents, interaction between peers and instruction are important agenda.Item 台籍女性外派大陸人員之跨文化調適研究(2005) 徐釧錡; Chun-Chi Hsu本研究欲探討台籍女性外派人員在大陸面對跨文化差異時,是否造成其在工作上、生活上、文化上的調適困難,更進一步探討其調適的策略。本研究為一質性研究,選擇多重個案方法進行深度訪談。本研究發現台籍女性外派人員在面對生活與文化的不適應時,傾向以消極的態度和方法面對,然而對於工作上的不適應則以積極態度處之。台籍女性外派人員所面對的跨文化調適困難及調適策略亦於本研究中呈現,藉以提供現在與未來赴大陸的派外人員面對跨文化調適時的策略參考。最後,本研究發現研究中的女性外派人員並未明顯符合U型調適理論所提各階段的現象特徵。Item Problems and Solutions in Applying Assessment Center Methods in Taiwan(2005) 陳昱蓉; Yu-Rong ChenAssessment center method (ACM) is an ever more complete and appropriate method with respect to human resource practice in this ever changing, global and technologically demanding business environment. However, the operation of ACM is relatively preliminary due to different business environments in Taiwan. Thus, the study was aimed to explore the current situation of applying ACM in Taiwan, to investigate the problems of implementation, to construct a comprehensive strategy to solve these problems and to provide the concrete conclusions and suggestions to practitioners and further studies. By using qualitative research method with multiple cases, the main problems of applying ACM on Taiwan found in this study were: (1) All aspects during application can not be ignored (2) Managerial capabilities need to be enhanced (3) Never think assessment center as ‘panacea’ (4)Effective assessment center in Taiwan has not been built. In addition, comprehensive solutions to cope with these problems concluded in this study were (1) Seek for support from executives (2) Make the purpose of application clear (3) Establish the system of assessment (4) Select suitable assessment center for your own company (5) Provide Training after assessment (6) Develop and modify materials during a period of time (7) Offer subsequent measures to leverage the assessment center.Item A Study on the Training Needs Assessment (TNA) Process for the Development/Modification of T.V.E.T Programs in Belize(2005) 歐麗莎; Lisa G. AlvarezThe following research is a study on the TNA process for the development/modification of TVET programs in Belize. The purpose of this study was to investigate the needs assessment that is currently prevalent in Belize when TVET programs are developed and determine whether or not it is effectively catering to the needs of the times. The sample comprised of a total of fifty-three persons who have participated in TNA or have knowledge about TVET and the TNA process in Belize. Respondents were selected based on their accessibility and their willingness to partake in the research. Three instruments were formulated and used to collect data; namely, a TNA questionnaire, a Business Sector Questionnaire and an Interview Sheet. Data collected from the questionnaires were coded and SPSS Statistical software was used to analyze it and generate descriptive statistics. These statistical results were then analyzed and discussions about them were written. Data collected from the interviews conducted; meanwhile, were summarized in key discussion paragraphs. Consequently, from the findings and various analysis of the results it is concluded that TNA is indeed relevant when it comes to developing/modifying training programs in Belize. Highlighted is the fact that to conduct an appropriately efficient needs assessment, key persons need to be involved such as key stakeholders, persons from the industry, MOEYS personnel, educators, specialists and analysts. The research concluded that TNA is being conducted to develop TVET programs; however since most training programs are based on traditional training needs then most often, TNA is onlyused to upgrade them.Item 多國籍企業人力資源高階主管之職能研究(2005) 張可翰; Koko ChangIn the process of multinational corporations (MNCs) operation and development, the top HR manager takes a great responsibility of assisting the corporation to establish organization abroad, and manage the global workforce and international human resource practices. For understanding the competencies of the top HR manager in MNCs, researcher reviewed the related literature for understanding the background of the research and developing the research purposes that generalized from the problems. The study adopted the multiple cases of qualitative methods and in-depth interview method, researcher tried to find the appropriate interview subject and developed the interview instrument for implementing the interview. The interview content and information were arranged, analyzed and discussed after each interview. The major findings in the study are present as below: 1. The practices of top HR manager in MNCs are generalized into 6 categories those are Strategic Partners, Administrative Experts, Employee Champions, Change Agents, Coach and Coordinator. 