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本研究旨在探討新北市國小教師生活型態、休閒參與及幸福感的現況及其關係,並分析不同背景變項之教師,其生活型態、休閒參與及幸福感之差異情形。問卷調查以新北市國民小學教師為母群體,採隨機抽樣方式,並以「新北市國小教師生活型態、休閒參與及幸福感關係之研究問卷」,針對新北市24所國小,500位學校教師進行問卷調查,回收率為98%,有效問卷為480份,可用率為96%。所得資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。根據資料分析結果,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、新北市國小教師之整體生活型態、休閒參與為中等程度,而在整體幸福感達中上程度。 二、新北市國小教師之生活型態現況受性別、年齡、職務、婚姻及子女狀況 、服務年資影響而有所差異。 三、新北市國小教師之休閒參與現況受性別、婚姻及子女狀況影響而有所差異。 四、新北市國小教師之幸福感現況受性別、年齡、職務、婚姻及子女狀況 、服務年資影響而有所差異。 五、新北市國小教師之生活型態與休閒參與之間有顯著正相關。 六、新北市國小教師之生活型態與休閒參與對幸福感有顯著之預測力。 七、依據本研究發現與結論,提出下列建議: (一)本研究建議校內成立運動性、知識性或藝術性等屬自我成長學習型之社團,並多鼓勵同仁多參與,讓教職員獲得休閒參與機會。 (二)增加休閒性質的研習活動,促進教師身心健康, 提升教師幸福感。
The purpose of the current research aims to New Taipei City (NTC) elementary schools explore the relationships among Teachers’ life style, leisure participation and sense of well-being, and analyze different background variables of theirs’ lifestyle, leisure participation and sense of well-being of difference in the situation. The survey regards the teachers who serve in public elementary school in NTC as the population, and uses the methods of multi-stage random sampling to sample 24 elementary schools of NTC, 500 school teachers in the survey, the teachers’ lifestyle, leisure participation and sense of well-being on relationships. From the random sampling, the recovery rate of 98%, 480 were valid and Availability factor 96%. The data were descriptive statistics; t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple stepwise regressions and etc. According to the results of data analysis the NTC Elementary schools teachers, several conclusions have been obtained as follows: 1. The whole lifestyle, leisure participation for the middle level, and in the overall sense of well-being of the middle and upper level. 2. The lifestyle status by gender, age, job, marital status and children, the effects of years of service vary. 3. The situation of leisure participation with current by gender, marital status and children then affected varies. 4. The sense of well-being by gender, age, job position, marital status and children also impact of seniority varies. 5. The lifestyle and leisure have a significant positive correlation between participation. 6. Sense of well-being as regard to lifestyle and leisure participation is significant predictability. 7. The following recommendations are offered based on the findings and conclusion of the research: (1) This research suggests that school internal was established sports, such as knowledge or artistic growth is self-learning of the community, and many more to encourage colleagues to participate, the opportunity for staff to access to leisure participation. (2) Increase in leisure of learning activities to promote physical and mental health of teachers, to enhance teachers' sense of well-being.



國小教師, 生活型態, 休閒參與, 幸福感, NTC Elementary school teacher, Lifestyle, Leisure Participation, Sense of well-being





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