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Item Person-Environment Fit and Its Affective Outcomes-NPO Participants in Taiwan as An Example(2010) 黃凱莉; Avis Kai-Li HuangAs non-profit organizations (NPOs) are constructed base on the integration of people and conceptions, and the participants of NPOs are not bounded to their organizations for economical reasons, there exists a difficulty in motivating workers to increase their operation effectiveness by compensation or performance appraisal systems, hence understanding the relationships between person and environment and their impact on affective outcomes in the workplace are often used as the solution for the assistance in increasing NPOs’ effectiveness. However, through the literature reviewed, the researcher found little studies discussed person-environment (P-E) fit in the context of NPOs, and in the limited studies found regarding P-E issues on NPOs had discussed mainly on the outcomes of person-organization (P-O) fit, person-vocation (P-V) fit, and person-job (P-J) fit, little dwelled upon person-group (P-G) fit and person-person (P-P) fit which are relatively blur areas that are less discussed but worth deeper exploration. The study set its research samples as NPO participants including both volunteers and employees in Taiwan, and established the research framework based on Jansen and Kristof-Brown’s (2006) research covering the foregoing five dimensions of fit, expatiated on the impact of diverse dimensions of P-E fit on affective outcomes by conducting quantitative approach. Research results of this study which can serve as important references to NPOs and their human resource professionals as well as recommendations for future research are provided.Item 探討組織與個人適配度、主管支持與同儕支持對台灣Y世代員工離職傾向之影響(2014) 林妤蓁; Yu-Chen LinY世代在未來將成為主要的工作人口,而Y世代擁有與舊世代十分不同的人格特質,使組織面臨管理及留住這個新世代人才的挑戰。此研究旨在探討影響Y世代高離職傾向的因素,研究架構採用組織與個人適配度為前因,離職傾向為後果,並以主管支持及同儕支持做為調節變項。本研究設計為量化調查研究,樣本為臺灣有工作經驗的Y世代,採便利抽樣,共計回收377份有效線上問卷。研究發現個人與組織適配度對於Y世代離職傾向有負向影響,也就是說,Y世代員工認為與組織適配度越高者,離職傾向越低。主管支持無顯著的調節效果,但對離職傾向有負向的直接影響。最後,同儕支持對於Y世代個人與組織適配度及離職傾向之間的關係有顯著的調節效果。本研究結果對於瞭解臺灣已進入職場Y世代的人口特質、組織適配感受與留才管理具有實務貢獻。