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台灣的社工實務持續在各面向追求專業,社會工作是「助人的專業工作」已被認同,社工員也被期許是專業的助人者。當前非營利組織的社工員徵聘條件,普遍明列學歷須是社工相關科系,然而,根據我國內政部及數篇研究指出,實務界仍有大約10~20%的社工員,在成為社工員之前的背景為非社工相關科系。本研究旨在探討非相關科系者,個人在職場中社工自我效能如何建立,及個人的專業知能學習歷程。 本研究以質性取向個案研究法,經立意抽樣選取多位在社工實務職場服務兩年半以上之社工員,以深度訪談方式蒐集研究資料,並蒐集相關文件輔助分析,提高研究的信實度。 本研究發現: 一、助人動機是非相關科系社工員進入社工實務職場的第一要件。 二、非相關科系社工員的社工自我效能感是動態形成。 三、非相關科系社工員的職場學習偏重實際運用。 四、非相關科系社工員的社工自我效能隨著職場經驗累積。 根據研究發現,對社工實務提出四點建議: 一、非營利組織部分,應更多與社工員進行雙向溝通,包括組織使命及個人願景。 二、社工員與主管應共同學習社工管理知能,以拉近雙方對社工助人理想的差距。 三、主管對社工員提出的意見應給予明確的回應和協助,將有助提昇其自我效能。 四、主管應積極自我提昇專業知能,並與社工員共同培養組織整體的學習風氣。
Social work has been recognized as professional work for helping people, which enables social workers to be professionals. One of the general criteria for non-profit organizations (NPOs) to recruit social workers is their pre-service background in social work. According to the study funded by Ministry of Interior, about 10 to 20 percents of social workers do not graduate from the departments related to social work. This thesis thus aims at investigating how the non-social-work related graduates develop their self-efficacy in the social work field and enhance their learning of professional skills and knowledge. This study takes the qualitative research approach, adopting the case-study strategy. By means of purposeful sampling, the research participants are social workers with practical working experiences in the field of social work for more than two and half years. The primary data is collected through in-depth interview. Relevant documents are also systematically collected and further analyzed for increasing the credibility of the research. Four major research findings are found in this study. First, motivation of helping others is the most important factor to these research participants to devote themselves to the field of social work practice. Second, the development of their self-efficacy is dynamic. Third, their vocational learning is application-oriented, rather than theory-driven. Forth, their development of self-efficacy increases with their accumulated working experiences. Based on these findings, four suggestions are proposed as below: 1.The NPOs should have mutual communications with social workers. 2.Social workers and their supervisor should both learn social work management. 3.The supervisors should provide social workers with specific feedback and assistance. 4.The supervisors should enhance their professionalism so as to cultivate rich learning culture in the workplace.



社工員, 非社工相關科系, 自我效能, 職場學習, social worker, non-social-work related majors, self-efficacy, learning process





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