2. The competencies for top human resource manager in a MNC arranged and coded form interview transcription are generalized into 3 categories those are (1) Strategic thinking which include Business planning involvement, Human resource practice Alignment, Consultation providing, Organization diagnoses, Human resource planning, Competency need assessment. (2) Operational abilities which include Communication, Flexibility,Knowledge, Experience, Leadership, Learning ability. (3) Personal trait which include Enthusiastic, Aggressive, Reliable, Self-control and Creativity.Item 業務人員逆境商數、情緒商數及工作績效之關係(2005) 吳淑鈴; Shu-Ling WuThis study investigated the relationships among adversity quotient, emotional intelligence and job performance of salespeople using quantitative method. It was hypothesized that there were relationships between adversity quotient and job performance, emotional intelligence and job performance and adversity quotient and emotional intelligence. In addition, it was hypothesized that adversity quotient and emotional intelligence have influence on job performance. The results showed that these hypotheses were supported. Besides, the correlations between adversity quotient and job performance, emotional intelligence and job performance and adversity quotient and emotional intelligence were positive. In addition, regression analysis showed that adversity quotient plus emotional intelligence can explain above fifty percent of job performance. Implications of these results were discussed, as were suggestions for management practice and directions for future research.Item Predictors of Affective Organizational Commitment of Vocational High School Principals in Taiwan(2006) 貝沙里; Salifou BadiniThe purpose of this study was to assess the importance of personal background characteristics (age, gender, education, and organizational tenure), organizational management (pay satisfaction, perceived organizational support, perceived fairness; and perceived autonomy) and leadership style, and school setting characteristics (status, location and size) in explaining affective organizational commitment of vocational high school principals in Taiwan. All 157 vocational high school principals’ in Taiwan were selected. A questionnaire on affective organizational commitment of vocational high school principals in Taiwan had been mailed to all respondents with a return stamped envelop. A return rate of 72% had been recorded and data were collected from responses to those returned questionnaires. A stepwise multiple regression analysis (SMRA) was used to examine the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. As a result, this study indicated that there is a relationship between principals’ personal background characteristics (level of education and organizational tenure), organizational management (pay satisfaction and perceived fairness), school setting characteristics (school location and status) and their commitment to the organization. As a contribution, this study participated to determine the main important values that may lead a school principal to stay with his organization and, by this fact, to assess the predictors of affective organizational commitment of school principals. The main implication of this study is that culture of fairness in schools may be a roadmap for teachers and students, administrators, educators and stakeholders in order to achieve a human development of the current and future workforce.Item Cultural Differences influencing Communication Problems between Taiwanese Employees and Japanese Expatriates(2006) 中道惠里; Eri NakamichiABSTRACT While much attention in recent years has been focused on the communication problems between Japanese expatriates and local staffs in many countries, little research has been conducted on the communication problems between Japanese and Taiwanese employees. In this study, the communication problems of Japanese expatriates in Taiwan were examined. Twenty cultural differences between Japanese and local staffs derived from literature reviews were used to examine cultural differences influence on communication problems between Japanese and Taiwanese. To identify which cultural difference cause communication problems among these 20 differences in more details, an interview survey to Japanese expatriates in Taiwan was conducted. As the result of the interview survey, it was revealed that Japanese tend to feel communication problems with the cultural difference of job