Observer-Based Direct Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Control for Anti-lock Braking Systems
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G.-M. Chen
W.-Y. Wang
T.-T. Lee
C.-W. Tao
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In this paper, an observer-based direct adaptive
fuzzy-neural controller (ODAFNC) for an anti-lock
braking system (ABS) is developed under the constraint that only the system output, i.e., the wheel slip
ratio, is measurable. The main control strategy is to
force the wheel slip ratio to well track the optimal
value, which may vary with the environment. The
observer-based output feedback control law and update law for on-line tuning of the weighting factors of
the direct adaptive fuzzy-neural controller are derived. By using the strictly-positive-real (SPR)
Lyapunov theory, the stability of the closed-loop system can be guaranteed. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control
scheme forABS control.