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Item 非營利組織社工員之職場自我效能與學習歷程個案研究-以非相關科系社工員為例(2010) 陳忠偉; Chung-Wei Chen台灣的社工實務持續在各面向追求專業,社會工作是「助人的專業工作」已被認同,社工員也被期許是專業的助人者。當前非營利組織的社工員徵聘條件,普遍明列學歷須是社工相關科系,然而,根據我國內政部及數篇研究指出,實務界仍有大約10~20%的社工員,在成為社工員之前的背景為非社工相關科系。本研究旨在探討非相關科系者,個人在職場中社工自我效能如何建立,及個人的專業知能學習歷程。 本研究以質性取向個案研究法,經立意抽樣選取多位在社工實務職場服務兩年半以上之社工員,以深度訪談方式蒐集研究資料,並蒐集相關文件輔助分析,提高研究的信實度。 本研究發現: 一、助人動機是非相關科系社工員進入社工實務職場的第一要件。 二、非相關科系社工員的社工自我效能感是動態形成。 三、非相關科系社工員的職場學習偏重實際運用。 四、非相關科系社工員的社工自我效能隨著職場經驗累積。 根據研究發現,對社工實務提出四點建議: 一、非營利組織部分,應更多與社工員進行雙向溝通,包括組織使命及個人願景。 二、社工員與主管應共同學習社工管理知能,以拉近雙方對社工助人理想的差距。 三、主管對社工員提出的意見應給予明確的回應和協助,將有助提昇其自我效能。 四、主管應積極自我提昇專業知能,並與社工員共同培養組織整體的學習風氣。Item 高齡者參與志願服務學習之研究(2008) 劉明菁本研究透過探討高齡者參與志願服務的動機、持續參與的因素、參與志願服務的學習內涵以及對個人成長的影響,深入瞭解高齡者參與志願服務之學習歷程。 本研究採質性研究,研究者透過深度訪談及參與觀察搜集各種資料,從數位研究者長期接觸的高齡志願工作者篩選五位參與志願服務工作達10到20年者進行其服務學習的研究,並以其生命故事為訪談與書寫的主軸,其家人和志工夥伴的訪談內容與其他相關資料則作為補充及驗證的參考內容。 最後歸納整理出本研究結論為:高齡志工參與志願服務工作因參與動機多重且兼容並蓄所以其志願服務之目的顯得多元化;宗教信仰是其心靈寄託及持恆參與的動力;高齡志工較能全心全力付出,且其學習內容豐富、學習方式多樣。高齡志工乃藉由正式志工培訓、在職研修、經驗學習、觀察學習及「做中學」的過程實踐「學中覺」,藉由「做中學、學中覺」的體現豐富學習的內涵,並以其無私無我的付出影響親朋好友,因而帶動社區其他居民投入志工行列,促成許多周邊效應成為眾人學習的典範。 根據研究結論,本研究針對高齡志工、其他志工組織及未來研究者分別提出建議。(1)建議高齡志工珍惜學習機會以開展成長空間,並透過反思達到自我實現,作為年輕人的學習典範。(2)建議其他志工組織採柔性管理、鼓勵成員參與決策以凝聚共識,建立健全的培訓制度並與其他單位進行策略聯盟。(3)建議未來研究者針對不同性別的高齡志工再深入探究其差異,取樣年齡可再詳細切割並分階段深入探討。Item 大學新生參與服務-學習課程學習歷程之研究(2010) 阮雋絜; Chun-Chieh Juan本研究旨在探討大學新生參與服務-學習課程之學習歷程,以及影響其學習歷程的重要因素。本研究以某公立綜合型大學九十八學年度入學,修習服務-學習課程的大學新生為研究對象,採用質性研究方法,透過半結構式訪談蒐集資料,並邀請研究參與者提供相關記錄與作業,資料分析運用持續比較法,藉由閱讀與註解資料,發現概念,再分類整理概念形成類別,並進行反面案例的分析,最後聯結類別形成主題;另以資料的三角校正、反面案例分析、研究參與者檢核、厚實描述,以及長期涉入與持續觀察建立研究信實度。 研究結果發現,大學新生參與服務-學習課程的學習歷程,由「不瞭解服務-學習,初始態度影響投入程度」、「初次服務帶來改變,漸漸樂於服務」、「透過服務知能與實作,增進認同與發展」,至「觀點轉換,重新體認服務的意義」;而影響其學習歷程的重要因素包含:「學生投入程度影響學習經驗與成果」、「互動與支持提升服務的動力」、「課程設計與反思方式影響學習成效」,以及「個人與家人的服務經驗影響服務心態」。 最後,本研究分別對大學校院、服務-學習課程設計,以及未來研究提出建議。大學校院方面,建議學校應充分提供教師推動課程的資源,並鼓勵學系積極參與服務-學習課程規劃;服務-學習課程設計方面,建議應強化服務-學習的知能學習,提供直接服務學系的機會,安排多元且具挑戰的服務活動,建構學生反思與回饋的機制,以及加強督導的輔導與指引功能;後續研究方面,建議納入教師、助教和學系相關人員的觀點,並增加多元之研究方法。Item Mobile guide system using problem-solving strategy for museum learning: asequential learning behavioural pattern analysis(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2010-04-01) Sung, Y. T.; Hou, H. T.; Liu, C. K.; Chang, K. E.Mobile devices have been increasingly utilized in informal learning because of their high degree of portability; mobile guide systems (or electronic guidebooks) have also been adopted in museum learning, including those that combine learning strategies and the general audio–visual guide systems. To gain a deeper understanding of the features and limitations of these guide systems in a museum-learning context and also to provide new designs that better guide learners in interacting with peers and exhibitions, in-depth exploration of learners' actual visits and analyses of their behavioural patterns is crucial. This study was based on empirical observation and analysis of the learning behaviours (recorded on video) of 65 elementary-school students who were placed into three groups: mobile guide with problem-solving strategy, audio–visual mobile guide and paper-based learning-sheet guide. By coding and analysing the video and conducting sequential analysis and frequency analysis of learning-related discussion content, behavioural interaction patterns were determined by which the features and limitations of the different types of guides were compared. Among the findings, it was discovered that the students in the problem-solving mobile guide group showed a higher level of two-way interactions with their peers and the exhibits, as well as more learning-related discussions. Relevant suggestions for teachers, researchers and guide-systems developers are also given.Item Mobile guide system using problem-solving strategy for museum learning: A sequential learning behavioral pattern analysis(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010-04-01) Sung, Y. T.; Hou, H. T.; Liu, C. K.; Chang, K. E.Mobile devices have been increasingly utilized in informal learning because of their high degree of portability; mobile guide systems (or electronic guidebooks) have also been adopted in museum learning, including those that combine learning strategies and the general audio–visual guide systems. To gain a deeper understanding of the features and limitations of these guide systems in a museum-learning context and also to provide new designs that better guide learners in interacting with peers and exhibitions, in-depth exploration of learners' actual visits and analyses of their behavioural patterns is crucial. This study was based on empirical observation and analysis of the learning behaviours (recorded on video) of 65 elementary-school students who were placed into three groups: mobile guide with problem-solving strategy, audio–visual mobile guide and paper-based learning-sheet guide. By coding and analysing the video and conducting sequential analysis and frequency analysis of learning-related discussion content, behavioural interaction patterns were determined by which the features and limitations of the different types of guides were compared. Among the findings, it was discovered that the students in the problem-solving mobile guide group showed a higher level of two-way interactions with their peers and the exhibits, as well as more learning-related discussions. Relevant suggestions for teachers, researchers and guide-systems developers are also given.