implementation, such as, the way of report, the way of suggestion, the way of looking for the cause of the troubles, the way of taking responsibilities, and the way of excuse. On the contrary, Japanese do not tend to feel communication problems with the difference of language, such as, polite expression, term of respect, and tone, do not influence on the cultural differences. This study is important practically in that it identifies cultural differences that may improve expatriates performance. Furthermore, the research findings are relevant to Taiwanese and Japanese multinational employees who seek to sustain a competitive advantage through successful expatriate program.Item 影響日本職業婦女出國留學之因素:以台灣的個案為研究對象(2006) 青柳香; Kaori Aoyagi全球化趨勢之下,日本的企業主特別青睞具有跨文化經驗的求職者。學習外語的人口也與日劇增。但是,企業真正需要的人才不僅須具備外語能力,也須擁有多元文化的特質。隨著企業愈加重視出國留學的人才,愈來愈多日本就業婦女選擇出國留學,即使須辭掉原先的工作,亦在所不辭。影響他們出國留學的動機及因素很多。本研究採用「推-拉模式」。此一模式認為,推的因素包括:母國經濟狀況、就業婦女的限制、以及社會趨勢等,拉的因素包括:出國留學的益處、留學國的魅力、提供較佳的課程、移民的意願及熟人的推薦。本研究採用質性研究法中生命史研究法,以深入訪談的方式,訪問受訪者的生命經驗。研究發現三股主要的推力:過去的工作經驗(包含六部份:招募、工作職位、收入、工作職責、組織文化及辭職時機);文化及社會(包括五個部份:男性優勢文化、學歷文化、不佳的經濟與不平等的工作機會、加值的聲譽及雙語的熱潮);失敗的經驗(包括:幻滅的夢想、學習外語失敗的經驗)。同時,拉力有五個:他人的留學經驗、成就動機(包括:工作成就;技能成就及尋求契機)、台灣的魅力(包括安全、熟悉及距離近)、情感的考量(包括:對外國的好奇、對外國文化或語言的喜愛及對中國大陸的厭惡及恐懼)與媒體的資訊等。此外,親屬關係亦是影響的因素之一。Item 企業對人力銀行招募網站所提供技術與服務之滿意度(2006) 蕭百容; Portia Xiao快速的網路發展讓人力招募相關事務產生了很大的變化,相關資料指出線上招募網站協助求職者尋找工作職位,然而以招募者觀點來探討線上招募滿意度的資料並不多,因此,此研究在於探討線上招募網站提供的技術與服務對於招募者的滿意度。問卷調查為此研究蒐集資料的方式,樣本為1111人力銀行上公佈職缺之招募者。Item 通過ISO9000認證之壽險業者對業務人員的訓練管理現況及其與ISO10015之差距(2006) 劉美慧; Mei-Hui LiuCorporations often invested plenty of money in training. The cognition of training’s importance is rooted deeper nowadays than before in both the owner’s and employee’s minds. To make the training effective、besides a good course、the training management is the key to assure training quality and effect. ISO 10015、the first international standard of training management、made its debut to the world in December 1999. The purposes of this descriptive study were to investigate the training management status of ISO 9000-certified life insurance companies for sales personnel and to explore their gaps to meet the ISO 10015 guidelines and also their opinions on training status and ISO 10015. Interviews and questionnaire surveys were given to 11 training specialists or managers from 11 life insurance companies. The conclusions of this study were made as follows: (1) Life insurance companies had well-developed training management system for sales personnel. (2) The training stages ordered from with small to large gaps comparing with ISO 10015 guidelines were designing and planning training、providing for the training、defining training needs、and evaluating the outcome of training. (3) Organizational and job training needs were well developed、while personal training needs mostly came from informal channels. The method of official competency analysis was started to be adopted. (4) Training design was well developed in life insurance companies in the aspects of course design、trainer’s training and training materials. (5) The evaluating levels ordered from full to partial implementation were reaction、learning、results、and then behavior. (6) The training stages ordered from high to low satisfaction were providing for the training、designing and planning training、defining training needs、and evaluating the outcome of training. (7) The improving actions and opinions on training process included personal competency analysis、internalized、on-site、or charged courses、assurance of trainer’s and trainee’s quality、role playing、study group、and overall performance analysis. (8) Most life insurance companies considered not to apply ISO 10015 for the worries of no virtual effects、heavy load of manpower、time and cost for implementing in long-term basis and lacking flexibility.Item A Study of the Relationship between(2006) 孫玉融The main purposes of this study were: 1. to understand the current situation regarding Taiwanese expatriates’ perceptions of formal pre-departure training programs; 2. to understand Taiwanese expatriates’ adjustments in China; 3. to examine the correlation between Taiwanese expatriates’ perceptions on formal pre-departure cultural, language and practical training programs offered (Hutching, 2003) and their subsequent adjustments to work, interactions with host nationals and the general non-work environment (Mendenhall, Dunbar& Oddou, 1991) in mainland China; 4. to examine the relationship between respondents from different backgrounds and their adjustment to life in China. This study surveyed the current situation of expatriates in two large-scale companies