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讚美就像生活中的一種「調味品」,即使沒有讚美依然可以溝通,但如果再加上讚美,生活就會變得更加豐富多彩。因此,本研究旨在對比華語與越語的讚美和回應讚美策略表現的異同之處。本研究著重於研究臺灣和越南人士在不同溝通環境下,包括家庭、教育和職場對前輩的讚美以及回應讚美的方式。本研究主要透過語篇補全測試(Discourse Completion Task, DCT)收集語料。問卷共包含12種情境,其中有6種讚美情境和6種回應讚美情境,共收集了200份有效問卷,受試者為來自臺灣和越南的華語和越語母語者。研究結果顯示,在讚美策略上,臺灣和越南人士之間存在差異,臺灣人傾向於使用直接讚美策略,而越南人則更傾向於使用間接讚美策略。至於回應讚美,兩組受試者在使用回應讚美策略上有相似之處,最常用的策略是「接受」,其次為「迴避」,最少使用的是「拒絕」策略。 此外,臺灣人和越南人在家庭環境中較常使用「直接讚美」策略,而在教育環境中則更傾向於使用「間接讚美」策略。 然而,在職場環境中,兩組的結果完全相反,臺灣人更傾向於在工作環境中使用「直接讚美」策略,而越南人在職場環境中更常使用「間接讚美」策略。最後,本研究也將結果應用於為越籍華語學習者設計適合中級程度的語用學教案,以引導學生學會如何在不同環境下對社會地位不同的對象給予適當的讚美和回應讚美的方式,以期使學習者達成最佳的溝通效果。
Compliment serves as a kind of “seasoning” in life, enhancing communication and enriching experiences, despite being non-essential. Therefore, this study focuses on identifying the similarities and differences in the strategies of complimenting and response to compliments between Mandarin and Vietnamese.Focusing on subjects from Taiwan and Vietnam, this study investigates their compliment and compliment response behaviors in various communication settings, including family, education, and workplace. Data was collected through Discourse Completion Tasks (DCT), encompassing 12 scenarios with equal focus on compliment and compliment response. A total of 200 valid questionnaires were obtained from native speakers of Mandarin and Vietnamese.The findings have revealed differences in compliment strategies between Taiwanese and Vietnamese participants. Taiwanese tend to use direct strategies whereas Vietnamese prefer indirect strategies. In compliment response, they showed similarities, predominantly adopting the “acceptance” strategy, followed by “avoidance”, then “rejection” being the least utilized.Finally, the study applies its findings to develop pragmatic teaching materials for intermediate-level Vietnamese learners of Mandarin. These materials aim to guide students in appropriately giving and responding to compliments across different social contexts and hierarchical relationships, enhancing their overall communicative effectiveness.



讚美, 回應讚美, 華越對比, 言語行為, 語篇補全測試, compliment, compliment response, Mandarin-Vietnamese contrast, speech acts, Discourse Completion Task





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