in Taiwan. Out of 73 questionnaires 30 were valid. The following were the statistical methods used: descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results include: 1. that participants’ perceptions of formal pre-departure training programs are below the average; 2. that participants’ adjustment to China is above average; 3. that there is no correlation found between participants’ perceptions of cultural and language training programs and participants’ adjustment to China, but that some showed the correlation between perceptions of practical training and participants’ adjustment to China; 4. regarding participants from different backgrounds, those who have bachelor’s degree or above adjusted to general non-work environment better than those who were graduated from vocational schools or below. Participants in finance departments adjusted to the general non-work environment better. Participants in high-class management or above adjusted better than those in middle-class management or below.Item A study of the Roles and Competencies for HR Professionals in Performance Consulting(2006) 宋黎曼; Souleymane SonkoThere have been conducted many studies investigating the roles and competencies for HR/HRD professionals based in many competency models, but few have been done to address the roles and competencies needed by those professionals for performance consulting. Performance consulting means working with people to meet their business goals, by maximizing the effectiveness of their human resources; clearly identifying what is expected, and by building learning activities and opportunities to help employees achieve what is expected from them by management. Suggestions have been given for how to change from a HRD professional to a performance consultant or how to do serious performance consultant but the core roles and competencies for it are not explicitly addressed; here lies the importance of conducting this exploratory study.Item An Exploratory Study on the Roles and Functions of Human Resource Professionals in Taiwan Corporate Crisis Management(2006) 吳亞蓁; Yachen WuABSTRACT As Andrew S. Grove, the president and CEO of Intel, comments, only the paranoid survive. Crisis management has been a growing interest and to effectively address the various risks and complex issues that corporations face today, crisis management must be mandated from the top of the organization and driven and implemented by all key business functions jointly. Yet limited research attention has been paid to the issue that how human resource professionals contribute themselves to effective organizational crisis management. The purpose of the study is to identify HR’s roles and functions in crisis management and explore their significance and practicability in the context of Taiwan industries with literature review and a Delphi study conducted to 20 panel experts. The conclusions of this study are: 1. That in the context of Taiwan corporate crisis management, there are five strategic roles and 41 functions for human resources professionals to play. The five roles are Change Agent, Employee Champion, Administrative Expert, Collaborator and Advocate. 2. That Collaborator, Employee Champion, Change Agent and Administrative Expert are the most important roles for HR professionals in Taiwan corporate crisis management. 3. That being Employee Champion is the most practicable role for HR professionals in Taiwan corporate crisis management. 4. That 20 of the 41 functions for HR professionals to implement in Taiwan corporate crisis management reach “extreme significance” level. 5. That 9 of the 41 functions for HR professionals to implement in Taiwan corporate crisis management reach “extreme practicable” level. This study concludes with recommendations for businesses, academic institutions and future research.Item A Study on Global Staffing Strategies for Middle Managers of Multinational Banks(2007) 譚鴻雅; Hung-Ya, Tan隨著全球化時代的來臨,台灣本土銀行面臨了相當大的國際化壓力與衝擊。為了能夠成功地走向國際舞台,本土銀行必須找到對的人才,以協助經營海外分支機構。為此,本研究選擇具有多年國際化經驗的外商銀行為對象,希冀藉由外商銀行選任海外分行中階經理人之經驗,做為本土銀行經營海外分行之參考。 本研究深度訪談了五家外商銀行共六位受訪者,得到以下四個方向之研究成果: 1.受訪外商銀行的國際人力資源傾向,以及其制定全球人力資源策略之方式; 2.其招募實務作法,包含海外分行中階經理人之來源,以及招募管道; 3.其選才實務作法,包含甄選海外分行中階經理人之工具與條件; 4.其訓練實務作法,包括需求分析、課程種類,以及訓練成效評估。 此外,受訪外商銀行在從事上述人力資源活動時,曾遭遇過哪些困難,以及當時解決的方法,亦於研究成果中一併呈現。 最後,研究者基於上述研究成果,對台灣本土銀行以及後續研究者,提出建議以茲參考。Item 台商企業組織溝通研究(2007) 林建良; Jian Liang Lin摘要 本研究旨在探討大陸台資企業面臨管理大陸當地員工時產生的溝通相關議題,在面對跨文化的差異時,台資企業的管理者的溝通模式為何,如何與大陸當地幹部與員工形成良好的溝通與共識,進而減少組織內部的員工衝突。本研究為一質性研究,透過多個個案進行深度訪談,並藉由訪談內容瞭解台籍管理者與大陸籍管理者間溝通的差異。本研究發現台籍管理者的溝通模式正在改變,因為文化因素造成的溝通差異也逐漸縮小,許多台籍企業也正在融入當地文化之中。台籍管理者與陸籍管理者正式溝通的模式與台灣企業差異並無顯著的差異,而在非正式溝通的部分則多以直接溝通,私下互動並不活躍,然而基於公司文化的差異,企業間的情形也有所不同。最後,本研究也發現大陸台資企業並沒有建立良好的上行溝通管道促進台籍幹部與大陸籍員工的溝通,如何建立良好溝通管道協助台資企業進行當地化將是大陸台資企業未來面對溝通的議題。 關鍵字: 跨文化差異、溝通模式、員工衝突、深度訪談Item An Analysis of Leadership Styles and Practices among Secondary School Principals in Belize(2007) 蘇玫蕊; Marie Ann ScottBelize is a young and vibrant nation as such the population is rapidly expanding so more and more schools are opening each year. Thus, there are recently greater demands for principals in the school system. As a consequence, the Ministry of Education and the School Boards need to equip the schools with leaders who are effective, efficient, responsible, and trustworthy. Hence, this study examined the preferential leadership practice and influential factors that have contributed to the leadership style among secondary school principals in Belize based on transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire theories. Data were collected using mixed research methods. The Quantitative instrument for data gathering of leadership style preferences was the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ FORM 5X) developed and tested by Brass and Aviolo (1996) which were tested against the demographic data employed in the study. The Qualitative data were gathered using semi-structured interview, observation and documentation. The population size was 47 secondary school principals in Belize; the response rate for the quantitative analysis was 70.2% of the targeted population. For the in-depth study, eight principals were purposefully selected by experts, based on outstanding Caribbean Examination Center (CXC) performance, for further analysis of the practices and influential factors associated with the leadership style of the principals employed during the 2006 school year, in the secondary school system. The findings showed that transformational leadership style was the preferred leadership style practiced among secondary school principals. The demographic data tested in the study including gender were not statistically significant to transformational leadership style, which was the dominantly practiced leadership style. In the in-depth study the factors that had the highest rating were family background and formal education system, whilst self discipline, experience and mentorship were secondary factors identified amongst the principals. It is important to note that the findings were limited to the secondary school systems in Belize and cannot be generalized to other leaders in education. However, the information can be used as a meaningful basis for reference and guidance. The study offers recommendations to policy makers and professionals in the field of education, so that they can use the data as a benchmark to cultivate strong leaders and develop programs to continue to empower leaders within the school systems. Finally, the study makes suggestions for future research in the area of leadership in Belize’s educational context.Item Critical Factors to Learners' Motivations in Instructioan Design on WBT(2007) 董妍伶WBT provides flexible tools that across time and distance for organizations, and provides the opportunities to create competitions for their human resource development. From convenience and flexibility viewpoint, WBT does lots of contribution to business. Although technology brings so many benefits to people, there are still some difficulties and limitations there when they are developing a training program based on WBT way. In this study, the researcher has explored critical factors that affect trainees to participate in web-based training (WBT) courses through in-depth interview technique. Besides, the researcher focuses on instructional design aspect because instructional design plays a main role when it comes to developing web-based training due to many previous studies show that learning motivations affecting learning performances a lot; there is apparent relation between these two dimensions. However, organizations neglect this issue though it is important even in WBT environment especially. For this reason, the researcher would like to engage in this topic and figure out the critical factors that affecting learning motivations in WBT. The researcher has developed questionnaires and using in-depth interview technique to find out the critical factors in instructional design aspect. The results of this study were revealed important instructional design factors affecting learners’ motivations, and critical factors in instructional design as well. Furthermore, the difficulties that case companies met during the process of WBT.